Final Date

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]


Today was going to be the last date with all of the members.  Last but not least was the maknae, Dongwoon. Where was he going to take her?  He probably had a plan worked up, but wasn’t going to tell her because the boys liked surprises. 

Mi-Cha was fixing herself up in the bathroom looking close in the mirror because she had mysteriously gotten a blemish overnight. It hurt when she touched it.  Just looking at this big, ugly, red circled bump on her face almost ready to explode like a volcano, made her not want to go anywhere.  She usually never got anything on her face.  It was right on her cheek, in perfect seeing distance.

Knock! Knock!      

Oh gosh. He’s here. And she has nothing to cover up this big nasty thing on her face. Why didn’t she have any cover up? Is she stupid? She’s a girl, she should know that she will eventually get these. Just because she hadn’t gotten that many or even none of them before doesn’t mean that she can just not get any cover up.   What was she going to do?  Should she just pop it, and let it ooze out? It’d be better than just leaving it there. 

She better hurry up and decide. He’s probably getting impatient.

“Ah! Forget it. I’ll just leave it!” She rolls her eyes.  She comes out of the bathroom and grabs what she is going to need for her date with Dongwoon. 

Just as he was about to knock on the door again she opens it.  She saw him and how clear and smooth his face is. It made her feel ugly.  She smiles while covering her disgusting volcano on her face.

“Good morning.” He says with a smiley face.  

“Morning.” Mi-Cha says back, still holding her finger on her cheek.

“I have a surprise for you.” He takes her hand. “Let’s go.” He walks her out of the apartment and he walks with her down the side walk to where they were going.  Since it was a nice day out and the sun was in the sky no clouds and the weather just perfect, he decided to walk her to the surprise location. 

He looks at her and smiles.  She saw him look at her so she returned to look back at him, and smiled.

“Noona, why are you holding your cheek?” He asks turning her face towards him and seeing that she was still indeed holding her cheek.

“It’s-it’s soft.” She laughs then turns away rolling her eyes. Such a stupid lie. Nice going, that was smooth.

He scoffs. “You’re lying.” He moves his arm reaching her face trying to move her hand, but she pushes it away quickly returning to holding her cheek.

He stops walking and looks at her squinting his eyes. “Why are you so afraid to tell me why you’re really holding your cheek?”

“Because it’s embarrassing. And it makes me look ugly next to you.” She says looking down.

“Mi-Cha. Please. Let me see. Nothing can make you look ugly.” He puts his hand on hers which is still on her cheek and slowly moves it. The volcano slowly starts to show, until it is fully visible.

“This is what’s upsetting you?” He puts her hand down, trying not to laugh at such a small pimple.

She turns her head away quickly. Very self-conscious of how she looks.

“Yah. Look at me.” He cups her chin with both is hands. “You shouldn’t be so concerned about a little thing like this. It’s not healthy.” He says seriously.

This was so sweet of him to say, she couldn’t help but smile.

“Come, let’s have some fun.”

*    *    *

They continued walking, quite a long ways.  He had hesitated whether to interlock his fingers with her.  She had been special to him.  They got along well, and he started to like her…maybe it was even deeper than that.

“They arrived at the surprise place.

“Ta-dah! Lotte World!” He says looking at her with an excited face.

Her face was straight as a piece of wood. She stood there looking at this big amusement park, and all of the towering rollercoasters.

“What? You don’t like roller coasters?” He asked looking at her seriously.

“Huh? Me, not liking roller coasters? Hah! You’re funny.” Mi-Cha says back hitting him lightly.

“Good! Let’s go.” He takes her hand and runs so fast that she had to keep up her pace or else she would end up on the ground being dragged.

She lied. She hated rollercoasters. She actually had never been to an amusement park. Her past wasn’t the best, but she hadn’t told him that. Maybe she should before something bad happened.    

“Dongwoon shii! Wait!” She stops abruptly pulling him forcefully so that he would stop.

“What? What’s wrong?” He looks at her closely seeing if anything was wrong.

“I need to tell you something.” She walks over to a bench that had been outside before you enter the park. She breathed in deeply and began telling him her sad story about her past.  It took her a little bit to say it because she had gotten chocked up a few times.  But he was paying very close attention to what she was saying. 

“That’s why I don’t like roller coasters, because I haven’t been to a park like this before.” She finishes saying.

“Your story, I never thought that would happen to you. You’re such a happy person.”

“Yeah, well I try not to show it.” She says biting her lip.

 “I’ll tell you what, we can go on the small rides, or just play the games and I’ll get you all the stuffed animals you want. Sound good?”

“No I want to go on the rides. I want to be able to spend my first roller coaster ride with Song Dongwoon.” She smiles.

He gets up wrapping his arm around her back.

*     *    *

They went on every possible ride that was in the park.  She had clung to him tightly on the really high roller coasters trying not to scream because it was her first time on any roller coaster, but she eventually ended up screaming and laughing because she had been having so much fun.  They even went to the kiddy rides and acted like little kids having the best time of their life.  He had treated her to food.  She had saw this game where you had to shoot water at a little whole that pushed a ball out of a tube, if you won you got to pick any stuffed animal you wanted.  He sat down and played with her, but she had won, and she got a huge stuffed penguin, her favorite animal.


It was getting late.  The sun was going down and he had to get her home. She clung to her huge penguin tightly as they walked home.  She had really enjoyed herself.  He made her feel so happy about herself that she had totally forgotten about the volcano on her face.  They continued walking, he held her hand softly, but lovingly as they reached her apartment.

“Mi-Cha. Today was so much fun! Thank you for joining me. Maybe we can do it again.” He smiled letting her hand go as she reached her door.

“It was! Thank you for listening to my past, and making the first time ever being to an amusement park awesomely fun!” She says holding up the penguin to her face smiling behind it.

He pushes the penguin down and leans in closer to her. He starts moving his face towards her, looking into her eyes. Then he turns his head and whispers into her ear. “You will always be beautiful no matter what.” He pulls away but places his hand under her chin and caresses her cheek that had the pimple with his thumb.

“Have a good night Mi-Cha. Sleep well.” He smiles at her one last time and walks away.

“Bye!!” She yells waving the penguins fin in the air, watching him walk away.

She gets inside her apartment and starts crying uncontrollably. 

They’re all so sweet to me, it’s unbelievable.  I have never been treated like this before in my life. I don’t know how to do this. I can only like one of them, and I’m sure that all of them like me some way or another. I mean it’s obvious. How am I going to tell them that I only can date one of them? Aish!  


How is she going to tell them all that she can only date one of them? And who will she choose to continue dating?  Found out in the next chapter. 

Muahahaa xD 




P.S. Sorry this took so long to update. >< I'm on spring break now so I should be able to update more...If I'm not lazy xD  


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Two Worlds Collide 

                                                                                 Good vs. Evil.

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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!