
Reconciled concert (repost)


Jaebin’s POV


In no time, it was our wedding day. Looking in the mirror, I couldn’t believe the person standing in front of the mirror was me. I look amazing. However just by thinking of that, it makes the smile on my face turn upside down again. In no time, I would no longer look like this. I would look pale and sickly, skinny and maybe not be able to walk anymore.


For the past few days, when my wedding day was drawing closer, I couldn’t help but think of negative thoughts. I could see that Jaejoong is hurt but the way I’m acting, but I just can’t help myself. Those thoughts would just creep into my mind and I would say it out without realizing.


“You look stunning my dear.” I looked into the mirror and say Omma stand behind me.


We sat down on the couch for a picture before she gave me a hug.


“I know I’ve trusted you to the correct man. I know of it. Ever since Jaejoong told me he’s going to ask for your hand when he found out you’re sick, I know for sure he isn’t someone who’d break your heart.” Omma said.


I was about to cry. After hearing her say so much, it finally occur to me that I’m leaving my Omma and Appa going with someone else. Although I know it’s not like I’m never going to see them again, but it just occurs to me that we’ll no longer stay under the safe roof. Even though it’s just next door, but the feeling is just different.


“Come on honey, It’s time.” Appa opened the door and it’s time. When we’re finally going to be official.


I grab hold of Appa’s hand as Omma went to the chapel to sit down. I heard the wedding march start and the doors opened, revealing a long red carpet leading to the front on the podium where the man I love stood.


Holding my Appa’s arm, we took slow steps towards my husband to be. I could see the smile on his face. I couldn’t help but to smile back. He was so charming in that suit. He looked even better than the time we took our wedding photos or the day which we tried our outfits.


Finally, We reached the podium. Appa let go of my hand and whispered into my ear. “Your Omma and I will always love you.” I saw him smile before taking his seat beside my Omma.


Jaejoong reach out his hand which I look and took one step up to be standing on the same step as him. With that our wedding ceremony started.


“… With that, I pronounce you Husband and wife. The groom may kiss the bride.” The priest said and with that, Jaejoong unveil the veil and leaned for a soft and sweet kiss. With that, the crowd cheered and Jaejoong smiled before carrying me bridal style out of the chapel.


Outside the chapel, we took many pictures with friends, family, relative and finally a picture with everyone. With that, came the best part which is the tossing of the wedding bouquet. The girls were all standing behind me, getting ready to catch the wedding bouquet.


“1,2……….3!” With that, I tossed the wedding bouquet. Turning around to see who caught it, it was caught by someone unexpected. Everyone crowded around Seohyun to congratulate her. Jaejoong taking my hand, he lead me to the car, which everyone followed.


Waving goodbye to everyone, the car started driving as we were to go to our house to change and pick up our stuff before heading to the airport. We have 5 hours left before take off. Looking at our intertwined hands, I couldn’t help but smile. It’s real. We’re married. Laying my head on Jaejoong’s shoulder, he turned to face me before laying a kiss on my forehead.


Upon reaching our newly wed house, I gasped in awe as his house has been newly renovated. It looked more family like and it brings a very homely feeling, not saying it wasn’t before. Going to our room, Jaejoong gave me yet another surprise by which he showed me that the once empty room had became our walk in closet. To be exact it’s half mine and half his. E divided the room into 2 so both of us can have a room each.


“Thank you yeobo!” I gave him a hug as I stepped in looking at all the beautiful clothes hand picked by my husband. Closing the door for me, I changed out of my wedding gown and into something more casual.


Grabbing my suitcase which was packed for me by Jaejoong, he took it to the car as we headed to the airport. Of course I remember our passport which was in my handbag. I check again in the car to make sure I really did.


In a blink of an eye, we’re already on the plane heading to Singapore. It’s the first time I’m actually taking Singapore Airlines. It’s one of the best airlines in the world. Jaejoong has insisted in getting us first class tickets so now we’re sitting in the first class section.


“Good afternoon passengers. Welcome to Singapore airlines. I’m the pilot and we wish to have a pleasant flight.”


In less than half an hour, the plane took off. Starting to feel sleepy, I started to fall asleep. However, it felt like I’ve only been sleeping for a few minutes before Jaejoong shook me up.


“What do you want to eat? Chicken or beef? “ He looked at me with the air stewardess standing beside him at the aisle.


“Chicken and a glass of water with a slice of lemon.” I said. She smiled before taking our order before heading to get our food.


In a few minutes, the food arrived. Cutting half of my chicken stead, I looked at Jaejoong who was already eating his meal which was beef. He looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face.


“Why aren’t you touching your food?” He asked me.


“I can’t finish it so I was thinking of how am I going to ask you.” I said a little embarrassed since we’re married and we’re suppose to be quite open with each other already.


