Mi-Cha's Story

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]


Mi-Cha had awaken from a very good, peaceful sleep.  She had stretched and yawned as she sat up in her bed.  She couldn’t stop thinking about her date with Yoseob.  He had treated her so nicely, and it made her feel like she had been loved for the first time in her life.  Since her family didn’t love her, nor care for her.  She had remembered her past in a flash back.

Flash Back:

Mi-Cha’s mom had been by her so called “boy friend.” Because of that she had gotten pregnant.  She never wanted to give birth to a baby, nor did she actually want any kids. So when the day came to deliver the baby, she had immediately said she wanted to put the boy or girl up for adoption.  Mi-Cha had been adopted. Her adopted parents had named her Mi-cha because it means Beautiful Girl. And at the time they thought she was a Beautiful Girl. That all changed in a matter of years. Once she was old enough to live on her own, which to her adoptive parents was, the age of six, they had abandoned her. They never came back.  She was left in a very rundown apartment. Cracks in the walls, the floors all full of stains and plane cement, a bed which looked like it had been used to kill someone with stains all over it, the refrigerator was all gross looking with what looked like spills on the outside that no one cleaned up. The only food that she had was what was left in the refrigerator, which wasn’t a lot.  She had learned all by herself how to cook.  She had burnt many foods, only to increase her cooking skills and how to feed herself. 

In order to get money she had went outside to dance on the sidewalk right in front of the run down building. Some people had given her little bits of change maybe about ten cents to about twenty, but that was it.  Some had just totally ignored her and kept on walking.  But as the people walked by they thought to themselves that she really, for her young age, was a good dancer.  She had spent days in the apartment making her own dance, and improving while doing so.  Once she perfected it she had went back outside the next day to show the wandering towns people her new and improved dance.  Everyone was now stopping what they were doing and crowding around her clapping their hands to the beat of the music.  This one big husky man was watching her every move, as if he was a hawk trying to stalk its prey.  He had this mesmerized and shocked look on his face.  He couldn’t believe a six year old girl was dancing the way she was.  Mi-Cha had stopped dancing and once she did there were uproars of “wows” and “Omo!”  Even erted teenaged boys were whoo-ing and whistling at her.  By this time everybody had given her loads of money, even $100 bills. Something she definitely wasn’t expecting. Her hat, was full of money.  After everybody praised her, they all left. She had turned around to pick up the hat full of money, when the big husky guy tapped her shoulder.

“Excuse me. Miss.”  He had walked over to her when she was turned around so the tap scared her.

She jumped from being scared. “Y-yes?” She said with her soft, little voice.

“Your dance, that you did just now, it was amazing!” He said with a shocked face. “How did you manage to get that good, when you are still so young?”

She gulped. She had no idea who this man was, and why he was talking to her. “Uhm…I’ve been practicing in my room. In there. By myself.” She points to the apartment behind her. The expression on the mans face was pure shock.

“You…live in this?” He said looking at the rundown apartment. “By yourself?” He drops down to her level and looks her in the eye.

“Yeah. I-I…have no parents.” She answers him in a soft tone.

“What do you mean?” He says.

She begins to tear up a little bit. “They…left me. And they haven’t come back.” She says crying, because she really had no one that loved her. 

“They…left you?” He couldn’t believe what she had just said. “I don’t even know what to say. How can an adorable, sweet, little girl like you just be left alone.”

“I..don’t know.” She said as she sniffed from crying.

“How about this, you come and live with my wife and I. We have our own dance studio that you can use whenever you want. What do you think?” He says standing up straight and smiling.

She was young, but she was very smart when it came to knowing a person was nice and honest. She smiles and answers with…

End of Flash Back:

Knock! Knock!

She snapped out of her flashback.  She had a sad expression on her face.  Why did she suddenly think about her past? She shook her head and ran to the door. She ran out of her room stubbing her toe on a kitchen chair.

“AISH!” She screamed. Toe separation really hurts.

Knock! Knock! 

“I’m coming I’m coming!” She said annoyed because she was in pain. She opened the door. HyunSeung was standing there in front of her.  She was still in her pajamas since she was having a flashback and wasn’t all that with it.  She had been bent over with an I’m-in-pain look touching her toe to stop the throbbing pain that was happening.

“Did I come at a bad time?” He asks trying to hold in laughing from seeing her in her pj’s. 

She hesitated to answer being embarrassed. “N-no. Uh, come in.” She says opening the door and hopping on one leg still holding her toe.  She was smiling though, happy to see he was actually here. But for what?

“I…will be right back.” She says looking at him real quick then running, making sure she misses the kitchen chair back to her room. Once she got in her room she talked to her self about how she just got out of bed and opened the door with her pajama’s still on. Aish! Babo Babo Babo!! She pressed her fingers to her temples.  She quickly ran to her dresser to get a pair of clothes.

♥     ♥     ♥


HyunSeung had been wandering around looking at all of her knick-knacks touching them lightly so he wouldn’t break anything.  He picks up this crystal horse that’s small and holds it in his hands as he observes the smooth and shininess of it.

“Okay! I’m back!” He hears Mi-Cha yell and almost dropped the horse as he was trying to put it back on the shelf.

“Yah! Don’t do that. You almost made me drop this.” He says as he points to the horse which was safe a sound on the shelf. 

“Oh. Yeah, that would have been bad.” She says taking a breath, from running to him from her room. “So, why are you here?” She asks.

“Why? You want me to leave? Cause I can leave.” He says walking towards the door.

She goes to stop him. He smiles. “No…I was just…wondering…” She says hesitating.

He scoffs. “I’m here because I want to spend some time with you. Alone. Just you and I.” He smiles as he takes her hand. “Come on. Let’s go.” He pulls her along.

“Wh-where are we going?” She asks trying to catch up to him.

“You’ll see.” He says. 


Ahh! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while. School has made me really busy.  Or I was just too lazy to update. xDD 

This story is also on B2STrising http://www.b2strising.com/index.php?showtopic=12025&st=0&p=2457166&#entry2457166 

So if you have an account, please go read it on there and comment. ^^ Gasamnida.



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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!