Chapter 15

Warrior Games


The assassin aimed his arrow and fired. The arrow flew to the battle field and landed in Key’s shoulder. Jonghyun’s eyes widened when Key collapsed on one knee from the impact. His opponent was just as stunned as anyone else would be but, decided that now was the time to act. Jonghyun pushed his own opponent out of the way and rushed over, drawing his sword he stabbed Key’s opponent from the back and watched him fall at Key’s feet. Jonghyun went over to Key and held the arrow, “Hold on Key just hang on.” Key’s eyes squeezed shut as Jonghyun pulled the arrow out and placed it onto his bow and arrow. He aimed for the assassin and hit him, making him fall out of the audience and to the sandy floor with a thud. That however didn’t stop the opponents they continued to fight there were only a few left. “Key, can you hold on while I get Junsu?” Key shook his head and said, “I-I have t-to fi-ght,” The younger boy stood up gripping his sword as the blood from his shoulder slithered down his arm and pooled on the sand below his feet. Jonghyun stopped him, “Key you’re hurt, please don’t fight.” He begged. Key didn’t want to quit he knew that he had to win 4 fights to be freed. He gripped his sword tightly as he steadied himself and said “Jonghyun, p-please just stay by side and help me fight.” The older just nodded and stood by the younger and they continued to fight. The king’s fists tightened as he watched his assassin die ‘What kind of an assassin was that?’ He thought as fury and rage ran through his system. He calmed himself down though, and came up with another plan, but, this plan will require some time and careful steps, one wrong move and he could be discovered easily. Smiling to himself as he continued to watch the fight drinking his red wine with the thought, ‘I will imagine that this wine is your blood my precious slaves.’



After the fight, all the remaining fighters were quickly ushered inside behind the gates. Junsu walked over and announced, “All wounded fighters follow me.” Key clutched his wounded shoulder and followed his teacher to the healing quarters and sat down onto the bed. Junsu walked over and took off Key’s armor and shirt. He examined the wound and said, “You’re very lucky, if the arrow had hit any lower it would’ve hit a nerve and you would’ve been paralyzed.” Carefully, he sewed it up and bandaged it. Before letting Key go he also said, “Don’t be reckless, I won’t go back on my word, I promise you don’t be hasty alright? Jonghyun looked so worried for you.” Key nodded and left to go back to Jonghyun.

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Jongkey204 #1
Chapter 22: That was soooooo cute!!! Omg. I love the ending. It was also a really good story line *clap* jongkey fighting~!
MaknaeJongie #2
Love the ending (obviously lol)
Thanks for finishing it! I'm glad I got the chance to see this through! Congrats on completing it! :D
See ya some other time! XD
Chapter 22: This ending is just wonderful really you're just awesome I don't even have the words to explain it
Thanks thanks really
<3 ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 22: Awwwwww! You're ending the fanfic?! I really liked this story and i felt like you could have continued! It's great that they all ended up together happily ^^
Chapter 21: Waaaa that was great hehehehe I knew he was going to win Keke
Thanks for the story is awesome
Please update soon~~~
Chapter 19: OMG NO NO NO NO NO! HE CAN'T DIE!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Omy god!!No way,i could let the king survived through the entire chapter!!!
Chapter 17: omg !! omg !!
please don't let key & taemin die !!
ooh i don't want that !!
update soon <3
Chapter 17: Ha I think the king is going to be killed soon !!
That bastard ~~~
Btw the story is awesome I love it !!!
Please update soon !!!!
I love jongkey! This story really needed that and you did a great job!
I love this story!
please update soon!