
Reconciled concert (repost)
“I’ll ask Junsu first before I’ll tell you again Oppa.” She smiled and went to make a call. Junsu was only staying with his sister Mi young. Taeyeon seems to click quite well with Mi young as always she will tell me what they did and all. I don’t think they will mind. “Oppa. I’ll be going over to Junsu’s.” She shouted from upstairs. Seem like I was right about them. I headed upstairs and started pack something things that I would need.
“Taeyeon, take care of yourself ok? Don’t create trouble for Junsu.” I ruffled her hair and she nodded. “By Oppa. Take care ok. Have fun.” She waved as I walked out of the gate, waving back, walking to Jaebin’s house.

When I reached her house, she pulled out one hand carry luggage and one luggage. “I’ll help you.” I rushed to her side to help her so she will be able to bid her parents farewell. “Jaejoong-ah, Take care of Jaebin for us for the next few weeks. “ Mrs. Park pat my shoulder, hoping that we will have a safe trip. Their whole family gave Jaebin a hug before we took their car to the airport.

“Reservation under Kim Jaejoong.” I said and the woman typed something into the computer and gave me our air tickets. “Have a pleasant trip.” With our luggages checked in and our air tickets. “I’ll help you with that” and with that, I took Jaebin’s hand luggage. “Thank you so much Jaejoong.” She said and smiled. We headed to the airplane waiting room and finally, we boarded the plane.

During the plane ride, Jaebin read her book the whole way, not eating the meal provided by the air plane. “It’s ok.” She said and the air stewardess nodded before serving the next person. “Why aren’t you eating Jaebin?” I asked gently. She shook her head lightly with the corner of her lips lifting slightly. “I cannot take their food. I will feel like throwing up. That’s why I bought sandwich at the airport.” She pulled out her sandwich and I smiled. “I have to ensure you go back healthy or Yoochun might skin me alive.” She laughed.

The plane ride was not very long so we landed in Japan after taking the plane for 2 hours. Since I’ve been to Japan for a few times, I was quite familiar. I told the cab driver to bring us to Hotel Seiyo Ginza one of the better hotels in Tokyo. “We’d like to stay for a couple of weeks.” Jaebin told the person behind the counter. “What room would you like? Normal suite, president suite or the penthouse suite?” The lady asked. “president suite.”
“The president suite contains 2 bedrooms and a living room. There’s a balcony. It would be a total of 39,503.12 yen for a day. You would have to pay 3 days in advanced.” Jaebin pulled out her gold card and the woman did the procedures. “Jaebin, I should pay.” I insisted. “I asked you along so I should pay. It’s ok. Just have fun with me.” We headed to our room and it was indeed worth our money. City view and the room was huge. We place our things in our room and toured the room a little. “Let’s go down for a walk.” She suggested and we went down.
The city was indeed bustling with people. It was so hard to walk properly. Jaebin kept on getting knocked so she was unbalanced and a few times, she almost fell down. She then wrapped her arms around my arms, sticking close to me. When the amount of people finally died down, we found ourselves in front of a quiet café. “Let’s have dinner here.” Jaebin suggested and we headed into the café.

End of Jaejoong’s POV

Jaebin’s POV

The café was very vintage looking a waitress came up to us and lead us to a table for 2 at a quiet corner of the restaurant. It was beside the window and we were able to see a few locals walking past in high speed. “Erm…” Jaejoong said and I looked at him. “Don’t be shy. We can use this time to get to know each other more.” I said and he cleared his throat. “What are your plans for the next few days?” Jaejoong looked at me. “Go walk around the more famous places. We can ask the receptionists if they have any services. They would have.” I said as I flip through the menu looking for something that I can eat.

After placing the orders, Jaejoong and my hand accidentally touched. “Sorry.” He said and looked down. “I think we’d have a hard time living together for a few weeks if you at like that.” I joked and he looked up giving me a reassuring smile. “Here’s your food.” The waitress was seriously annoying the hell out of me. Everything about this restaurant is very nice but that waitress was a sore thumb. She was leaning so close to Jaejoong and Jaejoong was giving a very annoyed face. “Excuse me, aren’t you leaning a little too close?” I spoke in Japanese. The waitress immediately gave a very annoyed face and stood up straight. “Excuse me, can I see the manager?” I asked another waiter who was walking past. I got a glance at the waitress’s name tag so I know her name.

“Your waitress was leaning so close to my friend that he was very uncomfortable. What kind of service is this?” I asked the manager as he had his head bow down. “I’m sorry miss. We’ll take your word into advice and teach her properly. I’m really very sorry.” With that he gave the waitress an evil eye and dragged her away. “You’re scary.” Jaejoong said with a smile. I smiled and we started eating our food. “Let’s go to the night market.” I dragged Jaejoong along as we entered the night market. It was so fun. I don’t really come to these kind of places in Korea. Omma wouldn’t bring me neither would Oppa and Donghae… I would occasionally think about a topic and it would eventually led to Donghae. I held back my tears and Jaejoong and I continued walking.

