Third Date

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]


Mi-Cha had woken up from another great date, this time with HyunSeung. She opened her eyes to see herself in her bed with her covers over her. She sat up quickly thinking this was all a dream. She looks around with her eyes wide open getting kind of scared of how she got here, when the last place she was, was with HyunSeung. She pushes the hair out of her face and she finally realizes how she got to be in her bed. She had fallen asleep from her tiring date with him.  She smiles remembering how he had paid such close attention to her story about when she was little. But thinking about that again made her also sad.  She hated thinking of that story.  She had trusted no body after that day when her parents had left.  But the past was the past and she needed to move on. 

She got up from her bed and stretched.  She walked over to her window and saw that it was down pouring rain. She felt herself slouch over with a sad face.  It was such a nice day yesterday. What happened?

“Aish. Bipolar weather.” She slugs off to her dresser and picks a pair of sweats and a loose T-Shirt for her clothes today, since she wasn’t going any where now.  She walks to the shower and makes it hot waking her up even more. 

As she was making her self breakfast she heard her buzzer in her apartment.  Someone must have been buzzing her from outside. But who?

She walks over to the buzzer. “Hello?”

“Mi-Cha!” The person on the other line says.

“Yes that’s my name.” She answers.

“It’s Kikwang. I’m outside and the door is locked to the building, and it’s raining and windy. Can you come and unlock me. Please!” He cried.

“Omo. Yeah. I’ll be right down.”

She went to move what ever her breakfast was from the stove into a bowl and ran out of her apartment and down the hall to let him in. His arms were folded together tight across his chest trying to keep from getting pummeled by the rain and the wind. She see’s him and unlocks the door quickly.

He walks in fast getting out of the cold weather and into the warm heat filled apartment building.

“Oh. You’re soaking!” She says wiping off the water that was on his hair. He just nods his head. He couldn’t speak he was too cold and wet.

“Come. You need to warm up.” She puts her harm around his back and helps him to her room. She opens the door and he just stops.

“What?” She says looking at him.

“I don’t want to get your carpet all wet.” He says lifting his head up a little to look at her.

She scoffs. “It’s just water. It’ll dry.” She pushes him to go into her apartment. “Now come on. You need to take a hot shower.” She walks him to her bathroom. He waits there while she gets some clothes. She had brought him some loose sweat pants and a big sweat shirt.  She like dressing like a tom-boy sometimes with open close that weren’t skin tight.

She went to start the shower for him. “Here are some clothes that I know will fit you.” She puts them on the sink counter.  He smiles at her. He started to take off his shirt.

He turns around. “You’re going to watch me strip?” His abs were in perfect view for her eyes to see. 

She felt her self starring at them like they were some amazing piece of art.

“Oh. Uh…no.” She shakes her head. “I’ll be leaving now. Uh…enjoy your shower.” She leaves.

Enjoy your shower? Really? Aish!She talks to herself.

She went to go touch her breakfast, it turned cold. She sighed and threw it out. Now she needed to reheat the stove to make something else. She thought of an idea and smiled, chicken noodle soup. Since it was a crappy day soup was a good idea to make. She the stove and waited for the water to boil.

A few minutes later the water was bubbling with hotness and she poured the noodles and the chicken flavoring into the bowl. She stirs it until the noodles aren’t too hard or soft, but until they are just right. She hears the shower turn off.  He must be done. She goes to the cabinet and pulls out two bowls, one her herself and one for, him. She carefully pours the soup into hers and his and puts the pot she cooked it in, in the sink.

He walks out of the bathroom touching his hair and parting it the way he wanted it. “Oh. Something smells good!” He says walking into the kitchen and seeing a bowl just for him. “Omo! Chicken…noodle…”

“Soup!” She finishes his sentence holding a bowl out to him smiling.

“Kamsahaeyo  Mi-Cha!” He says taking it from her and walking towards the little table she had, but he stops.

Mi-cha walks around him and puts her bowl on the table and takes a seat. “What? You don’t know how to sit in a chair?” She laughs at herself.

“No. It’s just this table is where you stood with the broom when I scared you…” He looks at her with a sad face.

She just smiles. “Kikwang, it’s okay. Now sit your soup is going to get cold.”

He goes and sits across from her, taking little sips of his soup trying to not burn his tongue.

They both had finished their soups and were leaning back in their chairs with a full stomach.

