please play with me once

Did you played with me?


“ahh I miss siwon so much, why does he have to stay in China for that long” Donghae whined as he looked at Siwon’s pictures on Tumblr.

He started to like and share all his lover’s handsome photo’s until he froze by one picture that was like a blade stabbing in his heart. A picture where Siwon was kissing Yoona, it’s just for a movie, but he seems he enjoyed the kiss… why do I feel so insecure right now?

Suddenly the others began to make so much noise and the curiosity lead Donghae down to the others. Oh my Siwon is home and a huge smile was place on Donghae’s face. “Siwon” he yelled as he threw his arms around his lover’s neck. But that smile didn’t stay long as Siwon pushed donghae away.

“Donghae, I’m sorry to say this but, since I kissed Yoona, my feelings slightly changed, I think I’m not gay anymore. So let’s stop this relationship” he said and donghae just stood there and received the hurt words one by one.

“That means you, got tired of me, while I was waiting patiently for you to come back and love me? You are certainly the worst person I’ve ever met” Donghae said as his tears rolled over his cheeks. No matter how hard he tried to swipe them away, they just came back. He slowly backed away from the source of his pain and ran towards his room.

I can’t believe he dumped me after all the things we had been thru. But I guess I can’t change that.

The night came and the sleep still hasn’t hit him. He got out of the bed and walked towards his former lover bedroom and knocked on the door. He opened the door after he got an approval to go inside.

“D-Donghae what are you doing here?” he asked in confuse. Without answering Siwon’s question Donghae ran towards this ex and hugged him tightly.

“Please only if it’s for once, please hold me, just play with me. Just once before I decide to let you go and give you to your new lover. Just please, just once” Donghae said as he looked with hope to get an okay.


Sorry for negletting this story for such a long time.

I don't really have an forgivable excuse so, I'm sorry.

So thank you for waiting for so long, Here is the teaser.

I probably will change it later on so you won;t find the treaser back in the next chapter or i might use it tough. 

So thank you once again for reading, subrscribing and for leaving a comment. thank you.

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Iciilll #1
Chapter 2: I love your story :')
Chapter 18: Beautiful story.
Grunwald #3
Chapter 8: what happened during the sihae part? (please explain)
what happened during the yewook part? (please explain)
thank you
nazanin #4
Chapter 17: how romantic and sad. TOT
Chapter 16: Wow totally love your fanfiction. Finally read all of it. School kept me quiet busy last days. Hope you had a merry christmas yourself ? :)
Regards Slade
Chapter 16: I loved that chapter
Chapter 4: hi..i'm new reader this chap countinoe?
but edited pliz, siwon actual born was in 10 april 1986, u should wrote its clear ( his real b'day and his sipil legaliz b'day)
Still doing a splendid job I see...