Everything's alright

Reconciled concert (repost)
“I’m glad you were with her today. I can’t imagine what will happen if she was alone.” Yoochun smiled. “It’s nothing. I’m glad to be able to help.” I smiled and Yoochun gave me a pat on my shoulder. “This sister of mine is everything to me. Everyone in the family loves her a lot and none of them want her to feel this way ever again. We had actually thought through the years, seeing the doctor, it would get better, but it’s still the same. After an incident of relapse, she would stay quiet for a few days. We’re always worried for her. But she would turn back to normal. So I think these few days, Practise with her will be more non- verbal.” I nodded my head and both Yoochun and I jerked up as we heard a high pitch scream...
Yoochun looked at me with his eyes wide and both of us ran to where the scream was coming from. It was from Jaebin’s room. We opened the door to see her with her knees up with her head resting on it, hands covering her ears. I ran to her side with Yoochun following behind as he switched on the lights. Jaebin relaxed when the lights were switched on. “What happened?” she asked. Her voice was soft and it contained fear.

“Nothing happened.” You had a nightmare. Yoochun patted her back and she leaned on him. She then looked up at me. “Jaejoong sshi, why are you here at this hour?” She asked, all puzzled.

“Oh. I was here to look for Yoochun. And what’s with the honorifics again? I thought we agreed to drop it?” I smiled and she smiled lightly. “Alright Jaejoong.” She said and Yoochun nodded in gratitude. I smiled and closed the door behind me about to leave when the main door opened, revealing Jaebin’s parents.

“Omo. Jaejoong, why are you here at this hour?” they said and I walked down telling them what had happened. Auntie nodded her head, going to her room and change before going to Jaebin’s room. Uncle on the other hand asked me to take a seat and he sat down beside me.

“I have a favour to ask.” Uncle said, looking into my eyes. I nodded my head once and he started speaking again. “I hope when there’s no one at home other than Jaebin, you would be able to stay with her till someone’s back. I can’t imagine what would have happened if you were not here just now.” He said with a very worried expression on his face.

“I know Uncle. I agree. Since Jaebin is my friend and partner for the mean time, I’ll do all I can to help.”I said and uncle smiled before patting my shoulder, leaving for his room. I stood up, wanting to leave when I heard someone call my name. I looked up the stairs to find Yoochun. He descended the steps quickly, standing face to face with me. “Don’t tell Jaebin what happened. Since she doesn’t remember, we should trigger that painful memory.” I nodded and Yoochun gave me another pat on my shoulder before sending me out of the door.

I went to my house and sat down on the sofa, with my fingers pressing on my temples. I was quite tired especially what just happened. A girl as happy as Jaebin has such a painful memory. I headed to take another shower to wash away the aches and pains in my body. I sat on my bed and saw that the lights in Jaebin’s room were switched on. After looking at the window for a while, the curtains drew open and Jaebin sat there, looking at something that I can’t see. I then lay down on my bed, eyes not leaving Jaebin.

She was smiling. It was then she went to switch off the lights, lying on the bed. My lights were never switched on the moment I stepped into the room. Maybe tomorrow, Jaebin will be happier. She would e like the old her. I’m not worried about the concert at all. For the past few days, I’ve noticed even when she started off with these dance steps, it would change on the way. It got better. She’s a brilliant dance. I’m sure of that. So I’m not worried about her performance in the theatre at all.

I fell asleep thinking of all these. The next morning, when I woke up, I was shocked. Shocked by Dongho’s face in front of mine. “What are you trying to do?” I asked and he backed away. He shook his head and walked downstairs. I took a shower, washed up and went down to find Dongho not there. Was I dreaming or did Dongho become weirder and weirder?

I had a very simple breakfast and headed to Jaebin’s house. I pressed on the doorbell and heard someone asking me to hold on. I stood there for a while and in less than 1 minute, the door opened, revealing a cheerful Jaebin. “Omo, You’re early.” She said as she held on my wrist, pulling me into the house. I greeted her parents and headed to the dance studio to start our daily routine.

It seems like she really don’t remember anything. She was the normal old Jaebin I knew. I looked at her and she looked at me, blinking a few times. “why are you staring at me like that?” She asked with a smile on her face. I shook my head and she carried on. That smile never left her face since morning. She’s really a happy child.

During Lunch, she was still smiling. “Jaejoong, mind if I call you Oppa?” She asked me out of nowhere, causing me to get a shock. I nodded my head and she smiled, clapping her hands like a little kid. I laughed and she pretended to get angry. “Meanie.” She said and ‘stomped’ off. I laughed and followed her back to the dance studio. I saw her lying on the floor, trying to make snow angels. “Oppa, continue with the piano.” She said and I went back to sit. She was still doing what she was doing and it seems weird to me that she’s suddenly so hyper.

