Sudden action

Reconciled concert (repost)
I just realise that Things he cannot tell anyone, I would know about them. He puts trust in me and so am I. I just hope we’ll be together forever and that we can overcome any obstacles that we ever meet. I will keep strong for him and I know he will also do the same. He may look soft hearted and frail on the outside, he’s actually strong that any guy I’ve met.

I went to fetch him from the hospital on the day he could be discharged. He didn’t tell his parents about it’s because he didn’t want them to worry. But he didn’t know it was published on the papers, but his parents didn’t know it was him. “Omma ask you to stay over at our place the next few days since it’s hard for you to do any house hold chores on your own with your arm injured.” I said.

“What about Taeyeon?” He asked since other than him, there’s still Taeyeon. “I’ve asked her about it. She said she will go over to Junsu’s place.” Jaejoong could only smile and shake his head. I also know why. Taeyeon and Junsu have been unable to separate themselves ever since they’ve been together. We hailed a cab back to my place. I think Jaejoong has been sleeping too much in the hospital and was too used to it, he fell asleep in the cab. His head was on my shoulder. “Rest well Jae.” I said as I intertwined our hands together.

“When we reached, Butler Kim came and took Jae’s things from the boot of the cab while I woke him up. He seems so dazed when he woke up. He acts like a child, rubbing his eyes and pouting. “Come on Jae. You can continue sleeping when you go to your room.” I smiled and he got out of the cab. I led him to the guest room which was beside Yoochun’s room. “This is your room. You can ask Yoochun for help since his room is just next door.” He nodded his head before going in to do his own things. “Jaebin ah!” I heard Omma calling for me so I headed downstairs.

“Your Appa and I have a dinner today so we won’t be home for dinner. You can bring Jaejoong out to eat. Yoochun’s going out with Seulgi also so no one will be home.” I nodded my head “I know what to do. Don’t worry Omma.” I then walked away with her preparing for her own dinner. I knocked on Jaejoong’s door before hearing a soft ‘Come in’ I opened the door to find Jaejoong’s back facing the door, but his head was slightly turned towards the door. “Omma say she and Appa are going out for dinner so we have to settle our dinner ourselves. So where do you want to eat at?” I asked. “Do you have somewhere nearby?” He asked. “Do you want delivery instead?” I asked since he doesn’t seem to even want to leave the house. I think the experience was bad enough for him. He nodded his head.

“Call me when you want to have dinner. I’ll be in the studio.” He nodded and smiled. When I got a more careful look of what he was doing when I was closing the door, I realised he had a book in his hand, but I was not sure what since it looked like a photo album to me.

It was around 3pm at that time. I the music and started dance. All I knew was that I cannot really concentrate. I switched off the music and decided to stick to warming up instead. After finishing all the warm ups, I turn on music and found that I could concentrate again. Dancing for a very very long time, I heard a knock on my door. I knew who it was because I went to turn off my music and looked at my phone. It was already 7pm. When I opened the door, he was blinking endlessly as if he did something bad.

“Erm... I ordered for us already.” He said having a very confused expression on his face. “Alright! I’ll go shower. You go shower too. By the time we finish, I think the food will arrive.” I smiled and he did too. When he was about to turn around and go off to his room, I said “Don’t wet your cast!” He turned around, smiled and nodded his head. When I was done showering, I used a towel to ruffle my hair while walking down the steps. I saw Jaejoong already sitting downstairs watching the television. Since it was world cup period now, he was watching soccer. Since the first match of the day already started because it was a bit past 7.30pm.

“I didn’t know you were into soccer too.” I said as I sat on the sofa with my legs on the sofa folded to the side. “Oh! You’re done. I was just flipping through and there was nothing interesting so I decided to watch this.” I smiled while I look at today’s TV guide and realised that prosecutor princess was on. “Jae, do you mind if we watch something else?” I asked politely. “Sure. Watch anything you want.” He smiled before passing me the controller. I switched the channel to prosecutor princess. It was then, the doorbell rang. “I’ll go.” Jaejoong offered. I wanted to go but if I had insisted to do everything on my own, I will make him feel bad, so I let him do it.

The delivery boy left the bowls of food on the table and collect money from us. However, he seemed a little shock when he saw Jaejoong.”Omo, aren’t you pianist Kim Jaejoong?” And from that moment on, I knew we’re busted.

End of Jaebin’s POV

Jaejoong’s POV

I opened the door for the delivery boy. I offered to help is because Jaebin seems like she really want to watch that show. I showed the boy where to place the food and when he was about to leave, he recognised me. “Can I have your signature?” He asked, pulling out a paper in his pocket. I nodded my head with a smile. I went to get a pen and signed it. One lucky thing was that I was left handed.

