Chapter 13

Two Worlds Collide

I've always wondered what it would be like to create life. Feeling a sense of pride, excitement, joy, even love? But when you fall that much deeper, you land so much harder. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be perfect.

But then the question became Nature vs. Nurture?

It wasn't an easy choice. It tore my heart apart. And then having to live with it everyday?

Seeing it reflected wherever you go?

Purposely stirring the pot, hoping that information would come flowing out.

It never worked. I've lost too much and she was my last chance.

I never knew.

Hope was there, but it was growing faint and it was like trying to capture the last glimpses of a sunset.

Glowing brightly, but barely there.

It may disappear altogether one day, yet sunsets always exist. And so will this hope.

Your POV

I woke up, my back aching. I sat up, dazed, and wondered why I was sleeping in such an awkward position. I looked over and saw Lucy curled up on her side, sleeping peacefully. I rubbed my eyes and saw the glint of sunlight off my holophone and smiled at the memory.

Last night, Lucy basically found out about my mission, but she took it really well, for a human that is. Somehow, Kai got brought into the conversation and we all spent time talking. I still can't believe Lucy aww'ed at him though! He was not cute, no matter how much she insisted.

I stretched, hoping to get rid of the ache in my lower back. I carefully brought the blanket up over Lucy's shoulders, before heading to the washroom. I washed my face, and put on a loose t-shirt and leggings before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. I entered the kitchen, glancing at the digital clock that read 9:34am. Too early, but too late to sleep again.

I started making some coffee, a drink that I learned was very bitter but kept you awake. Even though it tasted disgusting, it could taste nice with sugar and milk. As the coffee was brewing, I sat down at the table, flipping through some magazines.

The sound of a door opening down the hall caught my attention. I looked up to see Baekhyun walking out of his room wearing plaid pyjama pants and a grey wifebeater.

He yawned and paused slightly when he saw me at the table.

"Good morning," He smiled brightly.

"Good morning." I replied, looking up with a smile.

He inhaled deeply before sitting down across from me.

"It smells really nice. I love the smell of coffee." He said, resting his forearms on the table. I nodded in agreement. How could something so bitter smell so pleasant?

"Did you sleep well?" I put down my magazine, looking at him.

"I did, but it'd be better if you were with me." He smirked, leaning back in his chair.

I rolled my eyes. I think I was getting used to these "pick-up" lines.

"I have a feeling you're not always like this though." I mused, watching the amusement in his eyes fade.

"What do you mean?" Baekhyun challenged, crossing his arms.

"I feel like you're actually really nice." I said, raising an eyebrow at his defensiveness.

"Well... Can I be honest?" He said sheepishly, scratching his neck, all pretenses of teasing gone.

I motioned for him to continue.

"It's just a defense mechanism, I don't know why. I don't know what to say, but then things just come out without me meaning them to, so I guess you're right." He shrugged. "I actually have no idea why I just told you that, but I have a feeling we're going to be good friends." He smiled genuinely.

"Likewise." I smiled, holding out a hand to shake. He took my hand, but as we made contact, I felt a tingle run up my arm.

I pulled away quickly and got up to check on the coffee that was just about done, thankfully.

"Good morning, guys!" Lucy exclaimed loudly, bounding into the kitchen.

"Hey!" I greeted her cheerfully, while Baekhyun gave her a quick hug.

"Can we go swimming today?" She asked, running over to me and pleading with her eyes.

"Uh, sure? But I don't have a swimsuit." I said, smiling sheepishly.

"Ugh, don't you swim back on your home planet." She whispered quietly before winking.

"Okay, let's go shopping!" She squealed excitedly. Baekhyun and I shared amused looks.

"I kinda need to buy some too, so we can all go." Baekhyun suggested, walking over to grab a cup of coffee.

"It's settled, we're shopping!"

Cloudsungie: OKAY SUPER HALF-ASSED UPDATE I'M SO SORRY GUYS. This is kinda like part 1 of the update but I'm really tired right now but feel free to shoot me with whatever because I'm really bad with keeping up with this story ):
fangirl4life is really sorry too, but it's kinda at a slow part at the story, but we hope you guys will like what's coming! Shirtless Baekhyun for one cause swimming ya know ;D Love you guys! And for those who actually stick around, I throw shirtless EXO at you <3


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Chapter 13: kai better end up with lucy
Chapter 12: I wonder how will they keep this secret from baekhyun?
Chapter 11: new subbie and i guess baekhyun is an exotic too but forgot about it? and baekhyun fell for daeyang and she betrayed/hurt him with his feelings i guess
Chapter 9: I like the way you wrote the dialogue :))
taegang98 #5
Chapter 7: @Cloudsungie, @fangirl4life, I TRIED BUBBLE TEA AND ITS DELICIOUS jdfkjhkjdf

xD, I tried the melon flavored and it was really good, and the little "bubbles" at the bottom (I dont know the name xD) have a funny texture but they are so sweet *O* anyway, I will be forever waiting for this story
fangirl4life #7
could it? I don't know xD
gosh, we were trying to get this picture for visuals for the next chapter, but we cant seem to get it to the right format. its quite frustrating.
omo that dream, could it be what I think? bacon appearing in her dreams?


@Cloudsungie, I promise I'll try it (but there is only one place in my country where they sell bubble tea T.T)

@fangirl4life HI!!! LOL

I want to try all the flavors LOL
fangirl4life #9