My choice

Reconciled concert (repost)
Jaebin’s POV

I could see he was really nervous. It was to the extent that his palms were sweating. Rubbing his upper arm, I spoke up “Jae, relax. Don’t be so nervous. Just go in and tell them. If they disapprove, there’s nothing we can do about it.” He looked at with an obvious worry and nervousness in his eyes. “But I don’t want to lose you because of this. It’s my life, I should have a right to choose who I want to live with no matter is it a day a week or a year.”

I was so touched. He was willing to go against his parents for me; however, it’s not a good thing to do. “Come on, let’s go.” I tugged onto his arm as we stepped forward. “Jaejoong?” I heard someone calling him from the back. He stiffened at the voice. A man who look like he’s in his early sixties stepped forward, giving me a weird look as he eyes Jaejoong. “Oh my boy!” A woman who was slightly younger came up and embraced Jaejoong. “Omo, who is this? Isn’t she the girl whom performed with you the other day?” She was in a huge smile. As Jaejoong nodded, she turned to me. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jaejoong’s Omma.” She smiled as she took my hand into hers. I gave her a 90 degree bow. “Nice to meet you too. I’m Park Jaebin.” Jaejoong’s Omma seems to be a very nice woman. She turned back and pulled the man towards us. “Appa.” Jaejoong’s voice was slightly softer, like he was afraid of him. “Nice to meet you, I’m Jaebin.” He gave me a nod of acknowledgement before going towards the house to step inside. Jaejoong’s Omma followed him, motioning us to follow.

The house looked simple on the outside, white exterior and a garden. The inside however, looked like a palace. The exterior was shined with orange lights, making the place look classier. What caught my attention the most was the gold framed piano on a platform at the back of the living room. Jaejoong himself looked as shocked as well, as if he had never seen it before. “Do you like it dear? Your Appa got it specially imported from Vienna after hearing you play. He really wants you to move back with us.” His Omma spoke up. Jaejoong looked at her hesitantly. “Omma, I came here to tell you and Appa something. It’s really important.” Jaejoong’s face turned serious before his Omma nodded her head, going upstairs to call for his Appa. “Don’t be nervous alright. I’ll always be by your side.” He held our interlocked hands tightly as we heard footsteps descending the stairs. I could head Jaejoong taking a deep breath before Jaejoong’s Appa stepped into the living room…

End of Jaebin’s POV

Min hyuk’s POV

The car ride was awkward. After she told me her address, we were totally silent. We didn’t really have anything to say since I remembered how embarrassed I was supposed to be after my hyung’s poured out all my secrets. “I think this is awkward.” She spoke up first, looking at me. “Yeah, it is very awkward.” Looking at her for a second before turning back to look at the road. “Since you guys are a band, have you recorded a CD as a band before?” She asked and I asked myself why didn’t I think of that? “Oh, we did. It’s at the drawer in front of you, in the blue box.” She opened it and took it out before placing it into the player. The first song which was my personal favourite started playing. I had a short drum solo which I cannot be more pleased with.

After the first song ended, she spoke up again. “You guys are awesome! When you are famous, don’t forget your first loyal fan!” She smiled at me and now I realized how beautiful her smile really is, especially her eye smile. After driving for another 15 minutes, we arrived at her place. “Thank you so much for the ride.” She said and was about to alight when I stopped her. Taking the CD from the player, I placed it back into its blue casing before passing it to her “You can have this. It’s a gift from me. Since you’re our loyal fan, you can’t do without our first ever CD.” I joked with her as she laughed before gladly accepting it. “Oh, are you free this Friday?” She asked me out of a sudden. I nodded my head slowly and she smiled. “My student is attending a competition this Friday and I have an extra ticket, thinking would you want to come and watch since you’re a fan of mine.” She smiled and I agreed. How can I miss a performance by her student? It’s like she’s performing on stage as well. “Then I’ll see you on Friday at the theatre?” She asked and I agreed, since she would be giving her student last minute encouragements.

When she stepped into her house, I couldn’t help but to get excited over Friday. Is it considered as a date? I think I’m acting like a high school boy who’s going for his first date. When I got home, I got a call from Jung shin. He kept on teasing me about what happened and I debated with myself whether to tell him about our little ‘date’ on Friday, but I decided to tell him because there’s no secrets between us. “Good for you! Maybe she’ll really end up with you like how you fantasize.” I could hear him laughing on the other end.

End of Min hyuk’s POV

Mi young’s POV

Closing the door behind me, I could feel my heartbeat fast. Why was I feeling this way, taking a seat on the couch, I wait for Oppa to come home. While waiting, Min hyuk’s face cannot stop flashing in my mind. He looked so cute when he blushes. His Hyung’s even said he was my biggest fan. I didn’t know I had fans. After waiting for around 10 minutes, my phone rang. It was Oppa. He asked me to head to bed first since he had some things to do and would only be home late.

