The Rapper and Maknae

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]


It was an early Saturday morning and Mi-Cha was super tired and didn’t want to get up.  But she had to because today it would be JunHyung’s turn to dance with her.  She had gotten up and did her daily routine.  She the TV but realized that Beast wasn’t going to be doing any performances on any music shows because they were practicing for their “Welcome to B2ST Airlines Concert” but this time it was the encore concert. Since they had gotten a massive amount of love from their fans they decided to have another concert.  This meant that the boys had to take their own time out of their busy schedules to help train her. But they enjoyed helping her, and they all seemed to be liking her more and more every chance that they got to hang out with her.

She went to go put her bowl in the dishwasher and went back on the couch. It had been 9 o’clock. Every one of the other members all picked her up everyday at around 8:30?  Where had JunHyung or Dongwoon been? She didn’t know which of the last two members she would be dancing with since DooJoon hadn’t told her.  So she waited, and waited, and waited some more.  She ended up flipping channels on the television since all the music shows had ended, but nothing was on.  She turned the TV off realizing that no good shows were on and threw the remote on the coffee table in front of her. She checked her phone 9:30 it was now an hour past her time to be dancing.  She sighed heavily and threw her head back against the couch pressing her fingers to her temples. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  Just then her phone rang, an unknown number. She answered it anyways. It could have been JunHyung or Dongwoon.

“H-hello?” She said with a low tone not knowing who was on the other line.

“Mi-Cha?” The other person asked.

“Yes. Who is this may I ask?”

“JunHyung. I’m sorry that I am late but I am on my way right now. There has been a change of plans and I had to go pick up DongWoon. It looks like you will be dancing with the both of us today.” He finished saying.

“Oh. Really?” She said sounded a bit excited.

“Yes. Is that alright with you?” He asked her.

“Oh yes. That’s perfectly fine.” She answered him back.

“Okay. Well I shall be there in about…15-20 minutes. I’ll see you soon. Bye.”

“Bye.” She said as she hung up on him.

I’m going to be dancing with not just the awesome rapper, but also the cute maknae?Oh this is going to be fun! She told herself as she lay down on the couch twirling her hair with a smile on her face.  She waited for them to both show up.  

The door bell rang. She checked her phone, 9:45 it was 15 minutes past 9:30 which was exactly what JunHyung had told her. He was right on time. She picked up her bag and opened the door. But she only saw him.

“Where’s Dongwoon?” She said turning around to close the door behind her.

“He’s here, just waiting in the car.” He said.

“Aw, was the maknae too scared to come see his unnie?” She laughed walking with him back to his car.

“I think so.” He laughed.

They arrived at the car and she puts her bag in the back seat where she had to sit since the maknae was sitting in the passenger’s side. JunHyung starts to drive off.

“Hello” He said to her with a smile.

“Hi. I’m Mi-Cha.” She said waving with a smile.

“I know.” He said laughing. “It’s nice to finally meet, and spend time with you.”

“Same here.” She said.

“Sorry I had to tag along today. My schedule got all rearranged, so I’m going to be dancing with you today as well.” He said with a smile.

“Nah. It’s okay. That means I will have more fun today then.” She smiled back.

They had arrived at the dance studio and all walk in together.  She out her bag down and JunHyung starts to get everything all set and ready to go.  They were going to be dancing to Special. The really up beat fast paced song, which had been her favorite because of the beat to it.  So JunHyung starts to show her the dance while DongWoon is sitting down on the opposite side just watching them dance.  JunHyung gets through the whole song and starts showing her how to do the dance moves.  They kept going over it and over it and over it some more until she got it down pat.  She did and they did it one last time showing DongWoon how good and in sync they were.  JunHyung had made up his own rap to the song, different from the one that he had sung in the song.  He made it up to fit Mi-Cha and how well she had danced.  He sang it as if he was holding a microphone in front of him and sang it towards her making her blush and turn away so that he wouldn’t see.  But he realized how she looked and kept on singing it until the rap part ended. The dance had ended and DongWoon was up in less than a minute pushing Jun away so that he could get a chance to dance with her now.

