Dancing Green City Bunny: Part I

City Bunnies


Youngjae was walking home after a long day. Himchan made them stay several hours past their shifts because he was lonely. Hyung needs to get out more. Youngjae had to walk past the park to get to his father’s house. The park was deserted and very poorly lit. When the rap battle had been held there, the producers had to bring their own lighting. The dark and abandoned park looked very eerie at night.

Youngjae saw movement near one of the working lights in the middle of the park. A person was break dancing. The person finished the move and grabbed a bottle of water. While taking a drink of their water, Youngjae got a better look at the face of the dancer. Ah, Daehyun’s tokki, shall I stop...

Youngjae cut through the park slowly approaching Jongup. I should get him back for being a mischievous rabbit, perhaps something I will enjoy more than he will. Jongup started dancing again, oblivious to Youngjae who slowly creped closer. Youngjae made it to a bench near the light. He sat down and waited while Jongup continued ever oblivious. Jongup stopped pulling out his mp3. When he picked a song, he slid the mp3 back into his pocket. Jongup looked around and almost jumped when he saw Youngjae sitting on the bench staring at him.

“H-Hi,” Jongup shot looks around the park checking for any other audience members. “How long have you-”

“A hour,” Youngjae replied before Jongup finished. Time for some revenge.


“Mmmm,” Youngjae nodded.

“That’s not even possible, I haven't been dancing that long.”

“Really so how long have I been here?”

“Mouth…” Jongup murmured under his breath eyes growing small with impatience.

“I’m sorry, was that an answer or a proposition?” Youngjae smiled tilting his head back slightly.

“…” Jongup murmured again, then spoke clearly, “I think I hear my apartment calling me.”

“Yes to the first, and maybe I should walk you home protect you from erts or something.”

“What the hell does that make you?”

“Your bodyguard.”

“You sound like a wolf in sheep’s clothing…” Jongup stared when Youngjae began making sheep sounds, “This is…just walk me home.”

Youngjae grinned as Jongup pulled on his jacket and pick up his water bottle. Now I just need a dark alley… When they made it out of the park, Jongup tried to convince Youngjae let him go home alone. Giving in again, they turned the opposite direction of Youngjae’s house. They walked to the store and its corner. Several blocks down were rows of apartment buildings.

“Live in one of those?” Youngjae asked looking over at Jongup.


“By yourself…?”


Youngjae wonder if he would simply reply ‘yep’ to anything. Wanna do it? ‘Yep.’ Unlikely. They stepped off the sidewalk crossing a side street. Dark alley…not quite but close enough. Youngjae hooked his arm around Jongup’s and swung him down the side street. Jongup stumbled but recovered quickly. He turned to ask ‘what the hell’ but Youngjae shoved him backwards. Jongup’s back hit the wall knocking the wind out of him. Damn, Youngwhat’shisface is rough. Jongup finally had some of his breath back when Youngjae used his body to pin Jongup to the wall. Youngjae looked at Jongup who tilted his head down to avoid contact.

“Don’t make me tilt your chin up.”

Jongup gritted his teeth while bringing his chin up. Jongup looked at Youngjae’s hair. The spikes fanned out on one side. Jongup’s eyes slowly worked their way toward the face. Youngjae watched Jongup. Their eyes met but Jongup kept shifting around Youngjae’s face until they finally stopped. What is he staring at…

Jongup had stopped when his eyes had passed over Youngjae’s lips. If I reading this situation correctly, he probably wants to kiss me, maybe mug me, no, probably the first. Hmm, could I kiss those… Jongup looked up suddenly startling Youngjae who had become focused on staring at Jongup. A smile broke out on Jongup’s lips and quickly spread to the rest of his face. Youngjae reacted by smiling back.

“Why are you smiling…” Youngjae asked suspicious.

“I was wondering if I could actually kiss you…”

Youngjae raised his eyebrows at such a bold statement.

“Who said someone was going to kiss you?”

“So…you’re gonna mug me?”

“No, I’m gonna skin you for your rabbit fur.”

Jongup eyes grew small again as his impatience returned. Coward, making me do all the work. Jongup moved head forward quickly catching Youngjae by the mouth. Their lips touched barely forming a peck. Jongup brain froze as he tried to decide what to do next. Stop or go… Youngjae took advantage of the touch pushing Jongup back against the wall with his lips. Jongup felt his mouth relax at Youngjae’s enthusiastic response. Guess it’s go. An arm s around Jongup’s back and Youngjae’s body pressed into him. His head was still pinned against the wall. Youngjae bit Jongup’s bottom lip causing a grumble out of Jongup. A laugh came from Youngjae before his mouth was on Jongup’s again. Youngjae prodded Jongup with his tongue. Jongup felt a shift as Youngjae brought his hand to Jongup’s neck. Jongup's mouth formed a smile into the kiss as Jongup slid a leg between Youngjae’s. Jongup brought his leg down on the back of Youngjae’s knee and twisted Youngjae into the wall pinning Youngjae under him. Youngjae’s mouth grew still beneath his. Jongup took this time to pour his tongue into Youngjae’s mouth. Both of Youngjae’s arms wrapped around Jongup; one sliding up his jacket. They stood in the side street for awhile pressed into each other mouths connected. Jongup pulled away from Youngjae’s mouth resting his forehead on the other’s. I don’t know where to go from here. When Youngjae opened his eyes they were distant as he slowly came back to the side street they were standing in.

“Stopping?” Youngjae panted confused.

“I want to leave you wanting more…” Jongup sighed. Youngjae laughed in response while tightening his grip on Jongup. How to get out of this…

“Don’t worry I'll let you go,” Youngjae replied to Jongup’s internal dialog, “…after a good night kiss.”

Jongup smiled pressing his lips into Youngjae’s. His grip on Jongup loosened as the kiss deepen. Youngjae stayed against the wall when Jongup left him. Cold air filled his spot against Youngjae’s body. Gah, stupid tokki. Youngjae shook his head then stood up forcing his body toward his father’s house.

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!! Imma jerk but there’s 21 pgs in Word & I did y’all a solid and wrote some . No teasing, K maybe a little. Enjoy!


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Chapter 18: Ooooo snap! This just keeps getting better and better! And I think I know who guppies aunt is hmmmm ^_-
Chapter 17: Aw dae see what happens when you giggle XD
i think im gonna run a store like that.....best. store. eveeerrrrrrr!
Noona!!! Three boys are in there; lock them up NOW!! Lol
Seriously, you update so quickly and I had to catch up with three updates. Not complaining. It was enjoyable!
Aww Gukkie kissed our Zelo~ Perhaps he did that because he wanted to confirm if he likes boys?
Zelo is so cute confusing Guk for liking him<3
Oh god you don't know how glad I was when Zelo met a nice girl. What if that girl wants something 'different' in return?!
/pats my back
Oh zelo lol your plan is genius! Good luck with it XD
~uppddaattee soooon~
Uh-oh I think youngjae is planning something o.O
Woohoo jongup and daehyun are going on a daaaatttteeee!!!!!!
As for zelo....poor poor little confused zelo tsk I don't know about you but good luck^^
Whaaa an update! Woohoo! Ok so bang thinks he likes himchan and so he kisses zelo...yeah that seems a bit right XD this is the best please update soon!!!!!!