
Reconciled concert (repost)


Minhyuk’s POV


“Ha ha! You two are finally together after so long!” It’s Jung shin.


“That took you two long enough.” Said Jonghyun.


We are all currently sitting in Seohyun’s café gossiping about my new relationship. Sometime I find it embarrassing to have hyungs like those 2 fellas.


“Stop embarrassing them already.” Said Yonghwa, my savior. The shop was currently because Seohyun was nice enough to have our bonding time.


Mi young was sitting beside my smiling. It’s still awkward for her to be with us. Seohyun was also awkward with us even though she’s been with Yonghwa hyung for close to 2 years already. Seeing that we’re having a guy’s conversation and both of them were awkward enough, Seohyun brought Mi young to another table and both of them talked more comfortably.


“See what you did to her.” Yonghwa commented again.


I keep glancing over at Mi young and Seohyun.


“Min hyuk ah, Don’t keep look. They won’t disappear into thin air. Don’t worry.” Jung shin joked. While I turned my head away. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Maybe this is why people want to fall in love because of this kind of indescribable feeling.


End of Min hyuk’s POV


Mi young’s POV


Seohyun whispered into my ear saying that it would be better if the 2 of us sit at another table to relief ourselves of this awkwardness. I nodded my head. I slipped my hand out of Minhyuk’s grip under the table. He glanced at me and I pointed at the table behind them and he nodded his head.


“That was awkward.” I said quietly and Seohyun chuckled.


“I had suffered worst. Now at least both of us can escape together.” Seohyun said and we smiled. She had settled 2 cups of Hot beverage on our table while we talked. Even though I met Seohyun a few times, we never really had a decent chat before.


“How long have you been with Yonghwa?” I asked after taking a sip of my drink.


“Close to 2 years. I’m glad you accepted Minhyuk” She said looking at me.


“I’m glad I did too.” I smiled.


The both of us exchanged some advices and she told me how to handle all these playful boys. After talking for what seems like ages, It was 5pm already.


“Alright. It’s time to open the shop or I won’t be able to earn any income today.” She smiled as she flipped the sign to open. Within 5 minutes, there entered a couple in school uniform.


One by one the guys left.


“By darling.” Yonghwa kissed Seohyun’s cheeks before leaving the shop.


“Bye.” Minhyuk said as he kissed my forehead ad left along with the other guys.


“I’ll stay behind and help you.” I said since the shop seemed crowded.


I stayed till around 8 where she flipped the sign again to indicate the shop is closed for the day.  Both of us flopped on the cushioned chairs and rest for a little while. The bell on the door jingled.


“Sorry we’re….” It was Yonghwa and Minhyuk.


Yonghwa Stood behind Seohyun and they were deep in conversation.


“Hey.” Minhyuk said and sat down beside me. Pulling me closer by the waist and I lay my head on his shoulder.


“Tired?” I asked and he shook his head.


“I know you haven’t had dinner. Come on” He said.


We left the other 2 in the shop as they closed up and we headed our separate ways.


“What did you do today?” I asked. Since they didn’t really spent much time.


“We just tided up our room since it was in such a mess.”


“You must be tired then. Cleaning is not a very relaxing job.” I said. We walked and walked and stopped outside a western restaurant.


“You want to eat here?” I asked and he nodded.


To be honest, I didn’t really like western because I more of a vegetable lover and western dining has a lot of meat so I rarely dine in a western restaurant.


“I’ll have a salad, mushroom soup and a set of Pasta Aglio Olio.” I said before passing back the menu to the waitress.


We had a quiet dinner with occasional small chats. Walking out of the restaurant, I shivered a little. It was quite cold. Minhyuk realized it because our fingers are interwined. He placed my hand into his pocket.


“Feeling better?” He asked.


Walking to the nearest bus stop, we hopped onto the bus which goes to my place. “You didn’t drive today?” I asked and he shook his head. I didn’t really notice till now.


“Hyung drove me today so I didn’t drive.”


“How are you going to get back later? It’s so late already.” I asked. If he didn’t drive, it would be very inconvenient for him to return home.


“I’ll take a cab home. Don’t worry.” He smiled.


“I’ll borrow Oppa’s car then. He told me he’s home. We can drive to your place before I drive back. “ I suggested, but he objects because he say it’s very dangerous of me to be driving at night.


“Why don’t you stay over? Oppa has been wanting to meet you ever since.” I suggested.


He looked at me blankly like I was joking about it.


“We have a few extra rooms. It’s no problem for you to stay overt. You can borrow Oppa’s clothes as well. He won’t mind.”


He agreed, but I could tell he’s really nervous. Minhyuk is a very shy guy. I know it took him a lot of courage and support for him to confess to me. I assured him that Oppa was a nice guy. He has been wanting me to date again. Now I’m starting to date. I don’t think he’ll make any comment anymore.


“Oppa! I’m home.” I said and he popped his head out from the living room.


“Look who I brought.” I tugged on Minhyuk’s arm and he stumbled into the house, Bowing at Oppa.


“Nice to finally meet you Minhyuk-sshi. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Junsu extended his hand as Minhyuk shook it.


