Finding You

Reconciled concert (repost)
I looked up at him and mustered all my courage. “I want to break up with you.”

The smiled was totally wiped off his face. “You’re joking right Jaebin?” He grabbed my shoulder and I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. “I’m not. I’m serious. Kim Jaejoong, I’m breaking up with you. I don’t want to see your ugly face appearing in front of me ever again. You better watch out.” I broke away from his grip and walked to the car where my parents were and closed the door before our chauffer drove off.

Once I got into the car, I broke down. It was a cruel thing to do to Jaejoong, but I had no choice. I don’t want him to watch me die. I want him to remember me when I’m in my perfect state. I don’t want him to remember me as the pale sickly Jaebin who lay in the hospital bed. Omma held me in her arm just like how Jaejoong would when I was feeling down. I kept my eyes fixed on the rearview mirror which show me Jaejoong. He was standing there motionless. I know this is the last time I’d ever see him, so I have to take my longest last look, no matter how far away he is. But seeing his body getting smaller, made my heart ached more, but I have to look.

When he was about to disappear, I saw his figure getting bigger and bigger. He was chasing after the car. “Miss Jaebin, your friend is chasing the car. Would you like me to stop?” He asked, being very careful with his words. “Don’t stop. Go faster.” I said with a tear stained face and ordering him in a hoarse voice. Looking in the mirror, Jaejoong was still chasing after the car. ‘Jaejoong-ah, if you continue chasing like this, I won’t be able to leave you.’ After turning out into the main road, Jaejoong stopped giving chase as our chauffer went faster. So fast that no matter how good a stamina he has, he won’t even be able to keep up.

The ride to the villa was a long one. Time without Jaejoong was always long. Jaejoong is the one who makes my life enjoyable. He make me happy most of the time so time always fly past when we’re together. I had quit my job at the royal dance academy, transferring my students to Mi young, who was also teaching there. Mi young had just started out so she didn’t have much students, taking in my students would help her a lot. The president and Teacher Lee asked me why. All I could say was I’m going to be out of town for a long time so it was better if I had leave this job, giving other people a chance. “Don’t worry Binnie; I’ll always be by your side.” Omma said before I drifted off to sleep due to my over exhaustion of crying too much.

End of Jaebin’s POV

Jaejoong’s POV

Is this all a dream, Yesterday was one of the best days I’ve had and today now, this moment Jaebin broke up with me and left? I was standing in the middle of the road, panting, looking at the black car driving off, disappearing in the distant. Tear were welled in my eyes. I could hear cars horning behind me, but it didn’t matter because nothing matter when Jaebin left. I was even willing to die.

Dragging my lifeless body back home, I saw Taeyeon sitting in the living room happily with Junsu. They smiles turned into a worried expression when they saw me. “Hyung! Are you alright?” Junsu came up to me and asked. Taeyeon too came up, however not uttering a single word. I ignored them and went back to my room. Nothing mattered now.

End of Jaejoong’s POV

Junsu’s POV

“What’s wrong with Jaejoong hyung?” I asked Taeyeon and she herself didn’t know. I remembered when he left the house just now, he was in all smiles. He was happy whenever Jaebin called. Maybe I should call her and ask. “Taeyeon-ah, do you have Jaebin’s number?” I asked and she nodded. Pulling out her phone, I dialed her number, but only to be directed into her voicemail. This is all too suspicious. Was something wrong with the relationship? However, yesterday they were playing so happily.

“Oppa, what’s wrong?” Taeyeon asked, giving me her innocent look. “I think there are some problems between Jaebin and Jaejoong.” I said, sitting beside Taeyeon. “What did Jaebin say?” She asked. I told her my explanation of Jaejoong acting this way and she quite agree with my conclusion. “We have to help them.” I said and Taeyeon agreed to help.

“Mi-young, can you help me find Jaebin?” I asked her before she told me what really happened. “Jaebin told the president that she was going to leave town for a long time and passed me all her students. I don’t know how to contact her. I called her this morning and her phone was turned off. I was directed straight to her voice mail.” She explained and now I know why Jaejoong was so upset. Jaebin left him for a reason and he don’t know what.

“We have to find Jaebin.” I told Taeyeon. It seems like our wedding would be pushed back. Because I know if Jaejoong’s not happy, neither would Taeyeon. “Junsu, I think we should….” I know what she was going to say and I am going to agree with it. “Push back the marriage. I know. I agree. I want my future cousin in law to be happy as I am.” I smiled and she gave me a hug. “Oppa! You’re the best! JUNSU JJANG!” This is why I love Taeyeon. She is satisfied with the smallest of things.

