Forth Date

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]

Mi-Cha had been up bright and early just waiting for DooJoon and where he was surprisingly taking her.  Where could he be taking her? The other members had taken her to all of the fun places in Seoul, that’s what she thought at least.  The boys were good at surprises so she was excited for this. 

She looked at her phone, it was noon time. He didn’t show. Where could he be? She waited and waited playing with her hair, plucking out any split ends that she had. 

It was now 12:30 p.m. He still didn’t show.  She gave up from waiting for him.  She got up from her couch and walked to the door opening it, hoping that he was standing outside for her.  She peaked outside, looking up and down the hallway in her apartment building, nothing. Not a single person was walking the halls.  She sighed and turned to go back into her room, just as she was about to close the door she felt someone stop it.  Someone pulls on her arm tightly making her fall into them. She landed on the person’s chest, her head looking straight at theirs.

He was there, finally.

“Oh…” She quickly pulls back from falling into DooJoon.

“Hello Mi-Cha.” He says fixing himself from almost falling from his strength when pulling her. “I’m so sorry I’m late. I had to finish up a few things. Please do forgive me.” He walks closer to her looking at her with a puppy dog face.

“It’s okay. I forgive you. I wasn’t doing anything important anyway.” She says.

“Good. You ready?” He asks.

“Yes, let me get my purse real quick.” She runs back into her apartment quickly grabbing her purse and phone.

“Kay!” She says reaching him and closing the door behind her.

He smiles lending his arm to her so she could hold it. “Let’s go.”

He walks her out of the building to his car, opening the door for her.  He gets in on his side and drives off. 

“So oppa where are you taking me?” She asks touching her hair. 

“I’m not telling.” He says quickly looking at her, then looking away concentrating on his driving.

“Awe! Come on. Tell me t-t-t-t tell me.” She says doing the Tell Me dance by the Wonder Girls.

“Haha. You’re cute. But no.” He says.

“What did oppa just call me?” She asks, sort of happy that he called her cute.

“What?” He says confused.

“You just called me cute.” She says with a cute smile.

“Did I? Well I meant it.” He says honestly.

“What?” She asks.

“I meant it.”

He continues driving on highways, back roads, city streets, going through towns she had never been through before.  She was so amazed by the beauty that, she had her head against the passenger side window looking up at the tall, sky scraper type buildings.

After a while he came to a stop.  He gets out, walks to her side and opens the door lending his hand. She has to think twice, but she takes it.  He helps her out of his car.

“O-oppa, where are we?” She asks looking straight in front of her at this tall building that looks like an office building.

“We’re at the best restaurant in Korea.” He says looking at her. “Come on, I’m hungry.” He puts his arm around her waist leading her in the restaurant, being a gentleman and opening doors.

They get inside, but there’s no one sitting down and eating any food. The place is deserted.

“Uh…oppa…there’s nobody here?” She looks at him confused.

“Yes there is, you and I.” He looks at her.

“No, I mean there’s nobody eating here. Are you sure this place is even open?” She says confused.

“You and I are here, that’s all that matters.” He pulls her closer. “It’s only open for the two of us.” He looks at her and smiles.

She finally got what he was trying to explain to her.  It made her face light up with happiness.  He had rented the restaurant out for just them two for the night.

This tall, built man walked out from the back. “Ah. DooJoon you made it! I thought you wouldn’t be coming.”

“Yes, I did. Sorry about being so late. I had to get some things done.” DooJoon said to the man. 

“It’s alright. I understand. Beast these days is so busy-” He had stopped by the beauty that he had seen in Mi-Cha. “This must be her, yes?”

“Yes, this is Mi-Cha.” DooJoon said. 

“Ah Mi-Cha. I’ve heard so much about you.” He bows. “Hello, I’m Lee Min Hae, owner of this lovely restaurant.” He says pointing his arm around the place.  

“Hello!” Mi-Cha says bowing to him.

“So,” Min Hae claps. “You guys ready to eat?”

