Noona's Boot Camp: Part II - Drill Instructors

City Bunnies


Himchan blinked the sleep away as his head slowly cleared. He stared straight ahead but didn’t recognize the room he was in. Do walls normally have lights poking out of them like that? He looked right and left to check for other strange lights. Oh, I’m on a bed. Himchan propped himself up on his elbows and looked around. Yongguk was sitting in chair watching a large TV. Himchan walked towards Yongguk but shivered half way there. Gah, it’s cold. I know it’s summer, but really Noona isn’t this too cold? He rubbed his arms and they felt bare. Wait, I was wearing a t-shirt before… Himchan drop his gaze down his body and let out a yell. Yongguk jumped in his seat then looked around the room. Himchan wasn’t sure if he was wearing shorts or underwear. All he could really register was that they were hot pink and revealed more that he cared to share.

“What the am I wearing?”

“Your uniform.” Yongguk grumbled deeply.

“My w-what?”

“Uniform.” Yongguk stood up and walked towards Himchan revealing a t-shirt and a pair of hot pink basketball shorts.

“Oh, yours is normal.”

“Kind of…” Yongguk pointed at the shirt. There was a number on the front. He turned so Himchan could see the number and his name also on the back.

“What…a jersey?”

“Look at the number.” Yongguk held the shirt out from his body with emphasis.

Himchan squinted, “Five? So what?”

Himchan rolled his eyes then looked again. There was a period in front of the five.

“Point five…?”

Yongguk pointed at Himchan’s shirt and he looked down after his rolling his eyes again.

“Do you need to by this cryptic…” Himchan trailed off as he saw his tank top had a period and a five it as well. “Point five and point five…I don’t get it.”

“A half and a half makes…” Yongguk moved his hand in a circle as if trying to draw the answer out of Himchan.

“A whole.” Himchan answered impatiently. “Oh! Heh…these are our first couple’s shirts.”

Himchan smirked as he closed the distance between them. He slid one arm over Yongguk’s shoulders and one around his waist. Yongguk looked at him for awhile then Himchan felt hands grip each of his hips. A smile tugged the corners of his mouth as Yongguk leaned down kissing Himchan lightly.

“Aw, you two look good together.”

Himchan whipped around, “What the about these outfits looks good? More mine than his.”  

Noona just laughed then turned to leave, “Be down at the east porch in twenty minutes. Bring Daehyun and Youngjae with you.”

Himchan grumble a reply. He looked back at Yongguk who was still watching the doorway. He went back to Yongguk wrapping his arms around him again. Yongguk put his hands back on Himchan sliding them from his hips to his back. He let one of his hands drop down. Yongguk smiled when his hands brushed the bottom of the shorts. Himchan watched a large smile stretch across Yongguk’s face.


Yongguk pulled on the shorts in reply. Himchan’s cheeks turned pink.

“S-shut up.” Himchan pouted.

The whine in Himchan’s voice and the shorts made Yongguk pull away laughing.

“Don’t laugh.” He whined at Yongguk.

“Yeah, it could happen to you.” Himchan and Yongguk looked at the door.

Daehyun and Youngjae stood in the doorway wearing the same outfits same as Himchan. The only difference was the numbers. Daehyun wore a two on his while Youngjae’s had a three. Yongguk roared with laughter at the three in their pink shorts.



After Zelo said goodbye to his mother, Noona told them there was an activity she had planned so they need to put on a pair of track suits hanging up in the closet in their room. They trudged back upstairs and opened the closet. Inside were two bright blue track suits.

“I wonder if we’re gonna dance!” Zelo smiled as he stripped of his clothes.

“Hmm, that would be awesome but knowing Noona it’s something more complicated.”

“Huh? What you mean hyung?”

“Ah, you’ll see.”



One of the side porches off the right side of the house was inlaid in with large gray stones. The stone covered a large area outside the door then five steps lead down to a grassy field the was framed in by trees twenty yard by twenty yards. There were several people standing down on the grass. Noona led Jongup and Zelo to the edge of the stairs and stopped. Jongup’s eyes went wide when he saw Youngjae and Daehyun. Before Noona could talk he ran towards them. He was aiming to hug both of them but Youngjae stepped forward. Youngjae wrapped his arms around Jongup. He stepped far enough away from Daehyun to keep Jongup’s arms from reaching out and touching Daehyun. Jongup frowned as he stretched an arm out. Daehyun scowled at the back of Youngjae’s head.

“I was going to hug both of you…”

Jongup pushed Youngjae backwards with one arm wrapped him. Youngjae fell backwards and Jongup walked towards to Daehyun dragging Youngjae between his legs. When Jongup reached Daehyun he pulled him into a hug. Jongup let go of Youngjae as they sandwiched him between them.

“Hi,” Jongup beamed.

Daehyun blushed and mumbled, “Hey.”

“So I’m guessing your aunt and our boss is the same person,” Youngjae commented from between their chests.

“Noona, why do you have Jongup and Zelo here?” Himchan whined then he gasped, “You didn’t kidnap them did you?”

Noona let out a coy laugh, “You give me too much credit, Himchannie. Jongup is my nephew. They’re here to be your drill instructors.”

“Eh?” Yongguk boomed. “The two youngest are our drill instructors?”

Zelo looked at Noona curiously, “Jonguppie-hyung and I get to boss everyone around for the rest of the weekend?”

“Yep, whatever you say goes.”

Zelo smirked deviously, “Then I say everyone touch your nose with your left hand.”

