
The Real Reason Why Hankyung, Kibum and Kangin Left ...

I'm sorry it took me this long!

I hope you will like it.

Let me know what you think about it!

Have fun reading ...



All the 13 members were gathered together, they were celebrating Leeteuk's birthday. After opening the presents and playing some games, Kibum suddenly felt dizzy, everything was moving around, he couldn't see straight anymore so he grabbed  on something to prevent from falling.

"What's wrong hyung?" asked Kyuhyun

"I don't know, I suddenly feel dizzy" he replied.

"you should sit down!" Kyuhyun said worried.  "Ya, Heechul, go get him water" Kyuhyun demanded.

"WHAT? what the hell? Doesn't he know who I AM?" he went to the kitchen while mumbling to himself.

"HERE" he said " IF it wasn't for Kibum I wouldn’t do it!!!

"Kibum, you have to go to the hospital tomorrow! okay?" said Donghae

"Arasso, I will" Kibum replied.


Next morning

"Kibum, did you make an appointment with the doctor?" Donghae asked

"yeah, I did" Kibum answered "and I have to leave within 5 minutes."

"Really? Then wait for me, I'll will come with you" Said Donghae

"It's okay, you don't have to come with me."

"I know I don't have to, I want to!!" Donghae insisted

"Please Donghae, I'm sorry but I want to go alone" Kibum felt like something wasn't right so he wanted to go alone.

"Okay. Okay, I won't come with you, but call me immediately when you get your results." said Donghae


Kibum P.O.V.


I said goodbye to Donghae and I walked out of the door, I had this weird feeling, weird thoughts were wandering in my head. On my way to the hospital a part of me kept telling me not to go,

but I didn't want to disappoint the members, especially Donghae!

End P.O.V.


At the hospital

"Good afternoon, please come in"  said the doctor.

"Good afternoon, thank you." Kibum replied him.

"So tell me, what's wrong Mr. Kim?" doctor asked him.

"I don't know, yesterday I was feeling really well, but then suddenly I got dizzy and everything was moving around." Kibum explained him.

"Ah, I see. How is your appetite lately?"

"Now I think about it, I haven’t eaten a lot lately, every time I eat I feel like throwing up."

"Okay, and do you smoke?" the doctor asked

"No, I don't smoke"

"I see, I suggest we take an CT Scan first and some blood for further research, follow me and we'll go to take the CT Scan." 

"Yes doctor" Kibum replied and followed the doctor.


After Kibum got his results


Kibum P.O.V.

'What? .... How is this possible? I.. I .. This can't ... be true!!' I couldn’t believe what I just heard. IT CAN'T BE TRUE!!! 

'OMG! How will I tell this to everyone? What will they ... what will Donghae say, he will be devastated. How can I tell them?' I was wandering around without realizing where I was going, my

mind was full of thoughts, it was getting really late, I didn't want to go back home, I didn't want them to know, suddenly I heard something, I listened carefully and realized it was my self-phone,

I looked at it to see who it was, it was Donghae. My phone stopped ringing, I looked at my phone and saw that there was 22 missed calls, my phone started to ring again 'He must be really worried'

"Hello?" I answered the phone

"YA! Kibum, why didn't you pick up your phone? I called you like thousand times!" said Donghae

"Aah, that.. I know you did, I'm sorry I didn't pick up the phone, I didn't hear it." I explained

"Forget about that, why aren't you home yet? Did you go to the doctor?" He asked

"Yes, I did"

"And? What did he say? "

" What he said? uuhm...  I don't have time right now, I will tell you when I come back. I have to go now. Bye" I said and hung up the phone before he could say anything.

'I'll have to tell them sooner or later.'  I kept thinking of a way to tell them, but there was no good way to tell, so I decided to just come out with the truth.

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Deboome #1
Chapter 18: Update plz plz plz plz
mincupin07 #2
Chapter 18: UPDATE THIS.
seohae0707 #3
Chapter 18: When will you update :'(
DonghaesOneAndOnly #4
You should update you know!! :)
Chapter 2: Author I was wondering when is the next chapter going to be updated?
Guardian-Angel #6
Ah your is story awesome...
please update soon...
Matrix31 #7
Thanks for the update.Please update real soon I wanna see what happens to Donghae and Kibum.This fanfic is so awesome.
naznew #8
Gomawo update..
NO!!!!!its so sad...
{this is just my reaction..actually i like sad ending}
Please update again..
I..I..I just can't say anything
it's really sad,
please make me surprise and update soon
joanna20 #10
:( my eyes is teary please update soon! ty