Confused City Bunnies: Part I

City Bunnies


Zelo yawned as he sat down for breakfast. He texted Yongguk as he waited for his mother to serve the food. After finishing breakfast his mother promptly kick him out. She had become even more adamant about his getting out during summer break after he told her about Yongguk and Jongup. Geez, you’d think she’d want to see her son. Zelo squinted as he stepped out into the street the sun blinding him. He grumbled as he brought a hand to his face. His phone buzzed in his shorts pocket. After digging the phone out he read a reply from Yongguk to meet up in the afternoon. Zelo nodded at the text then set his skateboard he had been holding in his other hand on the ground. I guess I could just skate around for awhile.


Zelo had been riding around the neighbor hood for awhile when he saw Jongup. He turned down the path into the park. Jongup was dancing intensely when he road up.

“Hyung!” Zelo yelled as he picked his skateboard up. “Hyung!”

Jongup continued to dance. Zelo cocked his head then saw headphones in Jongup’s ears. He laughed then moved closer to Jongup after set his skateboard against a bench nearby. Zelo watched Jongup for a few seconds then started to copy his dance moves. He danced with Jongup for awhile trying to keep from laughing as the time extended on. How long before he notices? Zelo stopped moving when Jongup started to spin. Wow, how many times did he go around? When Jongup stopped spinning he was facing Zelo.

“Woah!” Jongup stepped backwards but smiled as he recognized Zelo. “How long…where did...”

“Haha, I was dancing next to you for like a minute.”

“Really?” Jongup laughed.

 “Yongguk-hyung isn’t going to be here for a couple hours want to practice dancing together?” Zelo looked hopefully at Jongup.

He smiled at Zelo, “Yeah, sure.”


They stopped a couple times to hang out with Daehyun and Youngjae when they came out for their lunch breaks. Daehyun told them about the owner who had come in because Himchan was sick. When Youngjae came out, he said Himchan was actually hung over. Hmm, Zelo played with the mask around his neck, Maybe Yongguk-hyung drank too much as well; they were pounding it down. Zelo didn’t have much time to think about before Jongup wanted to start dancing again.


Yongguk walked through the park away from the small store with his face towards the sky. His hangover had disappeared completely. Yongguk was surprised he could be out in the brightness of the sun without his head splitting in two. He had gotten a ride with Himchan after telling the other he had arranged to meet with Zelo. Where is that kid? Yongguk tilted his head down looking around for Zelo. He spotted Jongup and Zelo dancing and headed towards them. 

“Hey,” Yongguk called out to the other two.

Zelo stopped dancing and waved at Yongguk. Jongup smiled as Yongguk got closer.

“Hyung, where’ve you been?” Zelo looked at him.

Yongguk thought for a moment. How to answer…? He cleared his throat.

“Hung over.” He nodded.

Jongup and Zelo laughed at Yongguk’s answer.

“You and Himchan-hyung did drink a lot.” Jongup smiled.  

Yongguk snorted, That’s not all we did…

“So, have you two been dancing all morning?”

“Yeah, actually I gonna get some water from the store. Do you want anything?” Jongup looked from Zelo to Yongguk.

“Water, please.” Zelo replied.

Yongguk shook his head, “Nothing for me.”

“Okay, I’ll be back.”


Yongguk wasn’t sure if he was even capable of rapping today so he let Zelo start. He listened while Zelo fired off words. Zelo moved his arms as he got into the rap. A blurred image stirred in Yongguk’s mind. Another of Zelo’s movements brought the memory into focus.  Himchan was talking to him without his shirt on then he started laughing. The memory made Yongguk happy without him understanding why. What the hell was that…? I feel happy just thinking about him. I don’t even know what was happening…but I feel happy, he sighed out loud.  

Zelo stopped looking at Yongguk. “Did I mess up, hyung?”

“Huh?” Yongguk blinked looking at what was actually in front of him. “No, sorry I was thinking about something else.”

“Ah…is it something you want to talk about?” Zelo sat down next to Yongguk on the bench. “I know I can’t really offer advice, but maybe venting will help you.”

