A good before a bad

Reconciled concert (repost)
Looking at her room, I could see her movements. I promised her to keep her safe and not let Heechul harm her. I have to keep that promise. No matter how hard it is, I cannot break a small yet important promise. Maybe, just maybe, she’ll open her heart up to me one day, gladly accepting me…
End of Jaejoong’s POV

Jaebin’s POV

Finally Yoochun decided to tell Omma and Appa about the relationship he has with Seulgi. When Yoochun dragged Jaejoong away, I had a wonderful talk with Her. I realize we share a lot in common. I don’t mind having such a nice sister-in-law like her. After 5 minutes or so, Yoochun dragged Jaejoong back and the expression on his face doesn’t look good. I wanted to talk to him but didn’t have the chance. When I finally did, he headed home. Maybe he’s not feeling well.

I headed back to my room to find a new message from Donghae. ‘You free tomorrow? If you are, let’s go out on a date. –Hae’ I looked at his message a little puzzled. Wasn’t he busy these few days? ‘I thought you’re busy these few days? –Jaebin’ I placed my phone back on the table before heading to shower. When I was done, he replied. ‘It’s my free day tomorrow and the day after so I decided to spend more time with you. –Hae.’ I smiled and agreed to go out with him tomorrow. When I know he won’t reply me anymore, I decided to go pick out something to wear tomorrow. I then decided after looking at my clothes for a full 30 minutes.

A Pink cardigan with a white tank top, with a pair of black denim jeans and white wedges. For my bag I chose a brown bag with Golden enchantments.

Every time I go out with Donghae? I would never fail to feel nervous. From our first date till now, I was never not nervous. Yoochun always say I’m like some high school girl going out with her crush. Every single detail I cannot miss out. From my shirt to my bag. Everything has to be in perfect order.

I lay on my bed thinking where would Donghae bring me this time? He’s so secretive about it. I fell asleep thinking about what fun times we would have tomorrow.

The next morning, I woke up early to get ready. I took a long bathe and had breakfast. Looking at the clock, I still have an hour and a half. Donghae initiated to meet at Insa dong so Omma is driving me there. Putting on some light make up, changing into the clothes I prepared, I was ready to go. I headed down stairs and waited for Omma. We still had an hour and Insa dong was not really very near my house.

It seems like there’s a slight Jam and I was practically jumping in my seat till Omma calmed me down. “He’ll wait for you. It’s a gentleman’s duty to wait for the lady.” I calmed down and after what seemed like years, we’ve arrived. Omma dropped me a walking distance from our meeting point so I had time to calm down.

“Oppa!” I said and he turned, flashing me his million dollar smile. “You’re fashionably late.” He smiled and s his arms round my waist. “Sorry. Traffic” He looked at me, puzzled. “omma drove me here. She didn’t want me to take the subway. She said it’s bad experience. She insisted on driving me.” I said and he smiled.

“Let’s go.” He grabbed me hand and we headed to the cinema. He bought a pair of horror movie tickets. It was a movie I had always wanted to watch but didn’t have the chance even though I bugged Donghae a few times. He bought popcorn and drinks before we headed to the cinema. “So we’re meeting early to catch the 8.30am movie?” I asked and he nodded. “I wanted to try what couples are doing now.” He smiled and we settled into our seat. At one part of the movie, I couldn’t help but ducked into his embrace. He didn’t laugh, but he pat my head lightly.

When the movie, I teared a little. “It’s really scary for you huh?” He said and I nodded while he wiped my tears away for me. His stomach growled and I stifled a laugh as he dragged me to a shop and we had things that I rarely got to eat. Like Ddeokbokki and Soondae. Omma didn’t allow for some reason so I don’t really get to eat it. “I know you like these so I brought you here today.” He smiled and we ate for about an hour before going to take a walk.

We went to do a lot of things that we never had a chance to do. We watch road side performances, ate food from street stalls, I even had my portrait drawn. He brought me to places which I’ve never thought Korea would have. The most memorable thing of the day was that we took a bus. A transport that I rarely or can say never had the chance to ride in.

It was around 3pm so it wasn’t really crowded. It was quite a long journey from Insa-dong to my house so the ride was quite long. “Oppa, are you staying for dinner?” I was on a call with Omma and she asked me to ask that question. “Sure.” He smiled and Omma said she doesn’t want to interrupt us.

“Oppa, why didn’t you drive today?” I asked since he told me once before that his car was his second wife. “I wanted to spend more time with you.” He smiled and I blushed, looking out of the window. “How are you going home later then?” I asked. He always heads home late so transport would be a problem today. “I have to head home after dinner so it’s alright.” He smiled and I nodded.

When we finally reached my house, we headed to my room. Never did Omma worry that Donghae would do anything to me. She says he’s a man who won’t pin their ual needs on a girl whom he loves which is reluctant. “Jaebin-ah, can I ask of a favour from you?” he asked suddenly when I came back from the toilet.

