Chapter 9

Two Worlds Collide

Lucy's POV

I picked out a blue dress for Dae Yang when we were shopping. I worried about her that morning, she woke up in a cold sweat, her eyes filled with fear, and I swore that the room felt a little colder. After we started shopping, she looked a bit better.

I gave her the dress to try on and when she came out, she looked absolutely stunning. I motioned for her to spin around and she did, blushing slightly. As she was turning, I saw a black mark on her lower back.

"Wait! Turn around..." I said suspiciously.

She turned around again and my eyes widened.

"What is that?" I asked.

"What's what?" She replied curiously.

Your POV

I went to the mirror and check what was so intriguing to her. I turned and peered at my lower back. It was the mark that everyone on EXO Planet has; it represented your specific power with a symbol that was unique to it. 

"Quick, come up with an excuse... Ummm..." I though.

"Oh that! It's just a tattoo that I got since I thought it looked cool." I replied, looking straight at her and hoping that she would believe me. The less she knew, the better. But I knew that I had to tell her eventually.

"Oh, cool! My parents would never let me get a tattoo... But that looks really pretty!" She smiled at me and I knew that she was fooled. Sorry Lucy, you'll know later.

"Haha it's okay. Now, let's find a dress for you!" I said quickly, hoping to get away from this topic.

"Yahh, okay! Hurry and change!" She said, waiting at the changeroom entrance.

I walked back into the changeroom, and changed out of the dress, and back into more comfortable clothes. When I got out of the room, Lucy was there waiting for me and we went to look for a dress for her. 

To be honest, I didn't know much about dresses so I went around picking one that looked semi-decent. I ended up picking two that caught my eye. One was a red strapless dress that was short and sparkly, the other was a long white dress with two straps and a black belt. The part above the black belt was embroidered and had clear sequins that twinkled in the light.

I brought the two dresses over to Lucy who immediately refused to try on the red dress, claiming that it was for "strippers". She took the white dress to the changeroom however and I waited outside. While I was waiting, a boy aged about twenty two human years came up to me.

"Did it hurt?" He asked me, with a glint in his eyes.

"Uh... Did what hurt?" I replied curiously. Did I have a scratch or a bruise on me? I looked quickly at my arms and legs, seeing nothing.

"When you fell from heaven." Okay, humans make no sense.

"Um no, I believe I would be dead if I fell from that high up." I replied, scrunching my eyebrows together.

"Haha you're funny." The guy laughed to my surprise. I didn't get how that was funny...

"Mind giving me your number?" The guy continued, an ugly smirk on his face.

"My number for what?" I asked, confused.

The mysterious guy just continued to laugh and go on with his weird way of talking.

"Hey, my name is Sung Ha, but you can call me tonight," he pressed a small piece of paper into my hand.

"Oh hello Tonight, it's nice to meet you," I half-heartedly smiled, hoping he would go away.

I saw Lucy walk out of the changeroom and the guy quickly left, whispering "Call me."

"Who was that?" Lucy asked, cocking her head to the side.

"His name was Sung Ha, but he said I could call him Tonight. He gave me this piece of paper," I held out the piece of paper for her to see.

"This is a phone number, silly! Was he hot?" she asked, trying to see where he went.

"Uh, I didn't ask what his temperature was... Should I have?" I wondered out loud.

"You're very odd, Dae Yang."

"Oh, sorry," I apologized.

"It's okay. I still love you," Lucy smiled, looking at herself in the mirror.

"You should buy it," I stated, noticing how much she was enjoying wearing the dress.

"But, I have no use for it," she replied, heading back into the changeroom.

"Don't you use it to wear?" I asked her.

"Well, yes. But I meant I don't have anywhere to wear it."

"Uh... okay," I said, confused by what she was saying.

"I'm going to go and change now. What do you want to do after?" Lucy asked, heading towards the changeroom.

"Um... I don't know," I shrugged, knowing very well that she couldn't see.

"Well, I'm kind of hungry. Do you want to go eat something?" she asked, walking out of the changeroom and putting the dress back onto the rack.


"Hooray! Let's go!" Lucy cheered, pulling me out of the store.

We went into a small store, that smelled amazing. It was filled with what Lucy called 'pastries'. They were so good! Coffee tasted bad, though, even after I put cream and sugar into it.

Afterwards, we 'shopped' some more, going into the few stores that we hadn't been into yet. We went back to Lucy's home and then ate more food.


"Oh, it's still early... 6:30... Dae Yang, do you want to go for a walk with me?" Lucy asked, after we had finished washing the dishes.

I had thought about it, but I thought that I should probably call Kai or someone.

"Er... No, it's alright. I think I'm tired, so I'll stay in," I smiled.

"Alright, well. I'll be back soon!" she called to me from the front door.

"Be safe!" I yelled back, calling for my holophone as soon as I was sure she couldn't hear me.


Wow it's been a super long time. :((( I'm sorry, but to be honest, we've let this story go BUT I had inspiration to start it again and I will bother my friend until she starts it with me hehe >:)) We did have tons of ideas for this, but we've gotten lazy and school has gotten worse. This update was waaaay overdue but I really hope you guys will continue reading it! This is the shortest update known to man but it's a filler I guess :3 I love you guys <3

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Chapter 13: kai better end up with lucy
Chapter 12: I wonder how will they keep this secret from baekhyun?
Chapter 11: new subbie and i guess baekhyun is an exotic too but forgot about it? and baekhyun fell for daeyang and she betrayed/hurt him with his feelings i guess
Chapter 9: I like the way you wrote the dialogue :))
taegang98 #5
Chapter 7: @Cloudsungie, @fangirl4life, I TRIED BUBBLE TEA AND ITS DELICIOUS jdfkjhkjdf

xD, I tried the melon flavored and it was really good, and the little "bubbles" at the bottom (I dont know the name xD) have a funny texture but they are so sweet *O* anyway, I will be forever waiting for this story
fangirl4life #7
could it? I don't know xD
gosh, we were trying to get this picture for visuals for the next chapter, but we cant seem to get it to the right format. its quite frustrating.
omo that dream, could it be what I think? bacon appearing in her dreams?


@Cloudsungie, I promise I'll try it (but there is only one place in my country where they sell bubble tea T.T)

@fangirl4life HI!!! LOL

I want to try all the flavors LOL
fangirl4life #9