Noona's Boot Camp: Part I

City Bunnies


Zelo and his mother waited for Jongup to arrive at their house. Jongup had invited Zelo to go to his aunt’s house with him for the weekend. Zelo’s mother agreed under the condition that she would drive them and meet Jongup’s aunt.


“Woo! He’s here!” Zelo sprinted towards the door.

When he pulled it open Jongup stood with a bag slug over his shoulder. He smiled when Zelo yelled at him.

“Hyung!” Zelo jumped on Jongup almost knocking him to the ground. “Umma, let’s go!”

“Yah, Junhong, calm down. Come and get your things.” Zelo’s mother walked to the door to greet Jongup.

Zelo returned quickly with his bag pushing the other two out the door, “Let’s go!”



Himchan yawned as he knocked on Yongguk’s door. It’s six in the morning. Why did she send a van to collect us so early? He knocked again but no response came. He switched tactics and started pushing the doorbell. A grumbling came from the other side of the door.

“It’s Himchan, open up.”

The door swung open and angry Yongguk glared at Himchan.

“Noona, sent the van for me. I’m to pick up everyone that is coming so let’s go.”

“Why…wake me?” Yongguk growled incoherently.

“I know it’s early but Noona’s orders.” Himchan replied as he walked inside the apartment. “Let’s get you some clothes. You can sleep on the way and maybe when we get there.”

Yongguk got a bag and threw it at Himchan as he went through Yongguk’s clothes. After packing clothes and a toothbrush, Himchan pulled Yongguk out the door.

“Do you have your keys to lock up?”

Yongguk shook his head sleepily. Himchan sighed and went back inside. He came out with Yongguk’s keys and phone. After locking the door Himchan put the keys in the bag and pulled Yongguk to the van. He pushed Yongguk onto the front bench seat then got into the front seat with driver.

“Next house,” Himchan told the driver as he looked back to see Yongguk sleeping.

Himchan repeated the process he had gone through with Yongguk two more times with both Daehyun and Youngjae. He pushed Youngjae on top on Daehyun in the back bench seat then scooted in next to Yongguk who was snoring softly. He laid on his back using Yongguk’s lap as a pillow while putting his legs against the door. Yongguk cracked an eye open to see Himchan lying in his lap. He fell back asleep quickly but he heard something before he did.

“On driver, to hell we go.”



“Wow…” Zelo and his mother replied in unison. Jongup entered a code to get the gate to open. They drove up the driveway of a large estate. Most of the yard was covered in trees and grass.

“Your aunt’s house is amazing.” Zelo’s mother blinked as they finally pulled in front of the house.

“I never knew you were loaded.” Zelo smirked at Jongup.

“It’s not family money, she made it all on her own. She’s actually my step aunt, so even if it was family money I wouldn’t necessarily have access to it.”

“Hyung, that’s not cool. How am I going to leaching off you, now?”   

Jongup laughed as they opened the doors on the car. The three of them walked up to the door. Zelo reached for the doorbell looking back at Jongup for reassurance. He nodded and Zelo quickly pushed it. The door opened and a middle aged woman in a green track suit smiled at them.

“Jonguppie,” The woman grabbed Jongup by the face and kissed his cheeks.

“Hi, sungmo.” Jongup replied as she released his face.

“Ah, you must be Zelo,” Jongup’s aunt had to crane her neck to look up at Zelo. “Omo, you’re so tall.”

She turned to Zelo’s mother, “You must be so proud to have such a tall son. Shall we talk about the details of this weekend over some tea?”

Jongup’s aunt led her inside to a parlor while Jongup took Zelo upstairs. As they walked down the hall they noticed name tags on the doors.

“Hey, hyung, does this say ‘Yongguk and Himchan’ on it?”

Jongup read the names, “Yea…it does.”

“What does that mean? Is she talking about our hyungs?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. Let’s see if we can find one with our name on it. We’ll ask her later.”

As they continued to walk they passed a door with the name ‘Daehyun’ on it.

“Jongup-hyung…that seems way too coincidental.”

“Yea, I think you’re right. This one says ‘Youngjae.’” Jongup stood at the next door down.

Zelo walked next to him and read it. What is going on? He looked around the hall as if the answer would pop out of thin air when he saw a set of double doors with his name on the left door and Jongup’s on the right door.

“Hey,” He tugged on Jongup pulling him towards the doors. “We’re sharing a room.”

Zelo opened the left door and stared inside.

“Is that a large screen TV?”

Jongup nodded as opened the other door and went in. There were two beds one on each side of the doorway. The TV was on the wall opposite the door. Jongup picked the bed to his right and set his bag on the floor before he sat down. Zelo still stood in the doorway gawking at the TV.

“You coming in?” Jongup leaned forward to look at Zelo.

“Hyung,” Zelo almost whispered.


“Hyung, this is awesome!” Zelo yelled as ran around the room.



