Chapter 10

Two Worlds Collide

Kai's POV

"Ah..." I sighed, getting out of bed. I had just woken up from my nap, when I heard Daeyang's trademark ringtone.

"Oppa!" she smiled, waving happily.

"Ugh," I pretended to gag. "Too much adorable."

"How was school today?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. She had never done that before...

"What's this?" I asked, imitating her position. I really didn't understand how she could be so unaware of the way she affected people.

"Hm, oh. Lucy does this a lot. I guess I've developed a habit," she laughed.

And then I realized that I had never even met this 'Lucy' person. I wonder what she looked like, why she was letting Dae stay with her. I guess it was fine, since Daeyang was okay, right?

"Dae, what does Lucy look like?"

"Oh, she's really nice. And she looks... human, I guess. She has black, wavy hair that goes up to here," she said, gesturing to her shoulder area. "She has skin like yours, it's tan. And perfect, like everyone on EXO. But she wears these things called 'contacts' sometimes... She even has ones that change the colour of her eyes!"

"Contacts?" I asked, thinking that they were just the people that you saved into your holophone.

"Yeah, they're these clear little things, and you stick them in your eye, like this," she said, bringing her finger close to her eye.

"Daeyang, don't do that!" I said, a little louder than I had wanted to.


"I don't know... Is that safe?" I asked, concern lacing my tone slightly.

"Hm. Maybe I won't then," she smiled at me. "You still haven't told me how school was!"

"Oh right, well you know. It's definitely not the same without you. I teleport lonely."

"That last sentence didn't even make sense!" she giggled, and the bubbly tone of her laughter rang clearly through the speakers and in my head.

We talked about how she was doing on Earth for a while, until her friend Lucy came back and she had to leave.

I didn't realize how much I could miss one person after being away from her for a little while. I didn't even know how long she'd be gone. I guess I was so used to having her with me all the time, that I never thought about what she was doing, if she was okay, if she was being safe. I missed her like crazy. And then I wondered... Did I maybe... have more than just friendly feelings for her?

No way.

She was my best friend, and nothing more. I mean sure, I flirted with her sometimes and called her babe... but I was only joking. I mean, I hit on anything that moves, it's just how I am. I never thought of Daeyang that way. At least, not until then.

I spent the whole night awake, thinking about her, trying to sort out my feelings. Or maybe I was trying to convince myself that they weren't real.



Hate me guys. Hate me with the intense burning passion of endless fires. I'm horrible, and Cloudsungie should be praised for convincing me to write. For the people that actually read this, and continue to support us, even though we die for a long time, thank you so much. School is actually being horrible to the both of us right now, and I really shouldn't be on here. But it's nice to get comments from you guys. It really makes me so happy, and I wish I could meet like the... tens? of you that subscribe still. STAY TUNED WE WILL TRY AND UPDATE SOONER. I'M BAD. BUT I LOVE YOU GUYS OKAY, REALLY.

On a side note... GUYS A BOY LIKES ME. I have endless feels for this boy okay. HE MAKES MY SHIMJANG GO DUGEUN DUGEUN EVERYDAY. So basically, sometimes I'll just write off of my endless disgusting feels.

^^^they're actually so cute together, trust meee (; Hehe first hand views on this <3 - Cloudsungie

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Chapter 13: kai better end up with lucy
Chapter 12: I wonder how will they keep this secret from baekhyun?
Chapter 11: new subbie and i guess baekhyun is an exotic too but forgot about it? and baekhyun fell for daeyang and she betrayed/hurt him with his feelings i guess
Chapter 9: I like the way you wrote the dialogue :))
taegang98 #5
Chapter 7: @Cloudsungie, @fangirl4life, I TRIED BUBBLE TEA AND ITS DELICIOUS jdfkjhkjdf

xD, I tried the melon flavored and it was really good, and the little "bubbles" at the bottom (I dont know the name xD) have a funny texture but they are so sweet *O* anyway, I will be forever waiting for this story
fangirl4life #7
could it? I don't know xD
gosh, we were trying to get this picture for visuals for the next chapter, but we cant seem to get it to the right format. its quite frustrating.
omo that dream, could it be what I think? bacon appearing in her dreams?


@Cloudsungie, I promise I'll try it (but there is only one place in my country where they sell bubble tea T.T)

@fangirl4life HI!!! LOL

I want to try all the flavors LOL
fangirl4life #9