Himchan blinked trying to decide whether he was going to question Zelo’s orders. Yongguk crossed his arms across his chest. Himchan decided to follow the orders and see what happened to Yongguk for disobeying. Noona’s face clouded with angry.

“Gukkie, that uniform was a privilege you earned. It can be taken away.”

Yongguk frowned as he slowly raised his hand. Zelo looked over at Daehyun, Youngjae and Jongup. Daehyun had let go of Jongup and was touching his nose. Youngjae still squished between them had his head turned to the side so he could reach his nose. Jongup held tightly to Daehyun with one hand the other reaching towards his face. Youngjae felt himself slip his cheek bushing down Jongup’s chest.

“Slipping, hey, slipping,” Youngjae cried from between Daehyun and Jongup.

By the time Jongup realized he was falling, Youngjae’s hit the ground.

“Oww,” Youngjae grumbled from the ground.

He turned his head forward as he tried to stand but got a face full of Jongup. Not how I imagined doing this. Youngjae went to scoot backwards when his head hit something. He turned his head again and got a face full of Daehyun this time. Well isn’t today my lucky day.

“Not that I mind being in this position but could we wait for a better time?”

Daehyun looked down at Youngjae and turned beet red. He quickly back pedaled away from the other two. Jongup laughed hard as he stumbled away from Youngjae.

“Yah, hyungs-”

“Zelo, you can call them by their names.” Noona smiled at him.

“Really…are you sure…?”

Noona nodded giving Zelo some confidence.

“Yah, Daehyun, Youngjae! Drop and give me twenty.” Zelo made a scary face at them.

Jongup laughed when Zelo made the face. Daehyun and Youngjae just stared at Zelo blankly like he was speaking another language.

Noona laughed suddenly, “Kukukuku, anyone who doesn’t follow orders will be shown to my personal office which is much better equip than the one at the store and has a nice collection of devices.”

Zelo didn’t really understand what Noona was saying but it worked in his favor. Daehyun and Youngjae moved back in line and saluted Zelo.

“Sir,” they yelled in unison then got on the ground and started their push-ups.

“Instructor Jongup,” Zelo turned to Jongup with a serious face.

Jongup frowned, “Noona, you’re corrupting my friend.”

“Jonguppie-hyung,” Zelo face softened, “You should try it. It’s kind of fun.”

“Instructor Zelo, do we still have to touch our noses?” Himchan whined.

“Himchan, drop and gi-”

Jongup cut Zelo off, “Perform an interpretive dance of a tadpole turning into a frog.”

Himchan’s jaw dropped. Yongguk laughed beside him his hand still on his nose. He shot Yongguk a look before starting his dance. Zelo fell to the ground laughing as Himchan wiggled across the grass doing what Jongup would assume was a tadpole impression. He quickly covered his eyes laughing as he got an eye full of Himchan’s shorts. Can those even be called shorts? Jongup finally took the time to look at what everyone was wearing. Three of them were wearing tiny pink shorts and loose tank tops. Yongguk was wearing a pair of pink basketball shorts and a t-shirt.  

“Sungmo! What are they wearing?”

Noona smiled at her nephew, “Uniforms.” 

“Are you crazy?”

Daehyun finished his push-ups first when he finished he watched Himchan. Youngjae finished soon after him. Soon after he finished Jongup started yelling at Noona. A tiny ray of hope, I might not have to wear this anymore. Youngjae got up off the ground and ran towards them.

“Instructor Jongup, gracious instructor Jongup! Convince Noona to let us change.”

Jongup looked over to see Youngjae running towards him. He eyes quickly traveled down to the tiny pink shorts.

“Pfft…hahahahahah,” Jongup fell on the ground next to Zelo.

Youngjae stopped looking down. He tugged the shorts down a little bit then pulled his top down over the shorts hiding them the best he could. Himchan laughed from the ground where he had been wiggling at how awkward Youngjae had become as he tried to adjust his clothes.

“Like you should be laughing,” A deep voice accused.

Himchan got on all fours and started hoping towards Yongguk, “What are you talking about?”

“Ah!” Yongguk smacked a hand over his eyes.

Himchan looked between his legs. He quickly snapped them shut and sat down using his hands to cover his lap. Himchan glanced around shyly and saw everyone laughing even Noona chuckled with her dark eyes.


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!! Imma jerk but there’s 21 pgs in Word & I did y’all a solid and wrote some . No teasing, K maybe a little. Enjoy!


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Chapter 18: Ooooo snap! This just keeps getting better and better! And I think I know who guppies aunt is hmmmm ^_-
Chapter 17: Aw dae see what happens when you giggle XD
i think im gonna run a store like store. eveeerrrrrrr!
Noona!!! Three boys are in there; lock them up NOW!! Lol
Seriously, you update so quickly and I had to catch up with three updates. Not complaining. It was enjoyable!
Aww Gukkie kissed our Zelo~ Perhaps he did that because he wanted to confirm if he likes boys?
Zelo is so cute confusing Guk for liking him<3
Oh god you don't know how glad I was when Zelo met a nice girl. What if that girl wants something 'different' in return?!
/pats my back
Oh zelo lol your plan is genius! Good luck with it XD
~uppddaattee soooon~
Uh-oh I think youngjae is planning something o.O
Woohoo jongup and daehyun are going on a daaaatttteeee!!!!!!
As for zelo....poor poor little confused zelo tsk I don't know about you but good luck^^
Whaaa an update! Woohoo! Ok so bang thinks he likes himchan and so he kisses zelo...yeah that seems a bit right XD this is the best please update soon!!!!!!