Chapter 6

Two Worlds Collide

Your POV

And then I was there. In the middle of a sidewalk, mindlessly standing as people walked by me. What the heck do I do now?

I started to walk around. After a few hours in Earth time, I decided I had no freaking clue what I was doing. I tried to find a private place where I could use my holophone, but there was no place for me to go nearby. I tried to casually sneak away into a narrow alleyway, but someone caught my wrist.

"Uh, what are you doing?" a girl asked. She was good-looking for a human girl. Her hair went past her shoulders, and it was slightly wavy. She was slightly taller than me, and she wore a friendly face, one that I couldn't not answer to.

"I was, uh... trying to call home," I said, telling part of the truth.

"Well, there are no phones there! Where do you live?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm not from here," I replied, again only telling her part of the truth.

"Well, do you have somewhere to stay?" she asked, sounding concerned.

"Oh uhm, well no but—"

"Come stay at my house!" she said a little too enthusiastically. I honestly wondered for that moment if she was going to take me prisoner or something.

"Oh, that's quite— Well I... my name is Dae Yang," I sighed happily, in defeat, but also of gratitude. I made a mental note to put down that some humans were very kind.

"Oh, right! Names! Well, nice to meet you. Lee Je Ri-imnida, but you can call me by my English name. Lucy," she smiled, as she started to pull me along.

I smiled to myself, glad that I had a place to stay. But I still needed to call home on my holophone.

After a few comfortable minutes passed, we arrived in front of an apartment that looked warm and cosy.

"Are you sure your parents won't mind me staying here?" I asked nervously. The last thing I wanted to do was to cause trouble.

Her eyes looked sad for a moment but then she smiled brightly.

"Oh, don't worry, my parents are in Canada! I came to Korea to study and they didn't want to move, so I stay in the apartment alone." She said a bit wistfully. She smiled again and pulled me into the apartment, waving to the front desk worker, a middle-aged woman with a friendly smile.

We took the elevator up to the 12th floor and the elevator doors opened up to a long hallway. She led me to the door to her apartment, number 1215. She unlocked the door and opened it to a really nicely decorated apartment.


The living room was painted white with white furniture. To the right, there was the kitchen and to the left of the living room, there was another small hallway leading to 2 bedrooms and a bathroom.

She held her arms out in a Ta-da! motion and I smiled at her. This apartment was really nice and it had a warmth to it that I hadn't felt since I left EXO planet. She led me to the kitchen and asked me what I would like to drink. I didn't know what humans drank, so I asked her.

"Umm, what do you have?"

She pondered for a moment before replying. 

"I have water, milk, orange juice, pop, and ooh! I just got a bubble tea maker!" She said excitedly.

I had no idea what the heck bubble tea was but I decided to try.

"Um, could I have some bubble tea?" I asked politely.

"Sure! I only have mango flavour though, is that okay?" She said, getting the ingredients to make the drink. I nodded in reply and she set to work.

"While you're waiting, you can put your stuff down in your guest bedroom." She said, gesturing to my luggage. I smiled back and picked up my suitcase and walked in the direction of the rooms. I passed by the first bedroom; the walls were painted a pale blue with posters all over the wall. The bed had stuffed animals on it and I smiled as I continued walking. I arrived at my guest bedroom; the walls were painted a pale green, the bed covers a beige colour, and there was a desk with a device on it. Err, what do they call that? Oh right, a computer.

I set my luggage down and walked back to the kitchen. There were two cups ready on the counter, with an orange liquid in them and black balls at the bottom. I now slightly regretted picking this drink. Lucy, however, picked up the drink and starting drinking with a straw. She made a noise of appreciation and gestured for me to sit down.

I sat on the chair and picked up the drink cautiously. It did smell really good though. I took a sip and my mouth exploded with the flavour of mango. I then felt something weird in my mouth and knew that it was the black ball. I chewed it and I tasted its sweet flavour. I knew immediately that this would be my favourite drink.

"Oh shoot! I have to go grocery shopping, I forgot! I was going to today but then I met you and I guess I forgot... I'll be back in an hour. You can go on the computer, watch TV, anything really." Lucy said, smiling and went to go grab her bag.

"Alright, bye Lucy!" I yelled and I heard the front door close.

Well, at least I could call EXO on my holophone now. I pulled out my phone as I drank the delicious bubble tea.

Author's note:
Hi guys! This is Cloudsungie :) Fangirl4life is on a hiatus right now since she's busy studying for exams and I am too, but I wanted to leave you guys with one last update. Hopefully, I can update once more but we'll definitely be back in 2 or 3 weeks! I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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Chapter 13: kai better end up with lucy
Chapter 12: I wonder how will they keep this secret from baekhyun?
Chapter 11: new subbie and i guess baekhyun is an exotic too but forgot about it? and baekhyun fell for daeyang and she betrayed/hurt him with his feelings i guess
Chapter 9: I like the way you wrote the dialogue :))
taegang98 #5
Chapter 7: @Cloudsungie, @fangirl4life, I TRIED BUBBLE TEA AND ITS DELICIOUS jdfkjhkjdf

xD, I tried the melon flavored and it was really good, and the little "bubbles" at the bottom (I dont know the name xD) have a funny texture but they are so sweet *O* anyway, I will be forever waiting for this story
fangirl4life #7
could it? I don't know xD
gosh, we were trying to get this picture for visuals for the next chapter, but we cant seem to get it to the right format. its quite frustrating.
omo that dream, could it be what I think? bacon appearing in her dreams?


@Cloudsungie, I promise I'll try it (but there is only one place in my country where they sell bubble tea T.T)

@fangirl4life HI!!! LOL

I want to try all the flavors LOL
fangirl4life #9