Chapter 16

Living Under the Same Roof with a Jock

Hyosung felt all giddy inside as the thoughts ran through her head. Oh my god, they haven’t forgotten about me. They actually remember me. And now they’re calling me over!
She nodded her in acceptance of the invitation to come over and starting making her way over, not feeling as self conscious of the eyes on her any longer.
Once the room was somewhat full and the minute hand hit 6 on the clock, a teacher wearing a black and gray striped suit walked in with a suitcase in hand causing the light chatting amongst the several students who already knew each other to die down. He came to a stop in front of the classroom and the students peered at him curiously. He was wearing glasses and had some facial hair. Hyosung’s best guess was that he was either in his late 20s or early 30s.
“Good morning class, the name is Mr. Kimble,” he already managed to grab a piece of white chalk  and was writing away on the chalkboard with slight squeaks. People strained their necks a little to view the spelling in front of Hyosung.
“But you can just call me Hyo,” he gave the students a sweet smile and everyone nodded in return.
He didn’t really go all that tough on that students since it was the first day. Instead, he spoke about how the competitions that they’d attend would work and the way the lesson plans were structured. Once he felt that the kids in the room got a gist of what would happen, he let them have a break and talk for a while since they probably needed it after such a long day at school, and now an extension of math.
Hyosung was smiling all over in her mind, glad that the teacher was so nice and considerate, and it seemed that the other kids seemed pretty modest and nice as well. They were nowhere near as rude as his Kikwang and his gang of friends who would always shout out rude comments during the middle of class. How obnoxious of them... She tsk tsked in her head.
“So Hyosung, you excited about competitions?” Jonghyun started up a conversation. She turned her head to find the two of her friends looking at her intently.
“Uh yeah... I me- ean, it’s a good way to put my math skills to work and it’ll be even funner in a competition,” she started off stuttering but ended up feeling more confident when she saw the way Dara and Jonghyun held onto her every word. They’re actually not bored of what I’m saying!
“Yeah, I so agree with Hyo. I mean, math competitions are so much funner then math tests,” Sandara Chipped in. Omo, did she just called me HYO?! She couldn’t help but look down at her desk in happiness. It’s been only a short time that we’ve known each other, yet she’s already addressing me as a close buddy in a way... Hyo, she smiled at her new shortened nickname even though it wasn’t much to spazz about.
“Ha ha, yeah. Even better if we kick some in these things” Someone else chipped in with a chuckle from the side. The three bonding friend’s eyes turned to the person who said this. It was a slim boy who looked about their age. Hyosung felt her heart drop at how gorgeous he was. His smiling eyes looked so inviting and beautiful...
He seemed to be a little nervous, as if scared that he wouldn’t gained acceptance at his self invitation into the conversation.
However, that all changed into relief when Jonghyun responded with a friendly attitude to him, “Yep!. You think there’s a chance we’ll win any?”
The boy looked around the room. “Yeah, why not? With all these intelligent people who actually want to do math for fun, sure we can!” he started to look more comfortable around them which reminded Hyosung of herself - the way she was really shy at first around them but then the ice started breaking.
“I like your way of thinking. I hope we win though... Fighting!” Dara raised her fists up in such a cute way that made Hyosung smile. The boys smiled as well and put their fists up in the air. Hyosung could watch them all day as entertainment. She was a er for smiling, cheesy, people.
“So what would your name be?” Jonghyun questioned the boy with smiling eyes.
“Uh...It’s Kevin Woo,” he said as if he had forgotten his name for a second.
“Ooh, Kevin. It sounds so... American!” Dara commented giddily.
Kevin chuckled in return, “I guess, I guess it was because I was born in America?”
“Omo, you were?!” Dara and Kevin seemed to be hitting it off well.
“Yeah... But then I moved to Korea during the middle of freshman year so I’m sort of a new kid at this school...”
“Oh, maybe that’s why I haven’t seen you that much...” Jonghyun thoughtfully said.
“For an American kid... Your Korean is really good!” Dara complimented.
Kevin chuckled at this, “Yeah, well I was raised by Korean parents you know,” he teased.
“Hey... You probably know english as well right?” Jonghyun asked.
“Yeah, of course! Why? Do you wanna hear me speak some?”
“It’s as if you read my mind,”
“So what do you want me to say?”
“I dunno...”
“Introduce yourself in English!” Dara challenged him.
Kevin gave out a little chuckle. “Sure,” and then with a lovely english accent paired up with a sweet voice, the words came out fluently, “Hello there, my name is Kevin Woo and I’m a sixteen year old from California,” he ended with flashing a sweet smile. His cheeks went up in the process making him look like like an adorable little kid.
The amazement Dara felt at how beautifully he said that was reflected on Dara’s and Jonghyun’s faces when she  glanced at them for their reactions.
Dara gave a little clap and Jonghyun gave him props, “That was nice man!” A little smack could be heard as they smacked the palm of their hands with a high five.
“So anyways, time to introduce ourselves.... But it’ll be in Korean this time. I’m 16 year old Kim Jonghyun. This my long time friend, SanDara,” he jerked his head at her direction, who greeted him with a handshake. Kevin’s eyes followed and then Hyosung felt herself caught by surprise when Jonghyun suddenly gestured at her, “And this is the lovely Hyosung that we’ve just met but she’s really nice,” Kevin’s eyes fell on her and Hyosung tried to quickly hide her sudden surprise before he noticed.
“Hi... Nice to meet you,” Hyosung greeted out of politeness, failing to enhance her voice to at least normality. She felt sort of awkward under his analyzing eyes.
“Nice to meet you too Hyosung,” he responded back making her feel a little better. She loved how sweet he made her name sound.
It felt like they barely started to actually talk when Mr. Kimble decided to stop them in their conversations.
“I’m glad to see you guys are getting to know each other but I hope that you can bring your full attention back to the board,” he gestured behind him. There were directions written in white chalk that instructed them to fill in their personal contact information on the papers that he would pass out.
Once they were done, they were free to go and everyone started filing out one by one. Before Hyosung even stepped out the door, Jonghyun stopped her, Dara and Kevin to propose an idea, “Hey guys... I know it’s kinda late but want to go get some frappes to drink or something?” ‘Omo, now I’m being invited to hang together with them outside of school as well?!’ Hyosung thought with excitement.

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Update soon :((
Chapter 4: hey this story is like playful kiss
Chapter 18: Hoho looked like someone's jealous :D Update soon! <3
This is such a great story! Ahh, please update it, pretty please :) Jealous Kikwang is the best haha
SONErox #5
Chapter 18: Update soon<3<3<3
it's so interesting!
piatoot #6
Chapter 18: please update its getting exiting!!!! pleaasee..
Chapter 18: why have u not up dated !!!!!! its too good not to up date !!!! kikwang getting jealous heheheh