The Surprise

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]


Mi-Cha was again up bright and early in the dance studio practicing her off.  She was still depressed on how she couldn’t have possible went through for that audition. 

She talked to herself while she was still dancing. “Was I actually that bad? I had all of my steps right. I did them all at the right time? Was something wrong?” She now stopped and looked into the mirrors all mimicking her every move. “How dare they say that I wasn’t good. They don’t know how much I worked my off just to make up that dance! Babo’s!”

Mi-Cha took a quick drink of her water turned B2ST’s Soom back on and re-did her amazing dance that she showed the judges, who she now hated.


*     *     *

B2ST was now at her studio looking through the little glass window that was on the door before you walk in. They were all trying to look in the window at the same time.  It was amazing that Mi-Cha didn’t see these goof balls all eye balling her.

“Omo! She’s really good!” HyunSeung said being right up front and close to the window blocking everyone view.

“Ugh hyung! I can’t…see!!” Said DongWoon jumping up and down trying to look through the window.

“You all should let the best dancer look through the window first.” Kikwang said.  He tripped over someone’s foot and went head first into the door.  They all looked at each other and dropped to the ground so that Mi-Cha wouldn’t see them.

“Aish! Your such a babo!” Yoseob said nudging him in the air really hard.


*     *     *

Mi-Cha looked at the door. She had a confused look on her face.

“AISH! You stupid little kids! Go away! An ADULT is trying to practice here, unlike you. Go back to your parents. You little demons.” She said looking at the door, no one could see her. 


*     *     *

“Look you see that. She’ called us fools! You’re the fool!” Yoseob said getting annoyed, he looked away crossing his arms.

“Calm down Yoseob you will get to see her….” DooJoon slowly got up and saw that Mi-Cha was back to dancing. “right now. Let’s go in and surprise her. Everyone…get up nice and slowly, I mean you Kikwang.” He said getting out of the group of guys all on top of each other.

“Yah! Why do you all make fun of me.” Kikwang said getting up angrily and stomping a few feet away from them with his arms crossed.

“Okay, I’m going to open the door slowly, while she is immersed in her dancing and you all go in and surprise her. We talked about the plan. Now do it right.” DooJoon said. 

They all walked in slowly. There were walls all around the dance studio, they were surprised that Mi-Cha didn’t see them. Suddenly they all surrouned her with their backs facing them and did the Soom dance going in a circle around her. She was confused. That was their whole plan. 

They kept on dancing and once they finished they all looked at her and smiled. She just looked like she was about to have a huge fan girl moment.

“Hello there. I’m Yoon DooJoon. Leader of…” He was cut off.

“B2ST!!!” Mi-Cha said trying to not scream by putting her hands over . Omo! Is this really happening?! Is…B2ST really standing in front of me. All gorgeous six members!

“Haha, yes that’s right.” DooJoon said laughing. “It’s finally so nice to meet you.” He said as he bows.

“Hello!” Said a boy with oval shaped face. He had aegyo to him. “I’m Yang HyunSeung!” He said with a shy smile. He held his hand out to shake hers. She accepted. 

“Hi…” This boy said holding his head, he had gotten a short but intense pain. It must have been from slamming right into the door head first. “I’m… Lee Kikwang.” He said with a big smile.

“You know that big bang that you heard on the door…” This really cute boy said. He had a small face and so much aegyo to him. She knew exactly who he was. 

“Mhm. Those stupid little children! Always doing that. AISH!!” Mi-Cha said crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

“….Well that was this boy right here.” The boy with so much aegyo said pointing to Kikwang. He smiled because he loved making fun of him “OH! And I’m Yang Yoseob, the power vocal of the group.” He said with his cute smile.

“Omo! I love you so much!” Mi-Cha said she went over to him and whispered into ear. “You’re my favorite member.” She backed up and had a shy smile. Yoseob blushed.

“Oooh. Look’s like someone is….blushing!!!” “I’m Yong JunHyung. The…you know..rapper!” He said posing in a way a rapper would pose.

“Yah! Stop showing off. I’m Son DongWoon…the…maknae of the group.” He said pointing his head down with a frown but then looking back up at her and smiling.

“Omo! I can’t believe you all are here!!.....Wait?...Why…are you here?” Mi-Cha said with a really confused look on her face turning around in a circle to look at all of the members.

“Well….we all watched your recent audition video actually…we have watched all of your videos. And we think that…” DooJoon was interrupted by Kikwang.

“We think that…that…your AMAZING!!” Kikwang said jumping up and down with a big smile on his face.

“Yah! Again such a babo! Let the leader finish!” Yoseob said elbowing him hard. Mi-Cha couldn’t help but laugh.

“Any way…as I was saying, we have seen all of your audition videos and your recent one and we all couldn’t believe how they audition company just shut you down. So…the reason why we are here is to tell you that….” He cleared his throat and swallowed. “You are going to come with us, to our studio and we are going to teach you how to improve on your dancing, not that you need it, but we are here to help.  We each will be helping you one-on-one.” DooJoon said with a smile on his face. 

Mi-cha couldn’t believe what he was saying.  She was in the beginning of a huge fan girl moment, but she controlled herself. 

“You will be coming to our company in 4 hours. So you will need to leave here and go change.  We will drive you to there and back to your home everyday, it’s on us.” HyunSeung said with a smile on his face.

“So you need to go now and get ready for a fun time with us boys. I will be dancing with you first.” Yoseob said with smile on his face. He liked how he was the first one to dance with her.

Mi-Cha just blushed from seeing his smile. “Oh. Okay. I’ll just get my stuff go home and….wait…how will I know when you guys are ready to pick me up.? She said confused holding her stuff almost ready to leave.

“Haha. We all know where you live. Eh…hope that didn’t sound creepy. But anyway. I will come by your apartment and take you to the study myself.” Yoseob said with his smile again.

“Ohh…okay.” Mi-Cha said now blushing even more. Wahh! My first ever dance practice with B2ST and it’s with my favorite member!   

“Haha, so go go go! I’ll be waiting for you outside your apartment.” Yoseob said pushing her to the door so she could go get ready.

*     *     *

Mi-Cha left the dance studio almost skipping and singing to herself “I’m gunna dance with Yoseob! I’m gunna dance with Yoseob!” She kept saying that to herself.  She finally reached her apartment and couldn’t open her door because she was shacking from nervous and excitement at the same time.  She finally got in and dropped all of her stuff down and hopped into the shower. She didn’t want to smell bad when dancing with Yoseob.  She was done with the shower a few minutes later. She never took a long shower since she was so tiny as it is. She went to go get something quick to eat.


A few hours had passed and she heard a knock on her door.

“Omo!....He’s….here!!!” She said trying to not freak out. “Uhm…BE RIGHT THERE!” She said quickly running into her room and spraying some perfume on her, then running back out to get her dance shoes, bag, and a water bottle. She put her dance bag on her shoulder and opened the door. He was standing their in sweat and a tee-shirt. He didn’t look his best but she didn’t care.

“Hi! Are you ready?” He said smiling.

“Yeah. I think so.” She said closing the door behind her and locking it.

“Good! Let’s go!” He took her hand and pulled her along. Omo! Why is he holding my hand?

They got down to the first floor and he opened the door for her to get into his car. He shut it and went to his side. He drove off. 


How is her first day of dancing with Yoseob going to go? Find out in the next chapter.


TA-DAAAHHH! This chapter is loooooong. LOL! But i had a lot to say so....Enjoy~! 

P.S. This might be the last chapter until next weekend or maybe not for a while. I have exams soon and I need to study. So if I don't update that often, then that's why. I will try my best too~ 


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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!