Chapter 7

Warrior Games

A/N: I updated Chapter 6 so yeah but, enjoy!!! Thank you to Saku2cherry for the amazing trailer. If you would like to see it its in the forewards.



Late that night, Onew was sitting in Changmin’s healing quarters. He sat next to the bed as he thought about Key, ‘god that Jonghyun, he just stood there and watched.’ He thought. He looked at the sleeping boy in the bed and sighed. Moving some stray locks of hair from the elders face, He smiled, “would you fool with someone hyung? Like Jonghyun hurt Key?” He asked. Changmin stayed in his sleeping state, Onew turned for the door where the nurse came in, “thank you for staying with him a little, I do apologize for keeping you up so late.” Onew shook his head, “no worries.” The older left and went to sleep knowing that he would have to get up really early to load up into his sensei’s, Junsu’s, wagon to go to his school.





At dawn the next morning, Taemin and Minho were placing their bags into Junsu’s wagon, and then they got onto two horses. Junsu walked over on his horse and gave them two swords, “I do get ambushed sometimes by people who like to steal so, these are just in case.” The two nodded and watched their new sensei ride over to Jonghyun and Onew who mounted their horses. Junsu gave them their weapons and then Junsu got off and walked over to Key who was placing his bags into the wagon. “I would like you to stay in the wagon, because you’re injured, I don’t want to worsen them for you, and you’ll look after Changmin as well.” Key nodded and got into the wagon. After the medical team carefully got Changmin into the wagon, Junsu gave Key his sword, just in case. He mounted his horse and they left the palace.




As the horses thudded across the path, the four boys on horse back were keeping out for anyone who would ambush the wagon. Junsu was leading the group; one of his men was behind him while the other was driving the wagon. Taemin and Minho were traveling in front of the wagon while Jonghyun and Onew traveled in the back. Key was inside the wagon, he was watching over Changmin. Key sighed and looked at the sword that Junsu gave him and then turned to Changmin. He then saw that the objects that he stole were in Changmin’s bag, he smiled. ‘At least they weren’t confiscated.’ He thought. After a few hours, the wagon came to a stop. Key heard shuffling outside but, he didn’t budge, he reached for his sword only to see Jonghyun stick his head into the wagon and say “meal time! Hungry?” Key nodded. Jonghyun reached his hand towards Key and waited for Key to take it. Hesitantly, Key took the older boy’s hand and got out of the wagon where the others were sitting with some food that Junsu snatched from the kitchen in the palace. They sat down and began eating.





Changmin’s eyes opened and he looked around, he slowly sat up and then a delicious food smell reached his nose and he instinctively his lips. He got up and opened the curtains to the wagon to see the others eating he smirked, “why didn’t some one tell me it was breakfast time?” The other five boys turned and all smiled when they saw the older boy peeking out of the wagon. Jonghyun dropped his plate and ran to his friend’s side. “Hyung, are you alright?” He asked. Changmin nodded and got out of the wagon and was going to sit next to Key but, the younger stood and said, “I’m done, I have to go and check something, Taemin-ah come with me.” The younger blinked but followed his brother into the wagon and closed the curtains. “Hyung? Is everything alright?” Taemin asked. Key took off his shirt and grabbed some bandages and antiseptics. “Yeah, I just need you to replace the bandage please.” Taemin sat down behind his brother and began to clean the wounds on Key’s back. Once he was done, he bandaged his brothers back and said, “There done, are you going to come back out?” Key shook his head, “I can’t, I failed him as a partner in that fight. How can I even be near him?” He said. Taemin sat down next to his brother, “you bone head, do you really think he hates you? He’s probably worried about you if anything.” Key sighed, “I guess you’re right but,-“ Taemin stopped him, “Nope! I won’t hear another word! Come now.” Key nodded obediently and followed. The two joined the group as they were relaxing. Key sat next to Changmin and Taemin went back to his spot by Minho. Changmin looked at Key and nudged him a little, “Are you alright?” He asked. Key nodded and asked, “Are you alright?” Changmin nodded smiling. Junsu sighed and said, “Listen, boys, this isn’t a vacation, you weren’t brought out the palace because I feel bad for you, I took you because I feel you guys have good fighting skills and potential. Your skills are at intermediate level as of now but, after my training you will be professionals.” He began. “What’s in it for us? You got us out but, we are still prisoners.” Minho spoke gaining approving nods from the others. The sensei nodded and replied, “The king has told me that he took you mercilessly took you from your homes, so I’ll make you a deal, if you last in my school, under my training and super vision, and if all of you win four battles in the upcoming games, then I will declare you free and I will take you home.” All of the boy’s eyes widened, was this guy serious? “You’ll really do that?” Taemin asked. Junsu nodded, “you have my word.”  “I’m in.” Onew said immediately. Jonghyun looked at the older, “ya! Why are you agreeing so quickly, he might be lying to us.” He said. Onew looked at the younger and said, “do you even know what kind of games he’s referring to?” The younger shook his head, “He’s referring to the Warrior Games, they are held every year in the stadium. Warrior sensei’s train slaves to be the best warriors and they fight other warriors from other schools and regions.” Junsu nodded, “that’s right, if you win 4 battles you have the option to go to the finals and fight for ultimate or you can choose to leave and have your freedom. Most cases some big shots get lucky and they choose ultimate; they die within the first 15 minuets of their match. Who ever goes ultimate will fight the current champion and if they win will get rich very quickly. There is a saying that goes around between slaves, the warrior games are where you are born and where you die.” Taemin gulped “W-what does that mean?” He wondered. Junsu smirked, “you’ll find out soon enough, so do we have a deal?” All of the boys nodded agreeing to their new sensei’s rules. “Good, now, Changmin, Key get back in the wagon, the rest of you saddle up we are leaving.” They nodded and followed their orders. After, they continued their journey to Junsu’s warrior school. Which is named, JSFW (Junsu’s School for Fighting Warriors).

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Jongkey204 #1
Chapter 22: That was soooooo cute!!! Omg. I love the ending. It was also a really good story line *clap* jongkey fighting~!
MaknaeJongie #2
Love the ending (obviously lol)
Thanks for finishing it! I'm glad I got the chance to see this through! Congrats on completing it! :D
See ya some other time! XD
Chapter 22: This ending is just wonderful really you're just awesome I don't even have the words to explain it
Thanks thanks really
<3 ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 22: Awwwwww! You're ending the fanfic?! I really liked this story and i felt like you could have continued! It's great that they all ended up together happily ^^
Chapter 21: Waaaa that was great hehehehe I knew he was going to win Keke
Thanks for the story is awesome
Please update soon~~~
Chapter 19: OMG NO NO NO NO NO! HE CAN'T DIE!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Omy god!!No way,i could let the king survived through the entire chapter!!!
Chapter 17: omg !! omg !!
please don't let key & taemin die !!
ooh i don't want that !!
update soon <3
Chapter 17: Ha I think the king is going to be killed soon !!
That bastard ~~~
Btw the story is awesome I love it !!!
Please update soon !!!!
I love jongkey! This story really needed that and you did a great job!
I love this story!
please update soon!