I started playing the piano and she caught up not long later. I decided to stop earlier since she experienced something unhappy yesterday. Saying that I have a dinner date, I left. Since I said I had a dinner date, I can’t stay at home, so I left the house. I met Yoochun on the way to my car. “Jaejoong.” He called out and I turned around, to see him waving at me.

“Jaebin’s not herself today right?” he asked and I nodded.

“She will get all hyper when it happens, so it’s a little different from the normal her. She’ll be back to normal in a day or two.” I nodded again and he headed back home. I drove to a nearby restaurant to settle dinner alone. Apparently, the waitress were being a little weird, blinking her eyelashes at me, trying to use a cute voice to talk to me. I was feeling a little uncomfortable. I called for the manager, asking to have a waiter rather, since the waitress was making me uncomfortable.

However, changing to the male waiter doesn’t make any difference. It creeps me out more. Why are people so weird these days? I asked myself. Dinner was very uncomfortable and I told myself I will never come back here to eat. I sat in my car and drove around, looking for something interesting. Suddenly, something caught my eye. It was a park. I got out of my car and locked it. Walking closer and closer, I saw a very beautiful lake. I was so absorbed by it that I stayed there for 2 hours.

When I got home, I slept immediately. I was so tired, tired of being all alone. The next morning, when I woke up, I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned and got downstairs. I opened the door to see Jaebin looking at me with her eyes wide, blinking. “Oppa. You’re late.” She said and I looked at the clock. It was 11.30am. “I’m sorry. I’ll be there once I change.” She nodded and I went to prepare before leaving. When I reached, Auntie told me that Jaebin’s upstairs. I opened the door yawning and what shocked me was Jaebin was wearing the same shirt as I am.

“It seems like Donghae will misunderstand us if he sees us like that.” She smiled. It seems like she turned back to normal. I stifle a laugh and headed to the piano. However, she pulled me by the arm, her arms round mine. “We look good like this.” She smiled and let go. I looked at her with a blur expression and she laughed. I sat at the piano and started playing. Suddenly, my stomach growled. I ignored it and continued playing the piano. Suddenly, a plate appeared in front of my face. “You’re hungry. Eat before continuing.” She said and I took the play and gave her a nod.

“You should really speak more. You have a nice voice. Your smile is nice too.” She said and she continued doing her warm up. I turned to look at her. “Maybe I should hook you up with some girl like Oppa. Both of you have good qualities girls would die for.”

“I haven’t found my other half and I would like to focus with my career for now.” I said softly. She turned to look at me and stood up. She placed both hands on my shoulders. “I’ll find you one.” She said and I sat there looking at her. “Not now please.” She nodded her head and went back to what she’s doing.

Why was my heart beating so fast when she came near me. Why do I feel my heart flutter? I’m so sure I’m in deep trouble. I shook the thought out of my head and continued for the rest of the day with my mind half there.

End of Jaejoong’s POV

Jaebin’s POV

I looked at the clock and Jaejoong’s late. I went over to his house and looked for him. He was still sleeping I assume. He was shocked and apologised. He’s really well mannered. I went up to my room to get ready while waiting for him. In less than 15 minutes, he came. He was yawning and I assume he worked till late yesterday. What gave both of us a shock was that both of us were wearing the same top.

“It seems like Donghae will misunderstand us if he sees us like that.” I smiled, getting a shocked expression at first and a soft laugh. He walked to the piano while I grabbed his hand and pulled him to stand beside me. “We look good like this.” I said as Donghae and I never wore couple shirts, so it looks interesting to me now. Then I let go of him and he blushed slightly, going back to the piano. I laughed and suddenly, the room was quiet, allowing me to heard the loud rumbling of Jaejoong’s stomach.

Jaejoong didn’t move, so I left the room and went to Omma for some sandwich, bring it to his face. He took the plate, giving me a nod. Finding the room too quiet, I started a conversation. To be honest, he’s really a nice catch for a girl. Well mannered, smart, handsome, rich, talented. He’s like the ideal guy for every girl. He hasn’t found his other half and wants to focus on his career. I thought that love was something important for music? From my point of view.

Love gives emotions and brings out the best in music. Maybe he should really hook up with some girl, and bring out the best in himself. Talking about love, I haven’t seen or heard from Donghae for some time…

This chapter took really long.
I was busy during the weekend.
But I hope this chapter is worth the long wait
Comments please.

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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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