“Oh. That hit the spot.” He says.

“Yeah, it really did. Today is the kind of day for soup.” She answered.

“Yah, Mi-Cha.” He said leaning towards her, with a smile.

“Yes.” She answered.

“Thanks.” He smiles. “For taking me in and cleaning me up and for this…delicious soup! Did you make this?” He looks at the bowl wishing he had more.

“Yes I slaved all day making it special for you.” She says.

“Did you really?!” He started to smile.

She scoffs. “No! Hah. I’m too lazy to make an actual meal. And I’m to busy. I haven’t made an actual meal for myself since…” She remembers her past again. She stares off into space.

“Yah! Mi-Cha…you there?” He was waving his hand in front of her face.

She hears a muffled voice and the voice starts to get louder and louder until she hears who it’s from. She had really starred into space, not even realizing that he was still there.      

“Huh?” She shakes her head. “Oh yeah. Sorry.” She pushes her chair back and gets up grabbing her bowl and stretching her arms out to get his.

He touches her hand and pushes it away. She could feel her heart beat faster and faster. “I’ll get it.” He says taking his dish and hers and putting them into the sink. 

She smiles at him and goes to sit on the couch. He follows her.

“So, why did you come here anyway?” She asks him getting comfortable on the couch.

“Well I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out with me, today. Just… me… and you.” He stuttered.

“Like on a…date?” She sounded confused.

He gulps. “…Yeah. But I guess that didn’t work out so well.” He laughs.

“Noo, not really.” She laughs with him. “But Kikwang, please tell me you got a ride here.” She had sort of a worried face.

He pulls his lips in. “Yeah…about that.” 

“You walked here! In this weather!!!” She straightened herself.

“Mhm.” He said tilting his head down.

“Don’t you have a car?” She asks.

“Yeah. But HyunSeung crashed it into another car and it’s getting repaired. He’s such a clumsy person.” He laughs.

“Yah! That’s not something to laugh about!” She pushes him with anger.

“Why not? Do you…like him?” He tilts his head and smiles a bit. “And he’s fine.”

She scoffs. “Hah. No. Why would you think that?” She plays it off.

He just looks at her and smiles.

“What?” She says.

“Yes you do. You’re lying.” He pushes her back.

“I am not!” She hits him with a pillow.

“Oh. So that’s how you want to handle this. I see.” He takes a pillow and hits her back.

Her eyes grow big and then she squints them getting angry. She throws another pillow at him.  She tries to run away from him but he keeps hitting her. They hide on each other trying to not get hit.  But when someone comes out of the hiding place all hell brakes loose. A full on pillow fight happens. Mi-Cha is getting pelted with a pillow while she can’t even fight back because he just won’t stop. She moves back and forth in front of him before she sneaks past him and runs to down the hallway to her room. He catches her and picks her up and puts her over his shoulder. He walks her back to the living room.

“Yah!” She kicks and screams. “Put me down. I don’t like to be man-handled.” She laughs.

Her laughing makes him laugh and he just stands in the middle of the hallway laughing hysterically with her still on his shoulder. He eventually puts her down and breathes heavily. 

“That was fun. I didn’t think that would happen.” He laughs.

“Me…either…” She said out of breath.

He goes to check his watch. “Omo. I…I gotta go. I have a schedule to get to. I had fun Mi-Cha.” He stands in front of her and looks at her. He starts to smile and comes in closer towards her.  She didn’t know what was going to happen. Her body was starting to get hot, and butterflies were forming in her stomach. He is in front of her face and he turns his head a little going to give her a kiss on the cheek, which to her was fine. As long as it want a kiss on the…he quickly puts his fingers on her chin and turns her head and kisses her fast on the lips as he runs to head out of her apartment.

“Yah! What was that!” She yells running after him.

“A goodbye kiss.” He looks back at her smiling widely. “Goodbye Mi-Cha.”

She stands there looking as the door close and seeing him leave her apartment.

Was that really a kiss? Was it her first one ever? She runs back to the couch and falls on it screaming with happiness into a pillow.  


Ahhhhh!!! I am SOOO sorry I haven't updated in like....TWO WEEKS! D: I've been so busy with school and everything and now all this U-Kiss drama, has made me not in the mood to do anything. :(( 

But I UPDATED!!! Everything that happened in this chapter is what just popped in my brain as I was writing, so sorry if it's a y chapter. :P 



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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!