“Uh,” Yongguk stared at Zelo. What…am I supposed to say…I like Himchan? I liked ing Himchan? I like kissing Himchan? I don’t even know how to verbalize all this. What… start with, I might be gay…no, how can I just say that? I like girls. I just also like…what? What do I like? Yongguk ran a hand over his face. “I don’t know what to say. I-I guess I’m really confused and I just still need to process.”

Zelo nodded not really sure of what to say. Yongguk looked up to see Zelo’s brow furrowed, his soft face looking at Yongguk with concern.

“Hyung,” Zelo started but was cut off by Yongguk. He had leaned forward and kissed Zelo. He blinked a couple times as Yongguk’s lips spread warmth across his. The shock wore off and Zelo jumped backwards off the end of the bench.

“Hyung! Wha-”

Zelo continued to back away then turned and ran. Yongguk stared after him for a second then smacked a hand into his forehead. What the was that? What did I do that for?


Jongup opened a bottle of water and drank from it as he walked back to the park. He saw Zelo sprinting towards him from down the path.

“Hey, I got your wa-”

Zelo slammed into Jongup before he could finish. The water bottle was still open and it got stuck between their bodies when Zelo hit him. Water spilled down their bodies. Jongup felt Zelo wrap his arms about him. “I know you were thirsty but-” Jongup stopped talking when he heard a sob.

“Hey…” Jongup tried to pull Zelo back to see him but one hand was hold a bag with Zelo’s water and the other was trapped between them. He decided to drop Zelo’s water, and use the free hand to rub Zelo’s back.

Zelo loosened his grip on Jongup then let go completely, “Sorry, I-”

Jongup got a look at Zelo’s face. His brow was twisted up and he looked confused. “What’s wrong?”


Jongup eyes went wide, “Did he get hurt? Was there an accident?”

“No, he’s fine.” Zelo rubbed his forehead roughly. “He…he…k-kissed me.”

There was a moment of silence as Jongup processed what Zelo said.

“He what?” Jongup almost whispered.

“…” Zelo shifted uncomfortable. “…kissed me…”

Jongup looked Zelo in the eyes. What do I say to that…? Holy …that came out of no where…

“What did you say to him after he kissed you?”

“I didn’t say anything! Maybe I did…I can’t remember. I was really thrown off. I kind of ran away.”

“So he kissed you and you ran…”

“Yea…” He nodded.

“So you haven’t thought about how you feel?”

“Yea, but it not supposed to happen like that right…I mean with a guy or randomly like that or…” Zelo looked helplessly at Jongup.

“Maybe you should go home and consider how you feel then when you have it figured out you can see him and tell him how you feel. You don’t have to talk to him alone, I’ll go with you, if you want.”

Zelo continued to look at Jongup with the same expression.

“Do you want to spend the night at my place so you have someone to talk to…”

This time Zelo nodded slowly. Guess his head is working overtime already.

“I’ll call my mom,” Zelo pulled his phone out slowly, “I should get pajamas. Would you-”

Jongup nodded already knowing what Zelo was going to ask and started walking, “You live a couple blocks that way, right?”


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!! Imma jerk but there’s 21 pgs in Word & I did y’all a solid and wrote some . No teasing, K maybe a little. Enjoy!


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Chapter 18: Ooooo snap! This just keeps getting better and better! And I think I know who guppies aunt is hmmmm ^_-
Chapter 17: Aw dae see what happens when you giggle XD
i think im gonna run a store like store. eveeerrrrrrr!
Noona!!! Three boys are in there; lock them up NOW!! Lol
Seriously, you update so quickly and I had to catch up with three updates. Not complaining. It was enjoyable!
Aww Gukkie kissed our Zelo~ Perhaps he did that because he wanted to confirm if he likes boys?
Zelo is so cute confusing Guk for liking him<3
Oh god you don't know how glad I was when Zelo met a nice girl. What if that girl wants something 'different' in return?!
/pats my back
Oh zelo lol your plan is genius! Good luck with it XD
~uppddaattee soooon~
Uh-oh I think youngjae is planning something o.O
Woohoo jongup and daehyun are going on a daaaatttteeee!!!!!!
As for zelo....poor poor little confused zelo tsk I don't know about you but good luck^^
Whaaa an update! Woohoo! Ok so bang thinks he likes himchan and so he kisses zelo...yeah that seems a bit right XD this is the best please update soon!!!!!!