Stalking time (:

OPPA! Make me a woman!

I stared outside the window, nothing to do at school...I’m already failing as it is. Taec suggested getting a tutor for me, but he hasn’t been home these days so he must’ve forgotten. Having a tutor is alright, I just hate it when they ask you a question and you have absolutely no clue as to what they’re saying and then they just assume that your dumb and teach you the basics. I observe the things that I saw through a window, oh hey look! There’s a couple making out behind the gym. Ha, ers! I can see you; wow...I really sound like a . I stop looking at the window and start focusing on the teacher at the front. He was fidgety, like he was waiting for someone. Starring at the teacher bored me, so I decided to just rest my head on a book. Sitting at the back is a good advantage for those students who want to sleep. I then decided to rest my eyes, until the students in class started chattering really loudly. Then the teacher announced,

‘Class, I would like to introduce you to a new student.’ Everyone gasped in excited and was gossiping about what the new student looks like. It’s no biggie for me, I mean...I wouldn’t care less about the new student since I barley know half my class anyway. If they don’t mess with me, then I won’t mess with them. It’s a win-win situation. The teacher finally told the class to be quiet, and continued. ‘His name is Lee Hong Ki, I hope you will make him feel welcomed!’ And everyone clapped as Lee Hong Ki walked in. As soon as I heard his name, I quickly shot back up from my seat, shocked. He never told me last night that he was going to be enrolling in my school! The surprises never seem to end do they? All the girls started shrieking; oh we go again with the fan-girling. First it was Taemin, but ever since that incident with that Eun Jeong, they finally calmed down, but now that Hong Ki is enrolling in my class, it’s just going to happen all over again. I just wish Hong Ki would randomly blurt out ‘Ji Yeon is my sister!’ then I can live life peacefully because then they won’t mess with me. ‘There’s an empty seat at the back next to Ji Yeon.’ The teacher exclaimed, pointing to the empty seat next to mine. Hong Ki followed to where the teacher was pointed, and met gazes with me. He smirked, just great...

He slowly walked over to the table, having all eyes locked on him. All the girls were shrieking feeling jealous of me, ha! Imagine living with this guy? Last night, I could hear Taemin and him talking from the other room about girls, apparently Hong Ki was teaching Taemin on how to get a girlfriend, and they wouldn’t stop! I tried covering my face with my pillow and all these other tactics. But man, they just kept on going. I then decided to just ignore Hong Ki who was sitting next to me, and just sleep during class, it’s what I normally do and I’m not letting Hong Ki stop me from doing so. I then felt a thud on my head, I looked around and found a scrunched up paper ball on the ground. I picked it up and opened it up, it was a note:

Tsk, you shouldn’t be sleeping during class.

I replied back and was about to target it at Hong Ki’s head, but realized he was off sleeping. Tsk, what a hypocrite. Can’t blame him though, this class is really boring. I don’t understand how all these other people can keep up, this teacher just keeps going on and on about history, to the fact where I don’t even know what he is talking about. Please, do us all a favour and just shut up.


It was finally time for lunch and I decided to just walk around the school, I forgot to bring money so I guess I’ll just skip today. I walked passed Taemin’s class and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Taemin and Hong Ki were together, putting their arms around each other’s shoulders as if they were best buds. Well, it was just Taemin doing it; Hong Ki just looked annoyed at him. Oh well, let’s just leave them alone.

I then leaned against the wall, and saw a group of girls legitimately starring at me. It was totally uncalled for; they just kept starring at me and whispering to each other when they clearly could see that I was giving them deathly looks to leave me alone. If they were to gossip about me, they should’ve at least done it someplace else, and not as loud. Stupid...

‘Look its Park Ji Yeon!’

‘We all know she is Taemin’s sister, but how could she also take away Hong Ki too?!’

‘I know right!’

‘I mean...they don’t even have the same last name, is that even possible...’

‘She’s such a thief, how dare she do that!’

‘She doesn’t deserve to have them!’

‘They belong to everyone!’

‘She should just get lost.’

And they all left, while saying ‘Hmph!’ well, this is clearly not my fault, yet they are blaming me. Just because they are my brothers, and that we live in the same apartment, doesn’t mean you should all go ganging up on me, in the end this is my dad’s entire fault! And who cares about last names, we’re still related! Stuff you, you s are just jealous. Have fun spending your lives hating me.


School finally ended, and Taemin, Hong Ki and I decided to walk home. We were most likely the centre of attention, as we walked out of the building...guys and girls were all whispering about us. The Hong Ki fan girls were glaring at me, but I just sneered at them. The Taemin fan girls whispered to each other, then all glared at me... but ran away later. I have a really bad feeling that one they, Taemin’s fan girls and Hong’s will all gang up on me when I’m feeling vulnerable. We decided to stop at the convenient store to get some ice-cream, but I then remembered I had no money. ‘Let’s go home.’ I told them as we walked out of the convenient store.

I couldn’t believe it.

 My eyes widened at what I was seeing, as I stared blankly into midair. Taemin looked at me and tried to follow to where I was looking, but then he finally saw it. I pointed to this guy that I recognized, ‘Taemin, is it just me? Or does that guy look ridiculously familiar?’ Taemin tried to think of who it reminded him of, until finally...our minds came up with the answer!


I was surprised; it’s felt like ages since we last saw Taec. I wonder where he’s been all these days. I still haven’t told him about Hong Ki yet. I haven’t talked to him in ages, to the point where I couldn’t even recognise him. Well, it’s been so long. It felt so surreal, that I didn’t believe at first if he was there or not. Taec looked at his watch in a hurry and started running. We finally broke out of our thoughts and I gave Taemin the are-you-thinking-what-I’m-thinking look. And he nodded; Hong Ki was still confused of it all.

‘Mission number one; stalk Taec!’ I exclaimed, while hi-fiving Taemin as we headed off to follow Taec, pulling Hong Ki along who was still bewildered. My ninja mode has been switched on, I’ve always wanted to spy on someone like in those movies, and now I get to finally do it! ‘Taec...we’re finally going to find out what you’ve been up to!’

Three ninjas on a quest, just what will they find out?



^O)... grrr, when I had to write about the stupid fan girls again, I GOT REALLY PISSED! So I made Ji Yeon pissed too ahahha! :3

Here's a spoiler for the next chapter!! YOU READY FOR IT?!?!!?!?!?!?

.... taemin dresses up as a girl! OMGGGGG o:! I hope you're ready for the next chapter sooon! ^______^

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dimskie #1
soon!!! ill love it
KrysStarzz #2
This is interesting, I can't wait to read what's coming next. Update please!
awesommmmmeeee !!!
your story looks good.. but.. i prefer if you used the real pic. of park Jiyeon, its hard to imagine its her when shinhye's picture is there... anyway, since its still Jiyeon's name... i gonna read it!!!
Taemin is a genius.
finally! ive been waiting for this!! keke! i really love it.. :D pls update soon! :)
JuzzMee #7
hehe taemin to the rescue...<br />
well plan taemin<br />
update soon<br />
JuzzMee #8
i'm a new reader..<br />
i love your story<br />
keep update!!!!!!
smilingeyes #9