“I’ll tidy up a room for minhyuk.” I said and headed upstairs leaving the both of them to talk. I believe Junsu is a good host.


The room beside mine was quite clean and tidied because our butler tidies it up often. The room beside mine and the room beside junsu’s are well kept because of sudden guests that may come. Seeing that the room was in a good condition, I headed downstairs to find Junsu and Minhyuk to be in deep conversation.


“Come on I’ll show you your room!” I said and it scared the both of them


“What’s wrong? Were you two gossiping about me that’s why you’re so nervous when I’m back?” I said with my arms crossed.


“Why would we do so my pretty dongsaeng.” Junsu smiled as Minhyuk excused himself and the both of us headed to the bedroom.


“What were the both of you talking about just now?” I asked, a little curious. He shook his head, but I knew there was something definitely wrong with him.


“I left Oppa’s clothes on the bed. If it’s not suitable, I’ll find others for you. Treat this as your own home alright!” With that, I closed the door leaving him to do his own things.


Walking down the stairs, I saw Junsu watching TV as where I’ve left him. Plopping myself down beside him, I watched the programme with him.


“You told Minhyuk something, Didn’t you?” I asked.


“I just told him to treat you well or else I’ll kill him.” His eyes still fixed on the television. I couldn’t believe him. Isn’t it too harsh to say all these things to someone you’ve first met?


“Oppa! How can you say those things?” I asked.


“What? Of course I’ll have to tell him to not hurt you. If not what am I suppose to say? You can date other girls when you’re dating my sister I don’t think she’ll mind. Am I suppose to say that?” Junsu was getting impatient.


“Of course not! But can’t you say it nicely?” I asked.


“Ok. I’m sorry. I didn’t know I would sound so harsh.” He said before going back to his room.


I headed back to my own room to wash up and shower. When I was done, I headed to Minhyuk’s room to check up on him. Knocking the door twice, I headed in upon hearing a ‘Come In’ he looked at me with a smile while sitting on the bay window.


“I’m Sorry about what Oppa said. He didn’t mean to sound so harsh.” I said as I sat in front of him, leaning against his broad frame.


“I’m alright. Family members are bound to say all this kind of things.”


“I wonder how Jaebin and Jaejoong are doing.” I said. The both of us chatted for a while before I headed back to my room.


“I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.” I said as he kissed me lightly on the lips before heading back to his room.


I woke up esrly the next morning, wanting to give Minhyuk and Oppa a surprise.


“Good Morning Miss Kim.” The butler greeted me. He looked surprised to find me in the kitchen.


“Is there anything I can help you with Miss kim?” He asked after 5 minutes.


“I’d like to make breakfast.” I said and he looked shocked.


“But Miss Kim, You’ve never cooked before.” He said.


“I know that’s why I want to learn today! It’s going to be so fun!” I said with a smile on my face.


“Ok. I’ll ask a maid to help you.” With that, I headed to make breakfast.


Cooking was indeed not my forte. I cut my hand once and got my hand scalded with hot water. However, the outcome was good. Even the maids said it tastes good.


“Can you help me wake my Oppa and the guest?” I asked the butler and he went to do it straightaway. I then headed to shower and wash up.


Coming down half an hour later, I see Oppa and Minhyuk down already. Seeing that all of us are at the table, the maid brought out the breakfast. Which includes the side dishes, egg rolls and the porridge I made.


“This porridge was made specially by Miss Kim.” The maid said before putting in on the table and scooping a bowl for each of us.


“You made this?! Are you sure it’s edible?” Junsu joked.


“OPPA!” I exclaimed.


“Alright alright. I’m just joking.” He smiled.


“Minhyuk sshi, try it. This is the first time Mi young has cooked.” Junsu looked at minhyuk as he took the bowl slowly before taking a spoonful of it and ate it.


“How is it?” I asked and he looked at me.


“It’s nice.”


“Mi-young ah! You have a cooking talent!” Junsu exclaimed. Is it that nice? I thought it just tasted average when I tried it just now.


“Oppa! Don’t make me embarrassed.” I cupped my cheeks with my hands.


“Minhyuk sshi. You have luck. Your future wife to be is such a wonderful cook.” Junsu said and Minhyuk blushed.


“Oppa!” I said and he shut up after so long.


“Come on. I’ll send the both of you to work.”


Junsu dropped us at The royal dance academy since Minhyuk said he’s meeting Yonghwa at Seohyun’s café.


“It’s nice meeting you!” Junsu waved goodbye at both of us and drove off.


“You’re Oppa is a nice guy.” Minhyuk finally spoke after the whole silence in the morning.


“I’m glad the both of you got along.” I sighed.


We walked to starbucks to get a drink before Minhyuk and I parted ways to our different destination.


“I’ll be working late tonight, so I won’t be able to meet you.” Minhyuk said as we walked back to the royal dance academy.


“It’s ok. You didn’t drive as well. It’ll be inconvenient for you.”


He kissed my forehead as we parted. Seeing his backview becoming smaller and smaller until he disappeared at the turn, I walked into the academy and start working.


“Yobosaeyo?” I answered my phone.



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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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