Chapter 7

Two Worlds Collide

Kai’s POV

She hadn’t even been gone for a day, and I already missed her. Don’t get me wrong, I have other friends, but Dae Yang was my best friend. I paced back and forth, not knowing what to do with all the spare time I now had, since I would use all my free time teasing her.

“Kai! Kai! Pick up! It’s me Dae Yang! Kai! Kai! Pick up!” my holophone sang Dae Yang’s recorded ringtone.

I eagerly ran to my holophone, answering the call.

“Kai!” she screamed happily, smiling like an idiot.

“Hi to you, too,” I laughed.

“I miss you already!” she exclaimed, picking up a weird looking drink.

“Dae Yang, what the heck is that?” I asked, staring suspiciously at the container filled with orange liquid.

“It’s what humans call ‘bubble tea’ and it’s really good! It has these— well I ate them all, but there are these little black balls and they’re all squishy and weird but they’re so yummy and— whee! Earth is so fun, you know? Kai, you should really come,” she rambled on.

“What’s in that drink? You’re acting very crazy. It’s not like you, but I like it,” I laughed.

“Mm,” she drank some more of her bubble tea. “High sugar level,” she said, almost choking on her drink.

“Where ar—”

“Oh! I have to go!” her eyes widened and she hung up.

Your POV

I was talking happily to Kai and I felt energized, full of sugar from the bubble tea no doubt. I felt like I could run for miles. I was telling him how awesome bubble tea was, when I heard the front door open. 

"Oh! I have to go!" I said as my eyes widened and I turned the holophone off and put it in my bag. I turned in my chair to see Lucy walk in.

"The grocery store is closed... I wanted to make you something nice but I guess we'll have to stick with ramen, is that okay?" She asked as she took off her shoes.

"Yeah, that's fine." I smiled at her as she walked to the counter, picking up her drink.

"Alright!  Sorry if this sounds a little sneaky, but... Can I see your clothes?" She jumped up and down excitedly and I smiled; she reminded me of a little bunny.

"Haha, sure." I stood up and we walked to my guestroom. I sat down on the bed as she leaned down over my suitcase and ped it. I was playing with the hem of my shirt when I suddenly heard a giggle.

I looked over curiously. "What's so funny Lucy?"

"Umm, well your boyfriend left a note for you and took your clothes. Well, everything except for your black outfit" She giggled, gesturing to my training outfit. She then showed me the note.

Boo! Guess you didn't see that coming, eh? Haha hope you're having a fun time and staying safe! Don't kill me Dae. 

Love, Kai ♥

My eyes widened. A million thoughts ran through my head and I had to say, a lot of them involved doing something violent to Kai for taking all my clothes. ARGH.

"Oh, um, no he is NOT my boyfriend, just a friend. A really annoying friend..." I said, smiling slightly.

Lucy laughed and stretched her arms above her head.

"Well, seems like you have no clothes... Let's go shopping tomorrow then!" She said excitedly.


"Uh, sure!" I said, a bit unsure. What is shopping? I guess I'll just see tomorrow.

"Yaay!" She jumped up excitedly.

I smiled, it seemed like the smallest thing would make her happy.

We then went to the kitchen where she taught me how to cook ramen. She seemed really surprised when I told her that I didn't know how to make it.

After dinner and taking a long shower. We talked a bit and I learned that she went to Incheon University, she studies life sciences, her birthday is March 14th, her favourite colour is sapphire blue, turquoise, gold, and purple, and her favourite food is sushi. We then went to our separate rooms and I fell asleep immediately, tired from my long journey and grateful that I had met nice people.

Cloudsungie's Comment:

LOL okay, ^my thing sounds weird, but that's what I'll call it from now on. It'll be like my author's note name :) Fangirl4life wrote the first bit and then I continued~ Well, this might be the last update for a little bit and I hope that you guys liked this update! Sorry these updates are really short!

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Chapter 13: kai better end up with lucy
Chapter 12: I wonder how will they keep this secret from baekhyun?
Chapter 11: new subbie and i guess baekhyun is an exotic too but forgot about it? and baekhyun fell for daeyang and she betrayed/hurt him with his feelings i guess
Chapter 9: I like the way you wrote the dialogue :))
taegang98 #5
Chapter 7: @Cloudsungie, @fangirl4life, I TRIED BUBBLE TEA AND ITS DELICIOUS jdfkjhkjdf

xD, I tried the melon flavored and it was really good, and the little "bubbles" at the bottom (I dont know the name xD) have a funny texture but they are so sweet *O* anyway, I will be forever waiting for this story
fangirl4life #7
could it? I don't know xD
gosh, we were trying to get this picture for visuals for the next chapter, but we cant seem to get it to the right format. its quite frustrating.
omo that dream, could it be what I think? bacon appearing in her dreams?


@Cloudsungie, I promise I'll try it (but there is only one place in my country where they sell bubble tea T.T)

@fangirl4life HI!!! LOL

I want to try all the flavors LOL
fangirl4life #9