“Taeyeon, you stay here. I’ll go talk to Jaejoong.” She nodded her head and I headed upstairs. I know this is not easy, but I have to try, he is my hyung after all. I stopped in front of his door and mustered all my courage before knocking on the door, before going in before he was able to say anything. When I saw him, he was totally under his covers and all I could see was his trembling frame. “Hyung…” I gasped. I have never seen Jaejoong in this state before. When we were younger, I remembered no matter how bad his father objects him playing the piano, he never back down. He was always strong. However, when he met Jaebin, everything changed. He let his guard down and no long guard against everyone. He allowed Jaebin to break his ice wall.

When I lifted the covers, I saw Jaejoong scrunched up into a ball and hugging his pillow tightly, with his face buried in it. “Hyung….” I called out softly, but Jaejoong didn’t budge. I got more and more annoyed since he shouldn’t be acting this way. I know Jaebin is important, however, he shouldn’t be so…. Weak! I hauled him up and he looked horrible. His eyes were totally swollen, tears streaked down his face. He looked as if he’d been living in the streets for the past week. “Hyung! You won’t be like this! You have to be strong! Stay strong!” I burst out in anger. When I was done, I saw Taeyeon at the door, looking at what happened.

“I can’t! I cannot pretend nothing happened and live my life like I used to! Jaebin made me change! She changed me! Broke my ice wall! She made me love again! Jaebin made me love again…” Jaejoong crumbled down crying again with his face in his palm. Taeyeon came in and comforted Jaejoong, lending him her shoulder to cry one. He needed love now and not a scolding. “I’m sorry hyung.” I apologized before I left. Taeyeon gave me a reassuring smile before I closed the door behind me.

End of Junsu’s POV

Taeyeon’s POV

“Oppa, Don’t worry. I’ll look for Jaebin Unnie. I find her back for you.” I reassured him a his back. All he did was pulled the pillow closer to him. I wonder what the pillow was to him. Then I remembered. Jaebin slept over at our place the other day. That pillow must be the one she used. It would still have her scent. It would allow Jaejoong to remember her more. “Oppa, I’ll leave you alone for now. Later we’ll have dinner together alright?” I said before loosening the hug. His eyes looked blanked, just like there’s no soul inside. He was like a man without a soul. Jaebin unnie! Where are you?!

I tried calling her pone countless of times, but her phone just wasn’t switched on. I didn’t have her parent’s number either so all we could do now is hope she switches on her phone. I left her countless of voicemails. I really hope she calls me back. I know she really loves Oppa and won’t leave him without a reason however what is the reason? It must have been something serious, or she wouldn’t have to go to the extent of leaving.

For the next few days, Oppa hasn’t been eating and he didn’t really step out of his room other than to go take a stroll in the park. I really hope Jaebin would come back. After a week, Jaejoong was in a horrible state. On that very day, I saw someone whom I didn’t expect to see, Mrs. Park.

“MRS.PARK!!!!!” I hollered and she seemed to stop in her tracks. She looked like a thief sneaking into someone’s house. “Mrs. Park! Where’s Jaebin?” I asked, panting since I ran all the way from my house. “I’m sorry Taeyeon, I cannot tell you. It’s Jaebin’s decision. No matter what we do now is of no use. She’s already set her mind to it. I’m really sorry.” With that she entered her house and left me standing outside. I didn’t even have a chance to explain Oppa’s situation.

“Oppa! I saw Jaebin’s Omma. I think she’s here to get things and go back again. We may have a high chance of finding Jaebin!” I said and Junsu is rushing down. “Drive carefully!” I said before we hung up. When Junsu came, he was driving a different car, a black Mercedes. “Is she out yet?” I shook my head and got in. Mrs. Park came out not too long later with a few bags and hailed a taxi.

We followed her and to our surprise, we arrived at a villa near Oppa’s studio. It was just a 10 minute walk away. She walked into the very posh looking villa. Pressing the doorbell, it asked s who we were. We gave a very bad introduction but the maid bought it and allowed us in. The person who opened the door for s was none other than Jaebin. She looked just like Jaejoong. Bloodshot eyes, pale skin and worst of all, skinnier by a lot. Both of them were suffering and I don’t know why they’re doing this to each other. To be exact, why is Jaebin Unnie doing this to Jaejoong Oppa?

Jaebin wanted to close the door, but she was weaker than Junsu Oppa so she had no choice but to let us in. I know she knows why we’re here. “Unnie, Go back to Oppa. Please!” I know she wanted to because there was a glint of hope in her eyes, but she hid it after a mere second. “I’m not going back to Jaejoong again. He’s none of my business and I have nothing to do with him.” She hardened her heart as she said it. I could tell she didn’t mean it because her eyes betrayed her right from the start.

“Alright. Jaejoong said he was going to kill himself if he doesn’t see you by Friday. Today is Monday so we apparently have no hope now. Come on Taeyeon. Let’s go. She doesn’t want to save your Oppa. We can’t do anything. We can only blame Jaejoong that he’d loved the wrong person from the start.” Junsu said as I froze in shock and suddenly….

What will happen next?
I’m suddenly having inspiration rush
So readers are lucky this week!
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I’m glad my readers are still here.

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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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