When I was finally tired as my leg was aching, we headed back to the hotel. “You should wear flats instead.” Jaejoong said as we headed back to the hotel. “I don’t have flats the only pair I own was given by Dong…” I stopped my sentence and Jaejoong turned to look at me, eyes wide. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m so so sorry.” He apologised. “It’s ok. I have to get over him and that’s the motive of this trip.” We headed back to our room and sat on the sofa. “My leg hurts.” I said as I took off my shoes, massaging my own leg. Jaejoong came out of the toilet with a cold towel. “Put this on your leg. It’ll help.” And once I place it on my leg, I really felt better. He squat in front of me. “Do you mind?” He asked and I shook my head. He massaged my feet and he was really good at it.

“Alright.” He said as he stood up, taking to towel with him. “First thing tomorrow, buy shoes.” He said as he went to the kitchen. I stood up and got to my luggage, taking out some clothes before heading to shower. When I was done, I found Jaejoong fast asleep on the couch. “I think I really made him walk a lot.” He was lying on the couch so I took his comforter and covered him but I think I was not gentle enough as he stirred. “Oh you’re done?” He said as he rubbed his eye. “Yah. It’s your turn.” He stood up yawning and dragged himself to the toilet.

When he was done, he was about to lie on the bed and sleep when I stopped him. “Don’t do that!” He jumped out of his bed as I walked towards him. “Blow your hair dry. You’ll fall sick if you do this.” I said. “I really want to sleep.” He whined a bit as I took the dryer to his room. “I’ll do for you.” When I was done, he smiled and went to sleep. “He’s really like a child when I get to know him more and more.” I placed the dryer back in the toilet and I myself proceeded to sleep.

I don’t know what’s with me as when I want to sleep, there would be flashes of Donghae and I. I would tend to start crying and cry myself to sleep. Today was a bit more abnormal as I cried until Jaejoong heard me and came into my room. “You alright?” He asked and I nodded my head. I could feel him patting my body lightly and without crying, I fell into deep slumber. Thank you Jae.

The next morning, I woke up to find Jaejoong sitting on the couch all ready. “Am I very late?” I asked and he shook his head. “Nope. I need time in the morning to think on occasions.” He said as I proceed to shower and get ready. We headed to the restaurant to have breakfast before starting on our trip. We first went to buy shoes as Jaejoong insisted that I take off those killer heels as what he said. We bought more than 5 pairs of flats, slippers, sandals. Whichever that doesn’t have heels. I like 3 of them and didn’t know which to pick and wear


In the end, I chose the pink pair of flats and we headed back to the hotel to place those things down since the hotel is just 2 blocks away. After putting down our stuff, Jaejoong and I headed to the same street which I bought my shoes from and we started shopping and I got the shock out of my life. I really didn’t expect Jaejoong to be such a shopaholic. He buys almost everything he likes and when you look at the price you might faint. It seems like he has a on electronic devices. He bought so many MP3 and Ipods. I really wonder how many ears does he have.

It was then I had an idea. “Let’s take the bus.” I pulled Jaejoong along and we went to the nearest bus stop. The bus was quite crowded but I didn’t mind.

End of Jaebin’s POV

Jaejoong’s POV

The bus was quite crowded so Jaebin and I were separated. I kept my eyes on her all the time as I heard that some men in Japan are quite… It was then when I saw her eyes widen and she turned her head swiftly to the back and what made me suspicious was that the man behind her was leaning very close to her.

Although the bus was quite crowded, it was not crowded to the extent that there’s no space to walk. I slipped myself through the crowd and headed for Jaebin. The nearest I can go was to the pole and I was able to reach out for her. I grabbed her arm and pulled her so that she’s leaning on the pole. Her hands were in front of her chest. “You alright?” I asked and she nodded her head slightly. “Did he do anything to you?” I asked again since her facial expression just now totally betrayed her. However, she shook her head again.

At the next bus stop, the bus got more crowded it was so crowded to the extent that my body was pressing against Jaebin. “Sorry.” I apologised but she shook her head, putting my hand on her waist while she rest her head on my shoulder. I was quite shocked at first but I was fine after a while. “Where are we getting off?” I asked since we didn’t really say where are we going. “This stop.” We were standing in front of the exit so it was easy to get off. She pulled my hand and we got off the bus…

This took me quite long.
I can’t think of what to write so I hope this is readable.
Comments please.

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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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