Heart-filled Story

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]


It was a new day, and Mi-Cha hadn’t moved one bit in her bed since she came home last night from dancing with HyunSeung. He was really sweet to her. He helped her pick up her stuff, held her softly when teaching her how to do that part of the Beautiful dance that she didn’t get. It made her blush and a little bit shaky but she liked that in a guy.

The sun was shining in her face and she had to cover her eyes with her hand as she stumbled out of bed trying to walk to the curtain to clothes it, to block the sun.  Since she was up and walking she knew she was now awake.  She went to her dresser to pick out clothes to wear then headed to the shower.  A nice hot, steamy shower would even wake her up even more, so that she would be full and focused on today’s schedule. She washed her hair with shampoo that made it smell flowery, and shaved her legs so that when she rubbed her hands across them, it was like she was petting a chinchilla, so soft and smooth.  She finished and got dressed, brushed and parted her hair to the other side today.  She wanted to look different, for some reason.  Her stomach growled loud like a lion roaring. She put her hands to her stomach. “Aish. Why do you have to be so loud? I get it, your hungry.” She leaves the bathroom and goes to the kitchen to have a healthy breakfast. A fruit salad. Full with, pineapples, grapes, strawberries, two different melons, oranges all the healthy fruit for you.  She practically wolfed the whole bowl of it down and almost choked on a piece of pineapple. She breathed hard holding her chest and rolling her eyes thinking of how stupid she was. She got up and rinsed the bowl out and put it in the dishwasher.

She didn’t know who she would be dancing with.  HyunSeung hadn’t told her.  So she wondered. Maybe it’s the dorky Kikwang? She thought to herself as she paced back and forth. Or the cute maknae Dongwoon… Or the leader Doojoon? OH! How about the awesome rapper JunHyung?  She smiled and clapped from saying his name. “Guess I’ll just have to wait and se-“ She stopped when she heard a noise. Knock! Knock!

“Who is it?” She asked holding her hand on the door and one on the door knob.

“Uh…room service ma’am.”

Room service? But…I didn’t order anything. She thought to herself. “Oh. Okay…” She opened to door only to see…no one there. She had walked out of her room and into the hall way a little bit. A dark blob went into her room but she didn’t see it. Hm? That’s…strange.  She walked back in her room and closed the door. As she was making her way back to the living room to go and watch TV something from around the corner jumped out at her “BOO!” the black blob said.

“Ahh!” She screamed as she fell to the ground. The blob went to help her up but she pushed it away not knowing who or what it was.

“NO! Don’t you dare touch me! Get away!” She took a broom and held it above her head ready to hit what ever it was standing in front of her.

“Who the are you! And how the hell did you get into my house!!” She pulled her arms back ready to hit the blob hard but before she could the blob took the broom with this fast ninja kind of move and said, “It’s me.” The blob pulls off the black mask he had on. “Kikwang…”

Mi-Cha just stood there in the middle of the hallway dazed as to what just happened. Her face was starting to turn bright red and she was squinting her eyes to make him see that she was about to go on a rage.

“Lee Kikwang I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!” walked towards him with her arms crossed in from of her chest. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH A HEART ATTACK YOU ALMOST GAVE ME?” She forcefully pushed him with both her hands that he had fallen down on the floor. “UGH! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO GOD DAMN STUPID.” She moved past him not even caring that he was on the floor and sat at the kitchen table with her head down and pressing her temples with her fingers.

“I-I’m sorry Mi-Cha. I just thought it would be funny…” He said with a sad tone.

“Well IT WASN’T!” She looked at him quickly but then pressed her temples again.

He went to sit across from her at the kitchen table and looked her in the eye.  “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you that much.” She couldn’t help but smile because of the way he looked and how he apologized.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that…” He was getting a little creeped out.

“You’re just too cute when you apologize.” She laughed at him getting up and picking her dance bag off the floor. “So, I’m guessing I’m dancing with you today?”

“Yess ma’am!” He said getting out of the chair fast like how a ninja would.

She hit him. “Yah!! I am not a ma’am! Call me Cha.” She walked away from him to the door.

“Okay…Cha!” He followed her and they left her apartment.

*    *    *

They arrive at the dance studio. Mi-Cha puts her bag down and starts to stretch before she begins dancing. She pulls her leg to her side so that it’s sticking up straight right beside her head. She leans to the right to stretch the leg out, and repeats it with the other side.  Kikwang just stares at her with his mouth in the shape of an O.

“AHEM!” She turns around and clears loud enough so he gets out of his day dreaming state.

“Huh? What?” He shakes his head and finally realizes. “Aish. I’m so sorry.” He turns around rolling his eyes and hitting himself in the forehead.

“What are we going to dance to dork.” She said making fun of him.

“Yah! Don’t call me tha-…no, I guess I deserve that name.” He laughs at himself. “But I was thinking how about, the Shock dance.”

“Okay. We’ll your going to have to teach me that whole dance because I’ve tried to dance to that numerous times and I still can’t get it in sync.” She pouts.

“It’s okay Cha. I’ll teach you.” He smiled and pulls her off to the corner of the dance floor. He was touching her. She felt goose bumps form. “I’ll be right back. Let me go start the song first. You watch me do the whole dance and then I’ll teach you. Okay?”

