The Audition

Love....B2ST Style [Pg-13]


      Mi-Cha was up bright and early practicing her dance that she was going to do on her audition which was later the next day.  She had been practicing this dance for a few months now, Skipping school and even missing family time just to get this dance down pat.  She would stay here till dawn the next morning just trying to get it all right.  Practicing this long made her exhausted but she dealt with it.  After all dancing was her life; she spent most of her time in the dance studio. It was like her second home.  Only she and the walls of mirror mimicking her every move.  She took break now and then to take sips of water so she won’t dehydrate herself, but once she was done with that…back to dancing. 

      She stopped for the night or actually morning since it was now 2 o’ clock AM.  She had been at the dance studio since 6 AM yesterday morning.  She went home back to her apartment and took a nice hot shower thinking to herself, “Did I really spend enough time doing that dance?” She was a perfectionist.  If something wasn’t right she would stay till the wee hours of the night or morning trying to get it right. She just stood under the hot shower water rehearsing the dance in her brain.  She needed to get this dance right because she wanted to get that spot of being put into a new girl group.  Being in a girl group and being able to show the world her amazing dancing skills that she spends everyday perfecting was Mi-Cha’s one and only dream.   

      She finished taking her shower, turned off the hot water and got out. She changed into her teddy bear pajamas and ate a really late supper which could also be called a really early breakfast.  She went into the kitchen, grabbed a bowl put some noodles in it with water and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes just enough where you could see the steam coming out from the hot water.  She went into the living room which was connected to the kitchen and the TV.  B2ST was on Music Bank with their comeback song Beautiful. Mi-Cha nearly chocked on her hot noodles. Once she saw them she put the noodles down and was glued to the TV.  She loved them with all of her heart.  She would love to be able to dance with them.  She thought that ever since they first debuted that they were probably the best dancers and her favorite K-pop group ever.  Her favorite member was Yang YoSeob. There was only a 2 years age difference between them. She took a big gulp of her noodles which were now cold, then spit them back out, because they tasted gross to her. Music Bank was almost over all they had to do was give an award to the group with the best comeback which the fans choose. “And the winner of the best comeback in 2011 is…” the MC said.  Mi-Cha hoped it was B2ST she had one finger crossed, since having two means bad luck. “The winner is….B2ST with Beautiful!! Congratulations!” the MC said.  Mi-Cha went crazy jumping up and down.  She knew that they had amazing talent, and that they deserved this award. She went to bed happily.  She had to get up in 5 hours for her big day.

*     *     *

      Mi-Cha had gotten up gotten dressed in decent clothes. No jeans because they would probably rip because of some of her dance moves that she would be performing.  So she put on yoga pants that were a little loose giving her legs breathing room.  She put on a loose t-shirt, her Nike shoes which always made her dancing better since they fitted her small feet well.  She looked in the mirror in the bathroom and said to herself “I can do this.  Just make sure I count out all the stops in my head and concentrate don’t mess up! Mi-Cha FIGHTING!” with the arm movement. 

      She was at the dance studio where the audition would be held.  There was hundred upon thousands of dancers who would be auditioning. She was starting to feel nervous her stomach aching. Was she really going to be able to pull this off? She stood outside watching people dance, they were really good and this made her feel more nervous.  This girl walked out sobbing into her sweat shirt.  That wasn’t a good sign.  Did they tell the dancers their fate after they finished dancing, making their nervousness escalade? 

      It was now her turn she wasn’t paying attention the guy behind her had to practically push her into the dance studio to tell her that she needed to go now.  She walked slowly and bowed to all of the judges that would be watching her closely.  She got into position took in a deep breath.  The song she would be dancing too would be ironically B2ST song Soom. Since the dance steps were intense and fast paced, she picked it because that’s how she normally dances.  The song starts to play and she starts to dance.  At times she really get’s into it looking all fierce and serious.  Those hour, days, months of practicing should pay off.  A few minutes went by and the music stopped, she ended the dance with a hard move that she was pretty sure no one else could do.  Now was the time for the judges to deliberate, was she good? Can she really survive the life of a k-pop star? They talked for a few minutes they looked at her.  Her face was red from being exhausted from dancing.  She thought to herself “Uhm..can you tell me my fate before I die of exhaustion?” The judges looked at each other one last time. 

      The one with the small shaped face who had this sort of cuteness to him said, “You’re good at dancing, really you are. But we aren’t sure that you are at that point where you are good enough to be in a group right now. We’re sorry. Keep on trying and come back next year.”

“Oh…okay. Gasamnida.” Mi-Cha said walking out of the studio.  She didn’t understand why she didn’t get approved. She had practiced for 3 months for hours a day and they didn’t like her?  She got back to her dorm and slammed the door shut went to her room and cried.

*     *     *

“What?! I don’t believe that! She was amazing!” Doojoon said while watching Mi-Cha’s performance.

“Yeah! How could they just shut her down like that?” Yoseob said.

“Go get all the boys. I need to have a talk with them, and a good one.” Doojoon said pointing at the door for Yoseob.

“Okay hyung.” Yoseob said. He went to the other room where the rest of the members were and told them the leader needed to see them.  They all came back into the room where Doojoon was.

“Everyone watch this video and tell me if you think she’s amazing and that the judges made a wrong decision.” Doojoon said moving away from the computer so they all could fit and watch Mi-Cha dance. They were all surprised on how amazing she was. She had perfect persision, good timing, her moves were better than they had seen.

“Huh?  I..I don’t understand how they didn’t put her through. She’s amazing!!” HyunSeung said moving away from the computer with this arms crossed, confused.

“Yeah. She did everything perfect. This needs to change. We should do something.” Kikwang said looking at the leader Doojoon.

“That’s just the thing. All of us are going to go to her dance studio and tell her that we are going to practice with her one-on-one. Tomorrow.” Doojoon said with a smile. “Who’s with me?” He put his hand out in front of him the other members put theirs on top of his. They all said “B2ST FIGHTING!” 


This isn't my first fiction. I am working on another one while i am doing this one. But this is my first chapter of this fiction. Please tell me if you like it. 


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B2ST_Fangirl #1
Aiish~ its sooo adorable <3 i have found the story yesterday evening and have read all 19 chapter today... *_* i love your story ^^ update soon!
pinkypn #2
im gald it was yoseob
damn!!!!!! NOW I WANT JUNHYUNG TO COOK FOR ME DDDDD: updateee ^^
pinkypn #4
i hope she ends up w/yoseob. man shes so lucky going on a date each of them
TheRamenMonster #5
I love your story!<br />
Keep updating! Cuz it makes mah day xD<br />
I like how your story flows!<br />
If only my writing was like that... D:<br />
Anyways, Keep it up!