Eunhyuk's Birthday And Cherry Blossom Festival

You, Just You


Leeteuk's POV

4 April ...

 "Saengilchukka!", Tonight we all make Eunhyuk's birthday party in our dorm.

"Happy birthday Hyukjae~ Happy birthday Eunhyuk ~ ~ Happy birthday, happy birthday ~ Happy Birthday Lee Hyukjae!"

Although we had just finished with all the activities we all still excited for this party. Currently Eunhyuk is opening the gifts from all of us when I realized there are enough other gifts collected in his room. I know the thick pile one is from fans, then surely a separate pile of ... well, because there's definitely nine of them they're from _____ and her friends. 

"Hyukkie-ah, when they had time to give this to you?" I asked him. 

"It was early in the morning, there are box outside and it's written From your Best Friends", I saw Eunhyuk opens a gift from us all one by one.

"Woah Leeteuk-hyung!", I immediately turned to him.


"Woaaah, hyung what this means?", Kangin said chuckling.

"Waeyo? You do not like? "

"Anii, your gift is absolutely the same as _____", he said again.

"MWOOO?!", And after that the other member smile to me and then get back to the room with a super red face.

Yaa! _____-ah, why did you make me like this? Aish ....



_____'s POV

9 April ...


And the good news is tomorrow Super Junior will be performing here ^ ^, finally me and my friends can enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival events without rushing.

Today I and Heera is still busy with our own flower stand (this is the last day, yey ^ ^). And to be honest, I really miss Leeteuk-sunbae .... hehehe. All this activity makes us really cannot see each other for almost 2 weeks ...

"_____-ah, why are you daydreaming? This is the last day, so cheer up! Tomorrow we get to watch the entire event with a free pass, and also we can relax, let's do our best on this last day! Fighting! ", Heera's Speech makes my spirits rise.

"Neee! Fighting Heera-ah! "

10 April ...

HUAAAAAAA FINALLY!! FINALLY!! ! Holidays have arrived, holidays have arrived, my heart happy ~ ~

Me, Heera, minra, minrin, haras, hahyo, hachan, mintae, aera, sunggi, and niseul, decided to picnic under the trees that had begun falling it's flower petals.

7 o'clock in the morning I wake up and shower immediately. I really cannot wait to spend a full day with my best friends + Super Junior will come in the evening ^ ^.

Arriving there, hara minra, and minrin immediately ran to the spot  under the trees and the leaves are very beautiful pink. Hachan who brought her camera  photographed a lot of it.


"Well why my face looks like this?", Said minrin after seeing her picture.

"Ahahahaha", we all spent the whole day to play, take pictures, eat, nap, and get around.

"Oh by the way, _____-ah, how's your relationship with Leeteuk-sunbae?", asked niseul to me.

"Huh? Well we're just friends really ", I said casually.

"You do not want more? Instead you told me once, if you could meet him once again you want to express your feelings? hahaha"

"Ah, about that I think it's hopeless. Hopeless, so for now it is enough just friends ", I said resignedly.

"Why the sudden hopeless?", asked hahyo sudden follow the conversation.

"Molla ... "

"Hmmm, OK, let's quickly go to the main event, we don't want to miss .... umm our friends right?", Said niseul towards the others.

"OF COURSE!", my uneasiness disappear when my friends took my hand and we're running toward the big stage that is located in the middle of the park.

It was getting dark, I saw the lanterns started to glow.

"Uwaaaa, really good!", Said hara.

"Nee!", I agree with her.

Again, the crazy photographed hachan took that view and the results are of course good.

"Hmmm, look at it? Professional enough right?? Hahaha, "boasts hachan showing her lanterns photos. And the result is good, really good.

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Omg I love it Yaw ..:D
Oh Oh Leeteuk ssi :'(
Aish!! ...Wae Wae T^T I WANT HIM ..
leeharahan #4
Finally it's done ^^ hehe thank you for reading it and i hope you comment so i'll know what you think about my fanfic hehe ^^
leeharahan #5
@nadirasafitri just like i've said it's You hahahahaha
nadirasafitri #6
@leeharahan ohhh i think i know who's the main character!
leeharahan #7
@nadirasafitri the main character's personality is resemble my best friend ^^ You know already,eh?
leeharahan #8
i'm really sorry for all the typos hehe ^^
nadirasafitri #9
WOWWWWW.... i really love the character of the "You" hohohoho^^