“Yes! I’m starving! I haven’t had anything to eat all day.” DooJoon says.

“Alright. Follow me, this way.” He brought them to a room that had a closing door. DooJoon had ordered this too. He wanted to be alone with Mi-Cha and not be disturbed only when they were receiving their food.

“Here you go. Your food will be out shortly.” Min Hae closes the door and leaves.

DooJoon and Mi-Cha sit across from each other on the floor glancing on and off quickly at one another shyly.  He tells her funny stories trying to start a conversation and to make her smile a bit, but she hides it. She never really liked her smile; it wasn’t perfect like other Asian girls she had seen. She was self conscious about her smile.

“Why are you hiding your smile?” He asks.

“I-I’m not.” She stutters.

“Yes you are. Smile!” He pushes the end of his lips up making a smile.

She begins to smile but bits her lips to hide it.

“Yah! You just did it!” He laughs pointing.

The door opens and in comes Min with a trey of food. “Your food is ready.” He takes one plate off and places it on Mi-Cha’s side of the table. “Here you go, miss.” He takes the other plate and places it on DooJoon’s side. “And for you.”

“Kamsamnida.” They both said in unison.

“Enjoy…you two.” Min said winking at DooJoon.

DooJoon shooed him away.

The two ate their food. DooJoon had ordered the same thing for the both of them. Mi-Cha hadn’t been looking up from her plate; she was just eating her food quickly. She had finished before he did.

He saw that she was finished so he took a piece of shrimp from his plate, reached his arm out towards her, feeding the shrimp to her.  She hesitated, to take it. She held the chopsticks to make sure it wouldn’t drop and she took it with .  He smiled seeing her eat it. 

She had a little piece of bread left from before they got their food.  She reached her arm towards his mouth; he opened it using his tongue to make sure the bread got fully into his mouth. She smiled seeing him eat it.

They sat there for a little bit longer before Min slid the door open to ask them “Are you guys all set?”

They both nodded their heads.

“How was the food?”

“Delicious!” Mi-Cha says.

“Agreed.” DooJoon says after her.

“I’m glad you two liked it.” Min smiles. “Don’t worry about the bill. I’ll take care of it.”

“No, no I’ll pay.” DooJoon reaches in his back jean pocket of his trying to get his wallet out.

“It’s okay Doo. It’s on the house.” Min says putting one hand on DooJoon’s shoulder.

“O-kay.” DooJoon really had wanted to pay. He felt bad that he took Mi-Cha out and he didn’t even pay for her. It was his treat.

“You two enjoy the rest of your day.” Min says cleaning up their table. 

DooJoon gets up and bows to Min thanking him. He makes his way around Min and goes to Mi-Cha.  He reaches his hand towards her helping her up. 

“Kamsamnida!” Mi-Cha says to Min thanking him for the food.

“You’re welcome dear.” He says back waving as they leave.

*     *     *

DooJoon arrived at Mi-Cha’s apartment building and walked her in till she reached her room. She stops once she reaches her door.

“Mi-Cha, you know when I said you were cute?” He asks.

“Mhm.” She answers.

“And how I said I meant it?”

She nods.

“Well, I do. Honestly. I really like you Mi-Cha. You are cute, in your own little way. That’s what got me attracted to you.  You were shy at first but as I got to know you more and more you eased up, and became this adorable woman. I just hope this relationship can grow into a bigger and better one as the days go on.”

“Aww.” She says she couldn’t help but not hide her smile now. What he said had been too cute for her to hide her smile. “I had fun tonight. Thank you for this surprise, it really did shock me.” She says.

“I did too, and you’re welcome. Anytime.”

Mi-Cha turns to open her door.  Before she steps inside he pulls her arm and pulls her into a gentle but nice hug whispering into her ear. “Smile more love.” He lets go, smiles one last time and walks away. 

She was left there with goose bumps, a thumping heart and, a smile.


Awwwwww DooJoon is such a sweetheart. :))

Enjoy~ ^^ 

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Two Worlds Collide 

Good vs. Evil.

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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!