“Jaejoong-sshi, what happened to your arms?” I totally stunned off that question. “It dislocated while I was carrying something.” It was the only excuse I could think of. He smiled and left saying he would return an hour later for the bowls. “That was a close one.” I sigh as I flopped back onto the sofa. “You’re a quick thinker.” Jaebin smiled as she took out the cling wrap from the bowls. I saw her smile as she unwrapped the bowl of kimbap. “Thank you.” She looked at me and smile. She however frowned after that. “Why didn’t you order egg rolls? Their egg rolls are good.” I shrugged before we started eating in silence while Jaebin was watching her show; I was looking at her without her noticing.

When I turned back to the screen, it was the scene where the male lead and the female lead kissed. I blinked countless times before looking down at my food. Blushing at the scene. All I saw was that the leads in the show changed to Jaebin and I. I was so embarrassed about it and I couldn’t let Jaebin know. “Jae~” She called, her voice all gentle and her hand touched my shoulder gently. I jerked up and saw her looking at me with her eyes all sparkling. She was inching closer and closer to me. I shifted back till there wasn’t anywhere left. Our faces were barely inches apart when she burst out laughing.

I blinked a couple of times while looking at her. “You’re so adorable!” She continued laughing while I got lost in my own world, trying to understand what is she talking about. After dinner, the same boy came back for the plates again. “Thank you!” Jaebin said before waving to the boy at the door. “He’s so cute!” Jaebin exclaimed as she took her seat beside me. I stayed silent since I don’t know what to say. “Are you jealous Jae?” She asked me and I gave her a blur look. Was I? I don’t think so. She finds almost everything cute. I shook my head. She hugged my arm with her head on my shoulder.

When I felt that my shoulder was numb, I turned to look at Jaebin and realise she was fast asleep on my shoulder. I smiled at myself. She would always get so hyped up and at night, she would get so tired that she would fall asleep anyplace, anywhere. We stayed like that for very long since I can’t carry her back up due to my injury. It was then I heard the clinging of keys and in came Yoochun. He was about to say something but I placed my fingers on my lips and pointed at Jaebin. He got the point and kept quiet. He came over and carried Jaebin. When her head left my shoulder, I really can’t feel my arm.

I opened Jaebin’s door for Yoochun while he lay her on her bed. She was so sound asleep that she didn’t even realised she was being carried all the way back to her room. She’s quite a light sleeper if she’s not tired. She would wake up with every move or sound you make. I followed Yoochun out of Jaebin’s room before Yoochun closed the door quietly behind him. “Come on Jae.” He said as I followed him to the living room. “I have to tell you something.” Yoochun said very seriously. I have never seen him so serious. “Jaebin is acting all this time.” I looked at him confused, unsure of what he was talking about.

“Jaebin isn’t fine at all. She’s just putting up an act. She doesn’t want any of us to be worried about her, She would rather face all of this alone. The kidnapping thing is not a minor thing for her. With her acting so normally, we’re all worried for her.” He said with worry written all over his face. “I could tell. Her eyes wore a different expression ever since the time we had in the hospital.” I said to think I had thought I was over reacting about all of this

“I’ll take care of her.” I reassured Yoochun who was starting to crease his eyebrows. “Thanks Bro, I’m glad you’re there for her.” Yoochun pat my shoulder before the both of us returned to our own rooms to do our own things.

When it was nearing 1am, I heard a knock on my door. ‘Who would come knocking at my door at this time?’ I thought as I opened the door to find Jaebin hugging her hug white teddy bear at my door in her pyjamas. “What’s wrong?” I asked since now she looked like a child who had a bad dream. “Can I talk to you?” She asked and I nodded my head since Yoochun should have already been sleeping and so are her parents.

Her steps were slow when she walked towards my bed before sitting at the edge, waiting for me to close the door, sitting next to her. I didn’t know what she wanted to tell me or ask me. She seems to be hesitating about it and I never really knew what she was thinking about. What I really hope is that it was really just a bad dream she had and she just needs to tell me about it. “Jae...” She started. I looked at her to see her giving the gentle look she always have. “What will happen if I die?” I got shocked by the question what does she mean by it? “Jaebin, what are you...” I got sealed off by a kiss.

I think all my readers have ran away.
I will try to post still
I will end this story so even if there are readers in the future, they can read it from head to toe.
Comments if there are any readers out there!

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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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