Second Date

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]


HyunSeung had dragged Mi-Cha out of her room not telling her where she was being taken.  It was like she was being kidnapped by a stranger. But he wasn’t a stranger to her.  He had been driving for a while then he had suddenly stopped.  They were at a beach. Why were they at a beach? It’s the middle of winter and the water would have been many degrees below zero.  If she had gone swimming she would have definitely gotten hypothermia. He had gotten out of the car and went to her side to help her out. 

She stopped as she set foot outside. “Uh, oppa…why are we at a beach?” She said looking at him confused.  “The waters probably freezing, and I don’t have a bathing suit. I DON’T WANT TO GET HYPOTHERMIA!” She complains.

He scoffs. “You think I would make your skinny, fragile body swim in that?” He says pointing to the vast, wide, turquoise colored ocean.  “Maybe…” She says turning away.

He laughs. “Well, I would never do that. Especially to you.”

She turns to him. “What?”

“Oh. Nothing.” He says quickly trying to act like he didn’t say that.  She just looked away. There was an awkward silence. Mi-cha had to break it.

“So, why are we here?” She asks walking in front of his parked car.

He follows her as he hops on the hood of his car and lays his back against the front window with his arms behind his head and his legs stretched out and crossed.

“Come?” He says tapping the empty hood spot next to him. She was sort of spacing out so it took her a few seconds to get what he was trying to say to her.  She moved off the pavement and slowly onto his car. She slipped (only she would do that) while trying to get on it, before she fell completely off the car he had grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back on the car.  She felt a rush of blood threw her veins at the feeling of him touching her like that.  She had scooted back and sat on his car. 

“You can lay down you know.” He said sitting up and looking at her.

“Oh. Okay.” She lied down, feeling a little bit awkward, laying next to him.  He smiled seeing her finally lay down and he joined her.

The sun had begun to set over the wide open ocean. It was reflecting off a few thin and wispy clouds.  The sky and clouds fill with bright pastel type eye-catching colors. Hot and light pinks, blues, oranges and yellows.  It was a beautiful sight, seeing all of those colors mixed together but still look amazing, like something out of a photography magazine.  Mi-Cha was stunned.  HyunSeung had seen her facial expression and decided to tell her why he brought her here.

“This…” He said pointing to the multi-colored sky. “Is why I brought you here.”

Mi-Cha was speechless for few seconds. She smiled and looked at him. 

“Oppa! This is…BEAUTIFUL!” She got off the hood of the car, took her shoes off and ran onto the sand.  Hyunseung hadn’t expected her to do that so he had run after her.  She was sitting on the sand and was moving her feet in and out of it, feeling the soft, yet rough texture of the sand moving between her toes.  There had been a big snow storm yesterday but where they were the beach had been clean of any snow.  Which is why Mi-Cha had been so excited, she had never been to a beach in her life. After he caught his breath from running he went to go sit next to her. “Take your shoes off.” She says looking up at him. “The sand feels nice.” She picks up a handful of sand and lets it drop out of her hand as it falls towards the ground.  He followed what she said and took off his shoes. He looked at her and realized how much she loved the texture and feel of the sand and how the water looked like it was attacking her as she ran away from it.  He had wondered is she had ever seen a beach before.  She had been running away from the waves so she wouldn’t get wet. He got up took his shoes and went to her.

“Let’s take a walk.” He said as he took her hand and pulled her away from the water. He walked beside her. “Have you ever been to a beach before?” He asks looking down at the sand that had been wet from the water hitting it.

“No.” She said looking at him, then looking away and playing with the wet sand as they continued walking.

“You haven’t?” He was shocked. “How come? If you don’t mind me asking.” He finished saying. The sun had began to set even more, it was almost dark.

“Oh. No. It’s fine.” She hesitated to answer. “The reason why I haven’t been to the beach,” She paused. “is because I didn’t really have a good life, when I was little.” She finished.

“Oh. Really?” He said looking at her.

