The First Dance

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]


Yoseob pulled into the parking lot where B2ST’s dance studio was. He got out of the car and went over to Mi-Cha’s side to help her out.  He walked with her into the building opened the door for her to let her go in first. Such a gentleman Then he took her in the elevator up to the floor where the dance studio was. He again opened the door for her to enter the dance studio.  She just stood there looking around at all of the space that was surrounding her. She was shocked.  This studio was so much bigger than hers.  Probably because all of the members had to practice here at the same time, that’s why to her it seemed so big.

“Are you okay?” Yoseob said waving his hand in front of her face trying to get her attention.

“Huh? What…oh yeah…I’m fine.” She said. Aish! Why am I so stupid. Just staring into space. Babo!

“Okay. You were just standing there looking at the mirror.” He said chuckling.

“I was just admiring the largeness of this dance studio. It’s a lot bigger than mine.” Mi-Cha said looking around the studio seeing Yoseob put the CD player on the ground getting everything set to dance.

“Yup. It’s a big studio. We need a lot of space. The other members make a lot of dancing mistakes.” He said walking towards her.

“And you don’t I see.” She said crossing her arms on her chest.

“Nah! I’m the best dancer in the group.” He said laughing his cute laugh.

“Uh huh…” Mi-cha said looking at him with her eyes squinted.

“What? You don’t believe me?” He said looking at her with a little bit of a smile.

“Yes.” She said honestly.

“You’re right…I unfortunately actually make the most mistakes…” He said disappointed in himself.

“Hey…no worries. I have made plenty of mistakes all the time.  That’s why I spend most of my time in my dance studio, correcting every step to make it perfect.” She says.

“That’s why I don’t get why you didn’t get put through.” He said with a confused look on his face.  

“Eh, happens.” She said not caring.

“Yeah I guess so. So you want to start practicing now.” He said with a serious face.

Omo! Me..starting to dance with…Yoseob! Waah! Someone pinch me!

“Uh…sure.” She said a little nervous that she was actually going to dance with her favorite member from B2ST

“Okay. So I guess ill start the song then you do your dance routine and after I watch it ill say what needs work. Sound good.?” He said touching the CD player ready to press play.

“Yeah…I guess so.” She was still nervous. 

The music starts to play and she begins to dance the dance that she did auditioning for a new girl group.  She made sure that this time doing it was good because she was dancing in front of her favorite member from her favorite group.  She did all of the dance steps perfectly, making sure that there wasn’t any mistakes at all.  The dance was over and she took deep breaths to make she wouldn’t pass out. Yoseob was just staring in awe.  He never thought that he would see her dance right in front of him, and how good of a dancer she really was.  He was shocked, his mouth in the shape of an O.

“Uh…you okay?” Mi-Cha said waving her hand in front of his face now.

“Huh? Oh yeah. Psh. I’m fine.” He said totally blowing off that he wasn’t mesmerized by her smooth, swift, mistake free dancing. 

“So did I make any mistakes?”

“No not very big ones. Just your feet sometimes get caught up with each other when moving into a new dance step.” He goes to the center of the floor and shows her how to move her feet so that she won’t stumble going into the next step.

“You see how my foot is out in front. Then you use your other foot to pivot yourself…” He said pointing to his feet so that she could see the mistake she was making. “You want to make sure that you back foot is far enough away so that when you pivot it won’t his your foot in front. Got it”

“Mhm…I think so.”

“Okay try again, with music. Just that part.” He set the tape to play the part of the dance that she got stuck on. The music played and she did the dance step the way that he told her.  Those years of re-doing all of her mistakes made her only have to do the dance once.  She was a quick learner. There were some other minor steps that he taught her how to do.  They spent a good 2 hours just going over her dance routine.  So times he would even join in on her dancing the dance.  She would look at him and see him doing the dance so good that she would smile. He would smile from seeing her smile, which made her blush a little bit. They stopped and just laid down on the floor exhausted.

“Man. I don’t know about you but I’m beat.” He said.

“You’re not the only one.” She smiled.

“So what do you say we go have some fun and get rid of this stress that I call dancing.” He said giggling at himself.

“Okay. What do you want to do?” She said sitting up putting her arms on her knees looking in the mirror that that mimicking her.

“You choose.”  

“Okay…uhm…how about we go to eat some food since I’m pretty sure I lost all of my late breakfast that I had from dancing.” She looked at him.

“Sounds good. Then how bout we go bowling after. I love a good game of bowling.”

“Yeah…about that…I can’t bowl to save my life.” She said with a worried face.

“Ah, no big deal let the pro help you out.” He said being full of himself.

“Your not perfect you know. Like I said we all make mistakes.” She said with a serious face.

“Yeah…again your right.” He sighs. Then gets up on his two feet lending a hand to her. “I’ll go drop you off at your apartment so you can change and shower. I’m going to do the same. I’ll be back at your apartment soon.”

“Okay.” She leaves with him and he drives her to her apartment. She get out and walks to the door to go inside the building.  She finally gets to her apartment and immediately jumps in the shower.  She hates being all sticky and gross from sweating. She finishes the shower and changes into casual but not to formal clothes.  She didn’t want to wear a dress to go bowling.  She brushes her hair, applies a little make-up and perfume.  Just as she walks out of the bathroom she hears a knock on the door. She knows who it is and smiles. “Just a second.” She almost sings.  She grabs her purse and opens the door to see him, in casual clothes but to her it made her smile because he just looked so good. He had jeans on with shoes that looked sort of like Nikes but were black.  He had a fancy top on with long sleeve underneath and a coat over it. She closed the door behind her and stood next to him.