“Okay.” She sits down and watches him as he presses the play button and dance to the song.  He was so in sync with the song and the dance moves.  All of his moves were perfect.  All at the right time, and always emphasized with his movement.  They were all sharp, precise and to the point.  He finishes the dance with a position that makes me blush. He had stood in front of her with his hand under chin. “I-I…think I got it now.” She gets up and walks away from him, because she was blushing and she didn’t want him to see.

“Okay. I’ll teach you it step by step.” He shows her the first step. She gets is down. So he incorporates that step with the rest of the dance, and keeps doing that for every step.  She starts to get the dance since she has experience as a dancer. Before the day was over they had practiced the dance numerous times. He clapped for her because she had gotten the dance down pat.

“You’re a really great dancer. All of your motions are perfect, in sync, precise, just everything about your dancing is amazing.” He said looking at her with a serious face. She was blushing again.

“Well, thanks. What are we going to do now? We still have time together right?” She said trying to ignore with he just said.

“Yeah. How about we go take a walk. You seem like a fun girl so how about we walk and learn more about each other. Sound good?” He said picking up her stuff while having his bag on his shoulder. Putting lots of weight on them.

“Yeah. That sounds fun.”  They walk out of the dance studio. Mi-Cha goes back to her apartment and goes to clean off with another shower.  Once she is done. She hears a knock on the door. “Kikwang you better be in front of the door when I open it.” She said with sort of an annoyed voice. But he was in front of her door with a big thick jacket on and with a scarf around his neck tucked into his jacket. He smiled. She almost died seeing his smile.

“Good boy.” She pats his head and laughs.

“You better bundle up, it’s snowing outside. So it’s cold.” He said.

“Oh right!” She goes to grab her jacket and scarf. “Okay. Ready.”  She closes the door behind her. They walk out of the building and walk across the street and onto a boardwalk that goes over this big river.

“So…Cha, tell me, how long have you been dancing for?” He putting his hands in his jacket pocket walking aside her. 

“Mm..since I was three. So 17 years.” She answered

“Oh wow. That’s a long time.” He said looking ahead at the water.

“Yeah. It’s really my only escape, away from the entire world.” She says looking away sighing.     

“Me too.” He said.

“What?” She answered back looking at him kind of confused. They reached the end of the board walk and he puts his hands on the railing looking at the open water and the reflection of the lights from the buildings on the other side.

“It’s my escape too. My family and I, we didn't get along that well when I was young and we still don't. My mom left me and my siblings with out any notice, and my dad was and still is an alcoholic. He comes home now and then drunk. When I was little he used to beat my siblings and I up. With a belt. Even when we did nothing wrong. If we cried, he would hit us even harder.” He stopped and turned around looking at Seoul in the night, with the building reflection of their lights in the sky.

“Oh my gosh! Aww I’m so sorry.” She turns around and looks at him with a serious face covering , not believing that he just said.

He just continues with his story. “So in order to escape my dad beating us up, I would go to the park and just dance and show people what I do I’m my time to get rid of all of my anger” Mi-Cha was so into his story that she didn’t say a thing. She was so mesmerized.

“And that’s how I got into BEAST, people who had seen me dance in the park recommended Cube Entertainment to watch me and they heard my story and knew that I was born to be a dancer, and be in a group."

"Have you talked to your father at all?" She asked really into his story. She wanted to help him in some way. But how?

"No. I haven't talked to my dad ever since I ran away from home 12 years ago, when I was 9.”

“Wow. I would have never known that your past was like that because you don’t show any signs of it.” She said looking at him seriously.

“It’s because I don’t want to show it.  If I do fans will start getting worried that something was wrong, and I don’t want the beauties to worry about Lee Kikwang.” He smiles but then looks at his watch. “It’s late. I should probably get you home." He starts walking ahead of her and she has to run to catch up. He walks her all the way inside to her room.

“I had a fun time tonight.. Bye Mi-Cha. Sleep well.” He walks away with a smile but inside he is hurt from remembering his past. Before he could get to the door to go outside he is stopped.

“Wait!” Mi-Cha had ran up to him and hugged him tightly. This was the first time that she had ever made the move on one of the members. But he needed it.

He fell a little bit backwards from how hard she hugged him but regained stability. He was shocked that she had actually hugged him. A little smile came to his face and he wrapped his arms around her accepting the hug. After, she pulled back. Hher hand touched her hair nervous that she actually did that.

“Kikwang, I enjoyed…well I didn’t enjoy hearing about your story, but I liked that you had the courage to tell it to me. It made me picture you as more of a strong person. Some one that hides there inner feelings, but makes sure that everyone else happy. It made me think differently about you. It was such a heart-filled story.” She was tearing up saying that.

“Aww. Don't cry. I thank you for listening to my past life. I appreciate that someone pays attention to what I go through. I really appreciate it. Really, I do.” He smiles at her.

“Your welcome. I’m here for you if you need anything okay?” She said looking at him.

“Alright." He smiles. "Go sleep now, you look tired.”

“Bye Kikwang.”

“Bye. Mi-Cha.” He had stopped after saying bye then said her name. She watches as he leaves the apartment building. Once he had been out of sight she walks back to her room smiling.   


That whole family part with Kikwang talked about....I put that in. Don't think that's how his real life is, because I don't know what is past was like. lol. Sorry I took forever to update. I had to study for exams. But I'm done now. So I should be able to update almost everyday, if not every few days. 


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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!