Baby Steps

Will he ever know?
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Hani’s POV:

“And so, that’s pretty much what we covered for history so far. Anything else you want me to explain before we wrap things up now?” We were sitting in the library, where is usually it’s the most deserted after 3, typical students rather go out and party while others study at home at the comfort of their sofas and beds.

“Ah, I guess I’m good. It seems okay when you explain it, makes things sound easier to understand. Thanks Hani-ah.” Daehyun thanked me, and the both of us started packing up after 2 hours or gruesome catching up on History. I hate History, but not to the extent of me failing it of course. Just that, the subject makes me drowsy, and sees no intention of using it as for future references. Seriously, Hitler?

Daehyun offered to walk me home, and considering it was already late, I wouldn’t want to burden the guy, not to mention I barely know the guy. “It’s okay Hani-ah, I ride a Vespa, so we could save up time walk.” He winked at me, and offered to carry my books I couldn’t fit into my bag. What a sweet guy. I guess a ride back home isn’t so bad if a guy like Daehyun comes along.

Just as we headed into the lot, someone pulled my arm. I looked back to see Sehun, smiling like he had seen Barney in front of him.

“Hani-ah, you’re still here! Let’s go home together! I want to come over again! Could I sleep over instead? I could tuck in with Luhan hyung! Just like old times! Need to discuss project matters.” He jumped and pulled me away almost immediately.

“But Sehun-ah, Daehyun is taking me home, I couldn’t just leave him alone without telling him” I said, and tried pulling away, but no to avail.

“Okay, hold on then. DAEHYUN-AH! I’M TAKING HANI HOME, SO YOU COULD SCOOT AWAY NOW!” Sehun shouted towards Daehyun’s direction. I saw Daehyun turned towards us and nodded as if he got the message, but before I could register it, Sehun wraps his arms around my neck and started walk towards the school gates.

“So, what shall we watch tonight with Luhan hyung? Hunger Games? OH, I KNOW! I KNOW! We could watch Mean Girls! Like, OMG! Lindsay Lohan was like totally gorge in that chick flick” Sehun imitated a cocky girl, somewhat like Hana, and did the thing where his hair flips like Justin Bieber.


“Hung out with Hana that much?” He nodded and pouted at the same time. If only he was any cuter.

“She makes me listen to all her rants and bashes about the other girls, about how nerdy they are or how ty, when she’s the biggest of them all!” Sehun exclaimed.

I could only laugh, and listen to his complaining all the way back home. He may be Kai’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean he would also like his girlfriend right? I’m glad he didn’t, cause I don’t like her which causes my amusement to hear him complain more about her ty ways.

“Oh, back already?” We averted our eyes to the front door to find Luhan oppa, looking slightly better than this morning. Sehun bowed while I took off my shoes and placed both our shoes outside before heading inside together.

“Oppa, could Sehun stay over tonight? He said he wanted to work on our project, and scared we might not progress fast because of basketball cup coming up and me tutoring almost everyday after school, even taking up my Saturdays I promised Sehun we’d do our project.” I explain briefly to oppa.

“I guess it’s okay, but I got a cold, so Sehun, it’s either the sofa, or the sleeping bag beside my bed tonight.” Luhan answered, and went off to make hot cocoa for the three of them.


Author’s POV:<

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Gonna update tonight! Keep an eye out for the next part of the project! /still is brainstorming/


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MinnieChen #1
Chapter 17: Please update soon~~~^_^
minniscule #2
Chapter 17: Ahhh! Kai's always there for her. <3
choi_hyeonji #3
Chapter 16: aishh that Hana (*- .-)a
I wanna burn her alive kkkk kidding
Wonder what sehun will do with his video
Cant wait to read the next chappie
Author hwaiting p(^0^)q
Chapter 16: Really love Luhan in this story!
He's sooooo kind! I wanna be his sister! Pleathhhhhhhh?? XD
Chapter 15: I want a picture with sehun and kai too! kkk :D it was a nice update but looking forward for more KaNi moments <3
choi_hyeonji #6
Chapter 15: heh? no next button already?
Wah this story is hipnotized me
this story is awesome and has itd own way to take my heart (?)
Anyway i haven't hit the sub button
But sure gonna do after post this comment
Well update it soon
Chapter 13: happy birhtday^^ >3<
Chapter 11: omg!!!im just crying because laughing so hard!!!tht luhan's gif XD >3< kyaa!!tht was damn cute!!^^
Chapter 15: LOL. The Chanyeol & D.O's picture ith thooo Punnehh! XDD
Haha . In love with me ? Kyaaaa . Hahaha .