“You ready?” He said with a smile.

“Yup.” She said.

He interlocks his arm around hers and they walk out of the building and into his car.

*     *     *

They ate dinner at this casual Korean restaurant.  They ordered their food and wolfed it down because they were so hungry from dancing.  They barely talked while eating their food. They were like scavengers having the first meal of the day, just aggressively eating away at their supper.  After they finished their food they pay the waiter and leave.  They arrive at the bowling ally and Mi-Cha is getting a little nervous. Yoseob get’s the lane for them and the shoes that they have to wear. This was his way of getting to be closer to her.  That’s why he decided to go bowling. It would make him have to hold her certain ways to teach her how to throw the ball so that she can get as many pins down as possible. He was smart when it comes to getting closer to girls who he starting to like.   

“Ladies first.” He said pointing to the balls and the lane that she will have to bowl in.

“Uh…I’m going to loose…” She was nervous.

“Don’t worry. It’s not a competition. It’s just for fun.” He said handing her a ball that he knew would be the perfect amount for her to carry.  The ball was heavy in her hands that she almost dropped it on the floor but she caught herself.

“How do you do this?” She said hesitating while holding the ball.  He took a ball and showed her how he did it.  It was like he was a professional.  The way he stood then ran to the lane and threw the ball with his leg behind the other when he let the ball go. 

“Y-your good. I have no competition against you. I told you I’m going to loose.”

“Don’t say that. Just hold the ball like this…” Oh! He’s really close to me…I’m getting this feeling that I haven’t gotten before…is something wrong with me… “Put your three fingers in it, run up, or walk because you’re new and throw the ball onto the lane and try to get as many pins down as possible.” He was close to her moving her arm showing her how to throw the ball. She walked up and threw it but then walked away not wanting to see the after math of what her first throw would show.

“You walked away and didn’t see your result. You got 4 pins down. That’s better than nothing.” He said smiling at her trying to make her not seem so nervous. He goes and of course gets a strike. She doesn’t like how he was just starting to beat her. She analyzed how he moved and tried to imitate him as much as possible. She took her same ball and did the moves that he did. She was a quick learner not only to dance, but to other things as well. This time she actually watched to see what she got. She got 8 pins down. Now to just get the rest and she would get a spare. She threw her ball again and with enough force the ball hit one pin which hit the other two pins making her get a spare.

“Yay! What does that mean when I get the rest of the balls down the second time?” Happy but totally clueless to how the game goes.

“Haha. That means you got a spare. You get more points for strikes and spares then just getting a few pins down.” He said happy for her.

“Yes! Okay you go!” She said pointing to the ball. He picked it up and threw it, this time it wasn’t that good of a throw.  He had two pins left but each on the opposite site of the lane.  Trying to get pins in those positions down is impossible. He threw the ball and it went right in between them. No points except for the first pins he got down.  Mi-Cha went again and this time she got a strike. She jumped up and down with excitement.

“Beat that dude!” She said sitting on the bench with a positive attitude.

“Oh now you want to have a competition. I see hot it is.” He grabs the ball and throws it. A strike. More points for him.  She goes. She gets a strike. This game is close. Mi-Cha’s score is a 123 while Yoseob has a 124. Mi-Cha can get another strike and she will win the game.  Yoseob had just gone so now it was all up to Mi-Cha. She positions herself to get ready to run and throw the ball. She takes a deep breath. Looks at the ball like it could talk to her.  Runs up to the beginning of the lane throws the ball, closes her eyes for a quick second and she gets a….few pins down but not a strike. She runs back to the ball holder picks up a different ball, not waiting for her special one and she throws it. Turns around for a second then looks back. She had gotten a spare! She had won against Yoseob.

“Wh-WHAT! Omo! I-WON!!” She jumped up and down with so much joy. Yoseob just clapped for her.  She really did come a lone way from not knowing how to bowl to winning against him. She walks over to him with a big smile on her face.

“See you won! You doubt yourself to much.” He said pushing her a little.

After the game was over Yoseob returns the shoes and pays for the lane and the hour that they spent using it.  He gets back in his car, drives her to her apartment and tells her to stay in the car for a few.

“Mi-Cha today was fun! You seemed really shy in the beginning but then you cam around and acted more outgoing and fun. I enjoyed today. We should do it again sometime.” He finished saying.

“Yeah. Today was really fun. I enjoyed myself.  Thank you for being my first dance partner, for the delicious food and the awesome game which…I WON!” She was excited all over again.

“Your welcome anytime. Well you go get some rest. HyunSeung will pick you up tomorrow for his turn with you. Goodnight Mi-Cha. Sleep well.” He said with a cute big some what big smile.

“Good night Yoseob and thank you.” She smiled at him and got out of the car.

Yoseob watched her make it safely inside her apartment building then drove off.

*    *    *

Yoseob’s POV:

Mi-Cha you are something.  You are a different type of girl that I have never met before. You were shy, and a bit stand-offish at first but then you started to open up and little and be more friendly, and I like that about you.  Just even after the first day of being with you I feel like I have known you forever.  We had a great first day together, and all I hope that we will blossom into something more than a friendship.


I see a little connection here with Yoseob. What will happen. idk... xDD  This is a pretty long chapter. But i had a lot to say. lol 



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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!