The long awaited dinner

Reconciled concert (repost)
I stared at the moon and fell asleep unknowingly. Suddenly, my phone rang. I grabbed it without looking at who it was. “It seems like you feel asleep on your window ledge.” I looked at the caller ID and finally realized who it was…
I looked out of the window and saw him standing there smiling and waved at me. I gasped and went downstairs to see if I’m really dreaming. When I got there, it was not a dream he was standing there smiling. “Why are you still here?” I asked a little puzzled.

“I left my bag in your house. I have things to look through today so I have to get it back.” He smiled and walked towards me. “Things to do at this hour?” He smiled and nodded his head. I rolled my eyes while he held on my waist and we walked back into the house. When I opened the door, Omma was about to switch off the lights she got a shock seeing Donghae.

“Omo. Donghae, why are you back? It’s late.” She said. Donghae bowed. “Sorry Auntie. I left my bag here and I still have work to do so I came back to collect it.” He said and Omma nodded. Donghae took his bag and was about to leave when Omma called him. “Donghae-ah. Why don’t you stay for the night? It’s dangerous to drive at night.” Donghae flashed her a smile.

“Thank you Auntie, but All my things I need are at home. Maybe another time.” I held his hand and walked out with him. He gave me a kiss on my forehead before entering his car driving off. I went back up and fell asleep straight away. I was just too tired.

The next day, I woke up earlier, knowing practice would start at 9am. I got ready and waited for Jaejoong’s arrival. I sat in the dance studio warming up. I can’t do tedious exercise since I just had breakfast.

I remember when I was still studying, other dancers used to hate me for some reason. I didn’t boast I didn’t do anything. Other dancers tried to keep slim, skipping as many meals as possible, but I was different. I would eat as much as possible. Normally during lunch breaks, other dancers would stay and practice or talk at the side while I would be eating my lunch box from Omma. I would then hear people whispering things like. “How can she eat so much?” all those kind of things. The worst part was I was never really very serious in practice. I never really practice at home either. However, when it was time for performance selection, I would always get one of the important roles.

I was so deep in thought I didn’t hear Jaejoong calling me till he snapped his finger in front of my face. I jerked and looked at him. “You’re deep in thought.” He smiled and walked to the piano. I shrugged and looked at him. He had something silver in his hand. “Keep quiet for the mean time ok?” He said and I nodded. He played the opening piece and there were no mistakes. He played it seriously and when the song came to an end, he pressed on something above the piano and came to pass to me.

“connect this to your computer and you can have it as a CD to practice.” He said and went back to the piano. I placed it at one side and lay on the floor, thinking of more dance steps for the dance. The room door then opened, revealing a very happy Yoochun. He was like a kid, running to my side and sitting on the floor. He looked so happy . I looked at the thing he was holding on his hand instead. He held on it so tightly like it was his life. “Jaebin-ah, I’ll design all your 7 dresses.” He smiled and I gave him a look. He was acting all weird.

“What?” He asked, dropping the excited look. “Nothing. You’re just happy. You can design it. When have I ever said no to you?” I smiled and he started jumping again. He was happy because he was done drawing all 7 dresses. He showed it to me and all of them were unique in their own ways. Jaejoong came over and took a look at them. He was happy with them. “Since it’s all ok I will start with their production. Wait for my good news.” He smiled and ran out.

“Is he always like this?” Jaejoong asked and I nodded. “He’s always like that when he’s accomplished.” I said and Jaejoong just gave this weird look. “I have never seen this side of him.” He said and got up, going back to his piano. I lay on the floor, closing my eyes and started to imagine. I imagined the steps which follows and stood up, with my eyes still closed, I started dancing from where the music brings me.

We stopped practicing at 12pm and went for lunch. Omma prepared lunch so we went down. I ate silently since Omma said she has somewhere to go so she won’t be joining us. It was quite awkward between us. Even during practices, we don’t talk so now it’s worst. We swiped out all the dishes on the table and headed back up. I sat back down on the floor after standing for a while.

“You eat a lot for a ballerina.” He said suddenly while playing the piano then stopped, looking at me. “I have always been like this. Other ballerina hate me for this. I’m used to it.” I smiled and lay flat on the floor. He then sat down on the floor beside me.

I sat back up and he looked at me. “I used to be alone in Vienna.” He said as he looked forward. I stayed silent, allowing him to speak. “I was always fooling around, but I was always picked for important performances. Other pianist hated me, I was ostracized. Until one day, I got recognized and turned to what I am now.” He said still looking at where he’s looking.