“Okay mister beastly rapper man. Now it’s my turn. Let the maknae really show you how it’s done.” He said standing next to Mi-Cha and tilting his head up like those cool gangster guys do. He felt like teaching her the Beautiful dance over, because there were parts in it where he could act all cute. The songs started playing since Jun had pressed the play button and Mi-Cha had stepped in front of the maknae and busted out the dance to the song.  Making DongWoon shocked as to how well she had the dance down pat, with her motions and moves all in sync. She turned around walked close to him and danced the dance some more but in front of him showing off to him that maybe she could dance better than he could. As the dance came to an end she did that pose that shocked DooJoon.  As she walked away from doing that pose both of them were shocked. Their mouths open, and eyes bulging out of their heads. They looked at each other with those epressions. She walked passed him with a quick smile and pushed her hair behind her shoulder trying to make it look like she was cool.  DongWoon made a “hmph” sound and walked passed her with this girly kind of walked and motioned JunHyung to play the song.  DongWoon started dancing and when a cute part came up he did something totally unexpected. He put his finger to his lips then put it on hers. She went crazy. He had kissed her. It wasn’t a real kiss but it still counted as one. She was running all over the place screaming like a real fan girl would. Both of them just laughed at her spazzing out about a not so real kiss.  She collapsed on the floor just laughing at herself. She stayed there for a good amount of time.   But when JunHyung went to check his watch and see the time he realized that it was late and he and DongWoon needed to get back to the company for a press conference. He went to Mi-Cha and picked her up off the floor telling her to go get her stuff and that they needed to leave right away. 

They quickly left the studio.  On the way back going to Mi-Cha’s house DongWoon had been talking to her about that move that he didn’t understand how she did it. She laughed saying she wont tell him how she did it.  The car came to an abrupt stop and JunHyung got out opening the trunk to his car getting her bag and helping her out of the car.

“I’m sorry that we had to get you home in such short notice. But we have to be at the press conference real soon.” He said walking her to the entrance into the apartment building.

“Oh no. It’s fine I understand you guys are really busy. But thank you for the fun day. I had a blast.” She said smiling at him.

“I did too. I’ll see you again soon. Yes?” He said looking at her.

“Of course.” She said. DongWoon had run out of the car pulling on JunHyungs coat.

“Can I talk with her now?” He said with a puppy dog face.

“Fine. Just don’t take forever.” JunHyung said walking back to him car.

“So. Did you have fun watching me today?” She said slightly pushing him and laughing.

“Psh! I’m such a better dancer than you are.” He said pushing her slightly back.

“Oh yeah?” She said crossing her arms across her chest.

“Yeah!” He said doing the same thing.

JunHyung beeped the car horn and yelled outside the window. “Yah! Let’s go! Stop flirting with her and get in the car!” Mi-Cha laughed at what he just said.

“But hyung I wasn’t-” Dongwoon tried to talk but was cut off by Jun again. “Lets GO! We’re late as it is!”

“I-I got to go. Hyung is getting impatient. I had fun today. Bye Mi-Cha.” He said giving her a shy smile.

“Bye DongWoon.” She pushed him to start walking. “Now go.” She smiled as he finally left going back to the car. JunHyung drove off and beeped.

Aish! That boy. He’s such a trouble mak-She said to herself but was cut off as she had felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Another unknown number. She picked it up anyway, could have been important.

“H-hello?” She said softly.

“Mi-Cha. It’s Yoseob.” She smiled wide hearing him say her voice. How did he get her number?

“Oh, hi.” She tried to keep her calm. “Why are you calling me? Is something wrong?”
“No. I was just calling to ask you something…” He stopped. He was nervous about something. “Listen would you like to go out tomorrow night? With me?”





This is my favorite song by them. Because of the beat and everything. Yoseob♥♥

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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!