The Leader

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]

LOL! I don't think you guys get it. You are all like "I wish I was in Mi-Cha's place" blah blah blah. But if you read the description I put Mi-Cha(YOU). So Mi-Cha is YOU! You have to think in your own mind that you are in her position. Because YOU are in this story as MI-CHA. Haha. Maybe you'll understand the story now better since I told you that. xD


Like everyday Mi-Cha woke up the same way. Smiling because of what had happened the night before. She had felt a special bond with Kikwang. Something that she hadn’t felt before. She liked how he had just came out and talked to her about his past.  She never thought that those sad, heart wrenching words would come out of his mouth.  This is what made her think twice about him.  After hearing those words it made her realize that he is a really strong individual and that he cares for s more than himself. He wants them to be fine before he himself fixes up his own life.  She like how he was up front and foreword to her. 

She got up and did her daily routine. Take a shower, make breakfast and watch some TV before she went out to go dance. The station she was watching was showing a re-run of the Gayo Daejun and Beast was on. But they weren’t dancing to any of their songs, not when they first came out at least. The song they were dancing to…T-Ara’s Yayaya. Once Mi-Cha had heard the song start playing and the camera zoom in on Yoseob's face she choked on her noodles that she had just made. The members were all so confused as to what they were doing that it made her laugh so hard she turned red in the face and that she had to catch her breath. Yoseob looked so confused and like he didn’t want to be in that position.  But at the same time he was laughing and snowing that cute adorable smile that just made her heart melt, because he couldn’t believe that he was actually dancing to Yayaya. The performance lasted less than a minute and then broke into Soom.  She was upset because she wanted to see more of them all being cute.

There was a knock on the door and she ran to put her noodles down the toilet that she didn’t finish and put the bowl in the dishwasher. She ran to the door to see DooJoon, the leader standing with his arms behind his back smiling at her.

“Let me just get my bag, hold on a sec.” she said to him as she ran back to the couch where her bag was. She turned off the TV and threw the remote on the couch.

She reached the door but was panting in exhaustion. “…O-kay, I’m..ready.” She said as she walked out of the door and closed it.

“I’ll carry that for you.” He said taking the heavy bag off her shoulders and putting in on his.

“You all have to be the sweetest guys I know.”  She said smiling at him as they walked out of the apartment building.

“Really? You think that?” He said shocked that she had actually said that. He looked at her and smiled.

“Yeah, I mean all of the other hyungs all offered to take my bag too.” She answered.

“Well, we were all brought up to be gentleman.” He smiled as he reached his car and put her bag in the trunk. He helped her in the car and he got to his side and drove off to the dance studio. She couldn’t help but laugh at something.

“What’s so funny?” He asked concentrating on driving.

“Oh, nothing really. It’s just I saw a re-run of the Gayo Daejun. And you guys came on. But the funny part was…that you were dancing to Yayaya.” She was at the point were she was hysterically laughing and she couldn’t help it.

“Oh, that. Yeah, that was kind of…embarrassing.” He said looking away.

“Aw. No. I thought it was funny. You all looked confused, but then adorable at the same time.” She laughed. Watching them dance to that really amused her.

“Well thanks.” He laughed.

They had reached the dance studio. He had gotten out of the car and went to her side to open her door and let her out.  He opened the trunk and got her bag. She was about to reach for it but he pushed her arm away.

“Ah. I got it.” He said as he smiled and closed the trunk door and locked his car.

They enter the dance studio and she stretches again but DooJoon doesn’t look at her like how Kikwang did.  He goes to put a CD in the stereo.

“So what dance do you want to learn today?” He asks as he walks towards her.

“Oh oh oh! I wanna learn the Yayaya dance.” She said with excitement clapping her hands while bouncing up and down. He just sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

“Aww. Come on oppa. I’m the one who needs to dance better. So shouldn’t I have a pick in a song too?” She asked putting on a pouty face. “Please.”

“Fine.” He said.

“Yay!” She jumped up and down.

He went to go put in the CD and played the song.  He showed her the whole dance first as she watched him do it. While she watched him in the middle of the song she said, “Oh! Oppa do something cute!” She smiled seeing that he didn’t want to do something cute but he did it just to please her. She freaked with happiness, because he did do something cute. He smiled, which made her blush.  He asked her to join her since he had finished the dance and wanted to teach it to her now. He replayed the song over and showed her each step one by one. This dance was a cute, sort of faced paced dance that basically anybody could do.  But for her it was easy to learn. She learned it just like that and kept on doing it over with him because it made her feel happy. They had done the dance over for a while now so she decided to give him a chance to pick what he wanted to do since her dance session with him was over for the day.

“Okay, oppa. You can pick what you want to do now. I’m all set for the day.” She laughed. They still had time together. But instead of going out they decided to stay in the dance studio and dance some more.

“I want to teach you the shock dance.” He said pulling her to the middle of the floor waiting for the song to start. He was standing quit close to her which made her have goose-bumps from being this close. He showed her the dance moves and she watched. He would turn around every now and then and smile at her. She blushed when he turned away, but he could feel her blushing which made him smile more, because he was achieving what he wanted to happen. He finished the dance and turned to her and repressed the play button so he could see her dance it this time. She did and when she turned around she did the same thing he did, smiled. This made him blush, even though he tried to hide it, but he couldn’t. She had finished the dance and stopped in a way that made him speechless. A new dance move that he hadn’t seen before? What ever it was it made him clap, loud.

“Uwaa! That last step was…what was that?” As he tried to imitate it.

“It’s my own little step I made up.” She smiled being proud that he enjoyed that last step.

“Well I have never seen anything like it. It’s amazing!” He said with a shocked face.

“I’m glad you like it. I did it for you.” She said walking past him giggling at what she had just said, like she didn’t mean it. He was going to say something but didn’t. He thought to himself Did she really just say that?...To…me?  Mi-Cha had taken a drink of water and looked at her watch. He eyes grew big. It was late and she was tired. Time for her to go home and get some rest.

“Oppa! It’s really late!” She told him tugging on his shirt.

He looked at his watch. “Omo! Yeah it is. I’ll go take you home now.” He said cleaning up the studio and picking her bag up. She had reached for it but he had pushed her away.  He puts everything in his car and driver her back to her apartment.  She got out of the car and went to go get her bag but before she could go anywhere he stood there in front of her.

“Mi-Cha, I had a fun time tonight. You are a really, nice, sweet girl. I would like to spend more time with you sometime soon. Okay?” He said with a serious tone.

“Alright oppa. I had fun too.” She said touching her hair so it wouldn’t go into her face.

“Okay. I guess you should get going now. Sleep well, Mi-Cha.” He smiles as he waved goodbye to her. She made her way into the apartment building. He just stood against his car looking up at the night sky, seeing the millions of bright shiny stars and thinking to himself. I can’t start liking her. I just met her today. There has to be more about her I don’t know. Only time will tell.  He shook his head thinking he was going crazy. He got back into his car and drove into the night.


Ehh. Sorry it's so short. I had to type this quickly and update it.  LOL! Crappy title. xDD

Enjoy~ ^^ 


P.S. Oh and here's the Yayaya performance. Gaah! Yoseob! XDD ♥♥

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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!