“Alright. You want me to take this half right?” I nodded me head as he took half of it was a smile on his face.


We ate in silence before dessert came which was chocolate pudding.


“Oh chocolate!” I smiled and started eating my pudding. When I was done, I felt like I was in bliss. Chocolate is my favourite. It was the I heard the sound of plates placed on my table. Opening my eyes I saw another plate of pudding.


“You can take mine. I’m bloated.” He smiled. I know he wasn’t he just chose to gave it up so I could have more of it. Jaejoong could eat a lot from what I know and I know he wasn’t full at all. Taking a spoonful of pudding, I placed it in front of him mouth.


“Have some. Try some.” I said and he stared at me before opening his mouth slowly, taking in the pudding.


“Is it nice?” I asked an smiled and nodded. I took another spoonful and fed him again. this happened till I fed him the entire pudding.


The stewardess cleared the plates after a while before I lifted the armrest and Lay on Jaejoong’s shoulder. “I’m tired.” I yawned and he smiled.


“After eating you feel like sleeping. Be careful before you turn into a pig.” He smiled and I hit his chest playfully.


“Even if I turn into a pig, I’ll be a beautiful pig.” I said and he smiled.


“My beautiful pig.” He kissed me on my forehead before humming a tune for me to sleep.


The next moment when I open my eyes, I found Jaejoong shaking me awake. “We’ve landed.” And with that, I stood up groggily and we stepped onto Singapore land.


I could tell why Singapore’s airport was ranked top 10 in the world. The place was beautiful and clean. When we hailed a cab, Jaejoong told the driver where we wanted to go and our journey started. AS the cab drove on and on, passing trees and buildings, I could see the difference between Singapore and Korea. Even though Singapore’s very small, it’s very clean and really very beautiful.


We’re staying at their new hotel Marina Bay sands. The place Is beautiful, showing a clear view of the city area. “This is beautiful” Jaejoong standing behind me with his hands on my waist and his chin on my shoulder.


“It really is beautiful” Jaejoong said and we spent the rest of our time there. Having a very beautiful candle light dinner in out room and it was indeed romantic.


Cuddling on the bed and watching tv, we spend the evening like that. Now I’m starting to get nervous. Even though we’re married but there’s still one thing that is not done yet. I’m starting to get nervous.


“What’s wrong?” he asked as I stiffened in his embrace.


“Oh…. It’s nothing.” I tried not to stutter.


“I know what.” He smiled and I got more nervous.


“W-what?”  This time, my voice shook.


“You’re afraid what I’ll do to you tonight right?” He looked at me and I couldn’t help but nod.


“If you don’t want it I won’t force you.” He smiled and kissed my forehead. I relaxed after he said that and after that, we showered before heading to bed. After so long, I was finally sleeping in his warm embrace again. However, now I know only I will be able to feel this from him as now he’s my official husband.


However, I do feel bad about denying him it. Even though he doesn’t say it, I know it’s something which every guy wants.


After thinking for very long, I finally found asleep.


When I woke up, I found Jaejoong still sleeping and the sky was still dark. Getting out of bed, I went to wash up and shower. Because I was a bit sleepy, I forgot to take a change of clothes so I wrapped a towel around myself before stepping out. However, it’s a very wrong move as Jaejoong was awake and he was staring at me.


“Oh sorry!” he said as he closed his eyes and turned around. Grabbing my clothes, I headed back into the toilet and changed.


When I stepped out Jaejoong’s face was as red as a tomato. I didn’t dare to meet his eyes after what happened in the morning.


“You can wash up now.” I said and he stepped into the toilet before I screamed into the bed. This is indeed embarrassing. When he was done, we then draw the curtains before going out. Because I was in heels, I lost balance and feel on Jaejoong.


“I’m so sorry jae!” I said and tried to stand up but I fell back on Jaejoong.


“I’m so so sorry!” I moved onto the floor and Jaejoong sat up holding onto his back.


“It’s ok.” He said as he stood up, carrying me onto the bed.


“I guess we have to stay here again.” He smiled and I nodded. For one thing, I forgot that I was wearing a skirt and Jaejoong was sitting in a direction which e could see under it. I closed my legs immediately and he just looked away blushing. Walking towards me, he took off my shoe and helped me massage.


“It looks swollen. I think we have to place an ice pack on it.” He said as he took a plastic bag and got ice out of the fridge.


Settling it on my leg, it was painful. I grabbed his arm to try to get rid of the pain I’m feeling. When I finally opened my eyes after feeling my leg being numb and sore instead of pain, I loosen my grip on Jae’s hand and I was looking directly looking at Jaejoong eyes.


Blinking a few times, Jaejoong was unknowingly leaning closer and closer to me and then…


 End of Jaebin's POV

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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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