Himchan had been sleeping for about an hour before he felt something touch his mouth. He frowned as he went to push it off. His hand hit something solid. He felt around the large object. His fingers got caught in something soft. He opened his eyes to see Yongguk looking down at him. Himchan’s hands were tangled in Yongguk’s hair.

“We arrived at your boss’ place. When you said she was rich you weren’t kidding.”

“I’m not awake yet give me another kiss.” Himchan replied puckering his lips up.

Yongguk went to sit up but was jerked down by Himchan’s fist full of hair. He quickly gave Himchan a kiss blushing as the driver cleared his throat. Yongguk shoved Himchan up off his lap then looked out the window.

Himchan whined wordlessly but stopped when he made eye contact with the driver in the rearview mirror. He distracted himself by opening the door then turning to the back seat. Wow, they look comfortable. Daehyun laid length wise along the bench seat leaning partially against the side of the car. Between Daehyun’s legs Youngjae lay face down into his stomach. Daehyun had an arm over his eyes to block out the light. Himchan smirked then swung his hand down on Youngjae’s . Youngjae threw his head back eyes wide.


When he saw Himchan grinning over the seat in front of him he fell back against the seat. Youngjae felt his head slowly rise and fall. Do seats normally do that? He tried to push himself up the realized there was a person under him. Where do I put my hands? He glanced up to see it was Daehyun. Oh, it’s just you. Youngjae put a hand on Daehyun’s hip and pushed himself up. Daehyun stirred growling at the pressure on his body.

“Are we there?”

Daehyun heard Youngjae’s voice. Are we where? What is he talking about? Why is he even here? Am I having a dream? Daehyun sat up suddenly as hazy memories of Himchan leading him to a van and his mother and father telling him goodbye came back. Oh, right…Noona’s Boot Camp. Daehyun still wasn’t awake when he stumbled out of the van following after the others.


Daehyun couldn’t quite remember how he had gotten to the table but him and the others were all sitting around it.

“What are we doing?” Daehyun looked tiredly at Youngjae.

“Sitting down for breakfast.”

Daehyun’s eyes popped open at the mention of food.

“Where is it?” He asked as he looked at the empty dishes on the table.

“Well, what do you want?” Daehyun looked towards the voice and saw Noona standing in a green track suit with an apron tied over it.

Daehyun smirked as his brain began produce a list of foods.

Noona had taken all their orders and went off to cook the food. She dragged Himchan along with her. He came back during their wait with a large bowl of strawberries. Daehyun packed away about twenty before the food got served to them. Yongguk and Youngjae joined him in eating the strawberries. Himchan and Noona came back in with plates of food. Daehyun had four different plates in front of him.

“Seriously…did you need that much food?” Youngjae raised an eyebrow at him.

“If we’re going to have to endure a boot camp I’m going to eat as much as I want.”


Youngjae finished eating and glance over to see how far Daehyun had made it through his plates. Daehyun was face down on the table with a forkful of food in one hand and a spoonful in the other. Geez, he ate himself into a coma. Youngjae yawned raising his hand to cover his mouth. He put an elbow on the table and propped his head on it. Yongguk heard a thump and looked across the table to see Youngjae with his head on the table and Daehyun the same next to him. There was another thump this time next to him. He looked to see Himchan also facedown on the table. Okay…that’s not normal. Yongguk looked down the table to see Noona wiping her lips. She set the napkin down and looked up at him. A dark look filled her eyes.

“Did…you, um, drug them?” Yongguk squinted unsure he really wanted to know.

“If you help me change them, you won’t have to wear the same uniform as them.”

Yongguk sighed, When in hell, do as the devil commands.


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!! Imma jerk but there’s 21 pgs in Word & I did y’all a solid and wrote some . No teasing, K maybe a little. Enjoy!


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Chapter 18: Ooooo snap! This just keeps getting better and better! And I think I know who guppies aunt is hmmmm ^_-
Chapter 17: Aw dae see what happens when you giggle XD
i think im gonna run a store like store. eveeerrrrrrr!
Noona!!! Three boys are in there; lock them up NOW!! Lol
Seriously, you update so quickly and I had to catch up with three updates. Not complaining. It was enjoyable!
Aww Gukkie kissed our Zelo~ Perhaps he did that because he wanted to confirm if he likes boys?
Zelo is so cute confusing Guk for liking him<3
Oh god you don't know how glad I was when Zelo met a nice girl. What if that girl wants something 'different' in return?!
/pats my back
Oh zelo lol your plan is genius! Good luck with it XD
~uppddaattee soooon~
Uh-oh I think youngjae is planning something o.O
Woohoo jongup and daehyun are going on a daaaatttteeee!!!!!!
As for zelo....poor poor little confused zelo tsk I don't know about you but good luck^^
Whaaa an update! Woohoo! Ok so bang thinks he likes himchan and so he kisses zelo...yeah that seems a bit right XD this is the best please update soon!!!!!!