“Sure. I’ll do anything within my limits.” I said and he placed his hands above mine. “Give me a few of your pictures.” He looked at me gently and I nodded I took out a photo album and took out a few for him. “Why do you want my pictures suddenly?” I asked as I passed it to him.

“I’ll be very busy lately so I won’t be able to come over so I need your pictures to keep me running.” He smiled and I smiled back. “So I give you energy?” I asked and he smiled. “Of course you do.” He messed my hair and laughed. We spent 2 hours fooling around in my room before Omma came in to ask us to go down for dinner early since appa isn’t coming home and Yoochun’s home already. When dinner was over, Donghae had to leave.

“I need to go now. Bye Auntie, Bye Yoochun.” He turned around and walked out of the door with me beside him.

End of Jaebin’s POV

Donghae’s POV

Jaebin walked me to the door before I brushed off her hand. “Send me till here is enough. I can’t let you walk home alone can I?” I smiled and she looked at me. “I’ll be fine. Take care of yourself ok?” she nodded again before I turned around and walked to the main road. When her house was out of sight, Tears flowed out uncontrollably. “Goodbye Jaebin, Forever.”I whispered as I flagged a cab and closed my eyes till I was all the way home.

I looked at the state of my house. Boxes everywhere, my clothes are packed nicely. I walked to my bedroom and lay on my bed, thinking of the future. I took out Jaebin’s pictures from my jacket pocket and touched her face. “I’m sorry.” I started tearing again as I closed my eyes, trying to forget all those things bothering me currently.

I dragged myself to take a shower before heading to bed early as tomorrow, I have more important things to take care of. Putting Jaebin’s picture in my hand luggage, I dozed off to sleep, thinking of her angelic face.

The next morning, I woke up at 5am and started to get ready. Taking a shower, I had breakfast and headed to the airport. Appa said that he’ll ask people to send the stuff over so I can leave in peace. Yes, I’m leaving Korea. Leaving for good. I sold my car and my house. I took my luggage and headed to the airport.

Looking at the scenery passing, I would definitely miss Korea. The place which gave me many beautiful memories and gave me a chance. When I checked in, I took a last look at the airport before heading into the gates. Waiting for the plane gates to open, I took out my wallet which had the picture of Jaebin and I when we first started dating.

When it’s time for boarding, I switched off my phone and walked into the plane. I would not have a chance to set foot in Korea anymore. I got first class so I sat beside the window. I looked outside, as the plane started to move. Tears welled in my eyes. “Good bye Korea, Goodbye Jaebin” I closed my eyes, allowing the plane to bring me to Appa. Bring me to somewhere which I’m not familiar with and have no memories of…

End of Donghae’s POV

Jaebin’s POV

Days have passed and I haven’t heard from Donghae. Not even a message. Yoochun said he also hadn’t seen Donghae around. Maybe he’s really very busy. I started to spend a lot of time with Jaejoong. He’s always popping by, seeing how I was and we hang out quite a lot. Since I was bored and so was he, we would hang around in the dance studio, trying out new things.

Yoochun was rarely home now since he has Seulgi. Their engagement is coming up so maybe that’s why they’re more busy these few days. Jaejoong was always around to put fun in my life. However, he’s acting all mysterious these few days. He would flinch when I say Donghae’s name. Maybe Donghae scare him or something so I decided to ask. “Are you scared of Donghae?” I asked innocently. He looked at me with a weird expression. “No, why do you say so?” He said

“You seem so jumpy when I mention Donghae.” I explained and his eyes shifted from left to right. “it’s nothing. I don’t really know him well.” He said and I let go of it.

That night, I looked at everything relating to Donghae. Pictures, jewelry, accessories, shoes and many more. He gave me many things. Not in physically but also in emotional. He brought me so many memories that I would never forget. He always puts me first to himself. Bringing me to places I like. Even thought I realized and retaliated, he would say he likes them too even though he’s just ok with it.

I have a photo album which contains pictures of Donghae and I from when we started dating till now. Even though it’s shortly a year and a few months, I have at least 3 photo books. We took a lot of pictures to keep it as memories. I would take these photo books out on occasions to refresh my memory.

When I was finally tired, I lay on my bed, thinking of Donghae and everything he’d ever done for me. One reason why I couldn’t thank Yoochun less is that he was the one who allowed me to meet such a wonderful guy like Donghae.

I wonder when will the Park family find out about his departure?
How would Jaebin react?
Would Jaejoong do anything?
Comments are loved.

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karambolage #1
Quite a good job ^^
to: Emerald_lee<br />
Thank you for your compliment. I will work harder for my next one. Hope you support too.
Emerald_Lee #3
omg i just finished reading this on winglin - its such a good story
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