“You’re like me. I could eat so much and was always not serious, but was always picked for important positions in the dance.” I shrugged and gave a retarded smile. He looked at me and laugh. I was about to exclaim when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and smiled. “Donghae?” Jaejoong said and I nodded. “I’m going to the toilet.” He left and I know he’s giving me the privacy I needed.

“Yoboseyo.” I answered

“You free for dinner?” He asked and I thought for while.

“Where at what time?” I asked as if it’s too early, I can’t go due to the practice.

“I know you’re busy. So I booked a later slot. I’ll pick you up at 8pm.”He said and I smiled at his consideration.

“Sure. I’ll see you at 8pm.” Then we hung up. Jaejoong came back at the same time we hung up. “Jaejoong sshi I have something later. So do you mind if we end at 7pm?” I asked and he nodded with a smile.

In no time, it was 7pm and Jaejoong went home. I took a long shower and opened my closet in search for a decent dress and I found one.

It’s not really say decent, but it’s suitable for the place we’re going. I know Donghae. He likes to go to expensive places for meals. I was done at 8pm sharp and went downstairs to find Donghae already waiting. He’s sitting on the couch with his legs crossed, waiting. When he heard the clicking of heels, he turned around with a smile.

We got outside and he opened the door for me before he went into the car and drove off. “Looks like someone like’s to show skin.” He said, looking at the road. I could only cover my mouth and started laughing he then creased his eye brows. “Someone’s jealous again.” I said and he stopped in front of an Italian restaurant. He just smiled and we got off. He passes his keys to the porter and waited for me to hold his hand before we walked to the counter where he reported his name. He was like always, in a light colored T-shirt, wearing a black blazer and jeans. He liked being casual yet formal.

We took a seat at the corner beside the window. “This is a first.” I said and he looked at me. “The first time we’re not in a VIP room.” I smiled and he looked down smiling. “It’s nice to be everyone once in a while.” I smiled and we looked through the menu. Donghae would always place the orders. He knows what’s nice and what’s not. After placing the orders, Donghae continued the conversation we had in the car. “I’m not jealous. It’s just…” He stopped.

“What are you talking about?” I asked since he didn’t make sense.

“The conversation in the car.” He said with his head down. I smiled. “Oh…”

“Don’t worry. I only show skin when I’m with you. Cos you’re always there to protect me.” I said and he smiled. He’s always protective of me especially when I wear dresses with no sleeve. Dinner was wonderful. It was a long time since we had dinner together like this. Due to his training in France, we’ve missed each other a lot.

He stopped the car somewhere which I didn’t recongise. I got off and felt the cold breeze and started to shiver a little. I then felt something warm around me and saw Donghae’s blazer around me. “Told you to not show so much skin.” He smiled and I just gave him a glare. He brought me to the railing and after it was the sea. “It’s beautiful.” I said and Donghae just inhaled the air and had his eyes closed. “I come here to relax and get away from everything. It’s like my secret place.” I then looked around to find no one here.

The sea breeze was so strong that I started shivering more. He noticed and pulled me closer, giving me body warmth. “Let’s go back now. You’re shivering hard.” He said and pulled me back into the car. I wore Donghae’s jacket properly since I felt quite cold. Donghae then turned off the air con, changing it to heater instead. “It will get warm in a while.” He said and I smiled, looking out of the window.

When I reached home, both of us got out of the car. He leaned again his car and smile, waving me goodbye. I was about to take off his blazer when he stopped me. “Even though it’s only a few steps, but I don’t feel safe with you walking around exposing so much skin without me by your side.” I smiled and nodded, waving to him goodbye as well and headed inside.

“Someone’s happy.” I heard the same voice again. I’m so screwed. Yoochun was standing beside my door, leaning against the wall. He had a smirk on his face and it is not a good sign. “It’s going to be 1am and you’re back. Something must have happened.” He said. He’s suspicious of everything. How can he doubt his own friend?

“Yoochun, nothing happened. Trust your friend more.” I wanted to open my door when he blocked my way. “I trust him. I only want to hear the details.” He smiled and I groaned. Here it goes again. I should really hook him up with a girl.

When I was finally free to go, I was exhausted. I took off his blazer and left it on my bed. I took a warm shower to warm myself. I washed up and headed to bed. Then my phone rang. It was Donghae. “There’s something in the left pocket. Take it out.” I could see his smile at the other side.

“So you purposely asked me to bring back your jacket. There’s a motive.” I said and reached my hand inside the pocket…

What’s inside the pocket?
It seems like this storyline really
That’s why my readers all ran away.
Anyway, Comments are welcomed.

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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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