“Mhm.” She didn’t want to remember that flashback she had yesterday, but she had to.  She told him her story. “My mom had been by her boyfriend.  She had gotten pregnant, and when she gave birth to me she had decided to put me up for adoption.” She had to take a breath to continue. “So when my adoptive parents adopted me they brought me back home. Years had passes and they hadn’t treated me well. One day they said goodbye to me, not telling me where there were going.” She paused and stopped looking down at the water. “They never came back.” She said turning to look at the sun setting even more. He stopped and stood next to her. 

“So how did you survive all by yourself? And how did you become the pretty, beautiful dancer that you are?” He finished saying. 

She had blushed from hearing him call her a pretty, beautiful dancer.  She continued on with her story. “I began to practice dancing in my run down apartment. I kept practicing and practicing then when I thought I was good enough I would go outside, the apartment that my parents left my in and see if I could get any money that could be used for food, or just to save.” She turned to look away from the sunset to him. “How I got to be the..” She stopped re-thinking what he had said about her. “Dancer I became? Well, this owner of a dance studio was closely watching me, as I was dancing on the sidewalk. When I finished he came over and told me how good of a dancer I was. I was young but I still remember this. I have a good memory, when it comes to things like this.” She stopped to take a breath and then continued. “He asked if I wanted to come live with him and his wife.  He had sad that he had a dance studio and that I was more than welcome to use it any time I wanted to. Ever since that day I have been practicing in that dance studio.” She stops and turns back to the sunset, which was now gone. “He, is really the only one that was like a father to me, one that I never had.  He is the only one who cares about me. I love him.” She says with a choked up voice.

“Aww. Mi-Cha don’t say that.” Ho goes to give her a hug. “I…care about you….a…lot.” He hesitates saying that because he was nervous.

She pulls away from him. “I…uhm, should head home now.” She says walking away back to his car. He runs to catch up to her. He takes her arm and pulls her to stop. “Yah. I’m serious.” He said as she turned around to face him.  “Mi-Cha, ever since I started watching your videos and seeing how beautiful, fluent, and in sync your dance moves were, I started thinking about you non-stop.” He lets go of her arm and plays with his hair. “I…like you.” He said biting his lip.  He was nervous he said that.

“You what?” Mi-Cha said kind of dazed.

“Did you not hear me? I said, I like you.” He paused. “More than a friend.” She just looks at him and shows a little smile.

“I just hope you feel the same. Do you?”

She hesitated “Uh…Uhm…”

“You know, that was a stupid question.” He laughs. “You don’t have to answer that.” He walks past her going to her car.

“Omo!” she was spacing. He was already way ahead of her. “Oppa! Wait up!” she yelled as she ran to him. He waited. Once she got to him he asked. “Is it okay if I hold your hand?” Slowly he moved his hand to hers. She nodded, because she was nervous and it was a reaction that she didn’t think would happen. He took her hand and together they both walked to his car.  They drove home.

It had been quit a long drive to Mi-Chas apartment. She had fallen asleep, because of exhaustion. When he had arrived at Mi-Cha’s apartment she was out. She hadn’t moved one bit since she had gotten in the car.  He tried to wake her gently.

“Hey. Mi-Cha…” He lightly tapped her shoulder. “Gotta get up.” He leaned back to his side of the car “Mi-Cha?” He sighed. Now he had to get out of the car and pick her uo ever so gently and take her to her apartment. He did so.  Picking her up ever so gently, trying to not hit her head to the rim of the car door frame. He didn’t. He kicked the door shut with his leg and walked into the apartment building. Good thing her room was on the first floor. No need to go up tons of flights of stairs.  He had reached her room, her keys here in her hands, she had been holding them. He carefully put her feet on the ground, but still had his arm around her back holding her up.  He took the keys and opened the door. He picked her up bridal style and walked into her room and closed the door the same way he had with his car. He walked carefully through her apartment trying to not knock her into anything.  Finally, he reached her room and put her gently on her bed. Once he did he covered her with the layers of blankets that where on her bed.  Before he closed the door to leave her room he said “Goodnight Mi-Cha. Sleep well.” He smiled and left her apartment.  He got back in his car and smiled as he drove the whole way home. 


2nd Update in the same day! And its now almost 1am. LOL.



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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!