The Hurtful Truth.

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]

Mi-Cha had awaken from a very bad night of sleeping.  She had cried herself to sleep, over having gone out on a date with each members, but she only had true, honest feelings for one. She had thought all night how to break this news to all of  them.  She had thought long and hard about this, so much that she kept tossing and turning from trying to sleep, but couldn't.  This was really really tearing her apart inside.  She wanted badly just to get it out and tell them all.  Maybe after she did, she just  needed to be alone for a while.  Take a break from all of this.  She had begun to cry again. Just thinking about breaking all of their hearts killed her on the inside. She could tell that just after spending two days with them, dancing and then going on a date that each and every one of them had liked her and had feeling for her in their own ways.  But she couldn't live like this anymore. Having dates everyday with all of them. She loved it, she really did but it would have to stop. If not now, then all together. 

She stopped crying, wiping her tears away from her face with her pajama's and went to go shower.  She had taken a long one. Just letting the hot water hit her fragile and shaken body. Steam filling up the bathroom; covering the mirror.  The water falling on her made it hard to see that she was, crying again. She took a big, much needed breath and finished up.  When she was done she made herself breakfast, hoping that she wouldn't get a phone call from one of them, again asking her to go out on another date. She hadn't been in the mood to eat anything, but she needed nutrients to get her through the day. She had gotten a call but she purposely missed it. Who was it from? Yoseob.  She knew that the boys had to practice in the dance studio so that's where she headed off to.  She needed to get this off her chest, so it wouldn't be so heavy.  


She was walking slowly, thinking about how exactly to say this to them.  Their dance studio was quite a bit away, so this was good for her. More time to think this through. She had kept on walking until she finally reached the dance studio.  She signed heavily pushing the door with her shaky, small hands.  The boys were practicing a little bit down the hall, she could hear the music playing. She continued walking bitting her lip.  She came to the room where the boys took frequent breaks in.  It was almost noon time so she figured the boys would take a break for lunch.  She walked in and sat down slowly on one of the single couches, waiting for the moment she didn't want to happen, but it had to.


There was mumbling getting louder and louder. They were coming. Her body started shaking uncontrollably. Hands shaking like she had some sort of disease.  Her stomach starting to feel tight and uneasy, almost making her want to barf. She had to stop herself from doing so. The voices were now right outside the door. She stands up waiting for the door to open and waiting to see these six amazingly sweet boys that she had loved since she was a little girl. The door starts to open slowly, like in the movies, making the watchers have so much anticipation to what's going to happen next. A foot steps inside, then a leg, then the waist, then the chest until the full body of DooJoon is in full range of her eyes. 

"M-Mi-Cha?" He says. 

"What? Mi-Cha who?" She could tell who's voice this was. Yoseob steps out from behind DooJoon. "Mi-Cha!!" He ran from behind him and tackled Mi-Cha giving her the biggest hug. "Wha-What are you doing here?!" His face was filled with happiness, like he hadn't seen her in years. 

"Is there something going on between you two?" HyunSeung says, seeing how Yoseob reacted when he saw her.

"That's what I'm here to explain. Please, take a seat." She says sitting down slowly crossing one leg over the over and interlocking her fingers together, taking a big gulp, getting ready to explain what was itching to get out of her. 

"Mi-Cha? What's wrong? You don't look so happy. Is everything okay?" JunHyung says with a concerned face. 

She swallows hard again taking in a deep breath. "No, actually nothing is okay. I really need to tell you guys something. And it's hurting me to both tell you and not. So I'm just going to get this off my chest."

All of them had looked at each other, wondering what she was going to say. They had idea what was going to come out of . Is one of her parents about to die? Did she have this rare life-threatening disease that had no cure, and she was only going to live a few more days, weeks, months, not even. Is she going to have to leave to go to a new country to pursue her dancing career? All of these and other questions were running through their heads.

"I know that you all like me. All of you went on dates with me. I could see the plan you guys had."

"Wait? What?! You went on a date with all of them?" Kikwang said confused.

"You didn't know about this?" Mi-Cha said back, tilting her head thinking that they all had known.

"No. Nobody said anything." Dongwoon said shocked that this had been happening.

"Well, yes. I have been on dates with you all. It's no secret any more. I don't know why you all didn't tell each other this. After how close you all are. This just makes what I have to say that much harder." Her eyes start watering. Here comes the part she was dreading. "I love you all and you know that. I have enjoyed every minute, hour, day I've spent with you. All the dancing, trying to make me better so that I can do what I want for the rest of my life. But this...this whole dating all of you each and every day...I-I just  can't do it anymore. It's killing me to say this to you, but it's true." Tears start falling down her skinny, fragile face. Almost as if to be breaking it. "What I really came to tell you all is that..." She pauses getting ready to say what she had been wanting to say ever since last night. "I can't continue to go on dates with any of you anymore. I have mixed feelings. All of you are so sweet to me. And I have enjoyed the dates I went on with you.Honestly, there is only one of you that I have truem, honest feelings for." That was the heartbreaker that she didn't want the boys to hear. That was the hardest part for her to say. " Yoseob, my first time going bowling with you and how I beat you, that was so much fun that  wished I had been bowling before. HyunSeung, watching the sunset, being able to feel the sand in my feet and walking with you on the beach telling you my life story, it really meant a lot to have someone listen to what I have been through. Kikwang, taking you in and cleaning you up from you being out in the cold and having that pillow fight, it was very entertaining. DooJoon, going to a resturant that you rented out for only me and you, it was really thoughtful. It made me feel like I was special and mean a lot to you. JunHyung, cleaning the mess that the members had left and having ate a delicious meal made by you, it made me think twice about what guys can actually accomplish. And finally the maknae. Dongwoon, having you be the person taking me to my first time to an amusement park, made it that much better." She took breath wiping the tears that were continuously falling down her face. 

he boys had just all looked at her with amazement. Did she really come up with that whole speech all by herself? They had sad looks on their faces but understood what she was going through.

"I understand that I probably broke all of your hearts by saying that to you, but it's what I honestly feel is the best for me. I thank you all for everything you have given me, I couldn't thank you enough." She stands up wiping the tears off her face. "I..I....have to go." She walks out of the room and once she hits the hallway she runs out of the building as fast as she can, running to who knows where. Leaving the boys there dumbfounded as to what had just happened. Were they going to all get her back? What if they do, how is she going to react? Or is there only one that truly can't let her go no matter what happens.   She continues running, it had been raining, making her mood even worse, but you couldn't tell she was crying because of how hard it had been raining. She ends up at  this small house, cute but small. It looked like a house that would be fit for one person. She continuously knocked on the door loudly making sure the person inside would hear it. Finally someone answers. 

There's a big gasp before the person actually talks. Her best friend Shin pears out from standing inside her house and saw Mi-Cha drenched in rain water, eyes  watery and red from all of the crying she had done in the past twenty-four hours. "Oh. Mi-Cha, you poor thing. Come inside. You need some care." Shin had known why she was so upset. She had nothing else to do but comfort the friend that had needed it the most. 



Told you this story would change dramatically. Even the font and the way it's aligned changed. xD lol. 

Hope you like this, i wrote this from anything that popped in my head. 





Check out my other fics as well. READ AND COMMENT~ ^^

Two Worlds Collide 

                                                                                 Good vs. Evil.

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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!