Heading to my room, I took a shower before turning on my desktop while waiting for my hair to dry. Going to Google, I typed in my name and there really was a page on me. I tried Jaebin’s name and her name was there too. I didn’t know dancing could bring us to this level as well. Flipping open my phone, I looked at Min hyuk’s number. I debated at myself whether to call him and asked if he arrived home safely. It was already so late at night; I think I shouldn’t do so. Maybe he’s already sleeping. I closed my phone and continued to surf the net until I was bored and decided to head to bed.

The next day, I headed to the royal dance academy to have lessons as usual. However, I feel that I can’t really concentrate much today. I would always zone out and my students would call for me many times. I really have to wake up. They’re having competitions and I can’t have my attention being diverted away now. I made myself wake up and put my full attention on my students.

When the day finally ended, I was exhausted. I danced along with my students to stay alert. Stepping out of the academy, I waited for Oppa to fetch me as usual. Even though he’s dating Taeyeon Unni now, he never fails to remember about me, fetching me to and fro from work. However, he always asks me to get a boyfriend to do so, because he’s getting married soon and I really shouldn’t be bothering him so much.

Looking at my watching, it was still early, so I head to Starbucks to grab myself a cup of hot chocolate while waiting for Oppa since it was slightly cold. This time, my phone rang and it was Oppa. I knew what was come. He had something on so e can’t fetch me home so he asked me to take a taxi home. Since it was still early, I decided to roam around a little before heading home.

I roamed around till I saw a small ice cream shop down the street. Heading in, it has a very homely feeling. Ordering their specialty which was introduced by the waitress, I looked out of the window at the passing crowd. This time, someone entered. He looked pretty familiar, but I cannot lay my hands on who it was. He was smiling charmingly at the lady behind the counter, laughing and smiling at her. I really can’t remember who he was. Until he looked at my direction and looked shocked. I finally remember who he was, Yonghwa. “Annyonghasaeyo. He came over and took a seat. “Surprised to see you here.” He said and I smiled. “I passed by and saw that this is a very nice place so I decided to step in. “Really? This is my girlfriend’s shop. The lady behind the counter stepped out and greeted me yet again. She was tall and had a small frame, long straight black hair. “This is my girlfriend, Seohyun; this is Kim Mi-young sshi.” He introduced us and we greeted each other again. She is so beautiful.

When she head back to do her things, the both of us started chatting casually again. “She’s really pretty.” I told him and he thanked me. He’s quite hilarious since he thanked me for praising his girlfriend to be pretty. We spoke casually until our topic shifted to Min hyuk unknowingly. After a while, I realized that it was already so late, so I bid him farewell before thanking his girlfriend and paid for it before leaving. His girlfriend was very polite. She had actually wanted to treat me to it, but I declined since it’s not very nice and we barely know each other.

When I got home, Oppa was not there as usual, so I had dinner on my own. The butler leaves at 9pm, so after that I was really alone. Turning on the television, I looked for an interesting channel to watch, but there wasn’t anything very interesting, so I stayed on SBS and watched Dr. Champ. While I was watching half way, my phone rang and it was an unknown number. “Yoboseyo?” I answered with a little doubt since I didn’t know who it was. “It’s me Jung shin.” I heaved a sigh of relief since I know who it was. But I was wondering why he called me at this time of night. Did he need something or a favour from me or something?

He told me something and I got quite shocked since I didn’t expect him to tell me all this. After handing up the call with him, I saw Junsu’s face beside mine, trying to eavesdrop on my conversation. “Omo! When are you back?” I jumped in surprise as he smiled. “Not too long ago. Was that a guy on the other line?” he gave me a look while I told him honestly is just a friend and I knew he would just jump into conclusions as usual, saying that it’s my boyfriend.

I wonder why I can’t have a normal brother like my friends, who would protect me from bad guys and check up on who’s my boyfriend, is he from some mob, has he killed someone or something, but this brother of mine just doesn’t. It seems more like he can’t wait for me to get out of his life or something. Why did I have such a brother? He smiled at me and just headed back to his room. I presume to call Taeyeon as usual. They can talk for hours every night and I don’t know talk about what. They seem to have never ending topics to talk about. How envious. Sometimes I also wanted to find my other half, but it’s not as easy as it seems. It’s not like they’ll appear in front of you every second.

I dated a number of times and it wasn’t all so pleasant, so I decided to keep off dating till I really found that special someone. I know I’m old fashioned, but it’s my principle, so I should just stick to it. This time, my phone rang again…

Yet another boring chapter
I hope readers don’t hate my story
It’s coming to an end pretty soon
Comments please.
I really need your support to carry on.

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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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