New member to the family! :D

OPPA! Make me a woman!

Hong Ki’s pov:

I slowly open my eyes, where am I? I tried to stand up, but found myself in someone’s bed. My head was banging like crazy, causing me to crinkle my face. I tried to search my surroundings, but the blurriness from my eyes prevented me from doing so. I felt something damp on my forehead, it was a folded cloth. I could vaguely remember what happened, I tried to think but my banging from my forehead was painful. Then, I could picture a figure sitting in front of me. I squinted my eyes, trying to focus on the subject. My eyes were clearer now, and that figure was Park Ji Yeon. What was she doing here? Did she possibly take me here? It doesn’t seem like she realizes that I’m awake.

‘How am I going to tell you that you’re my brother...’ she mumbled to herself, wait did I just hear her correctly? Did Park Ji Yeon just say what I think she said? Does that mean she’s my sister? All these unanswered questions felt like my mind was going to most likely explode. This is totally crazy, I can’t seem to grasp this situation. Argh! my stupid headache.

Ji Yeon’s pov:

I starred at Hong Ki, who was still probably sleeping. Since he fainted and all, this must be really tough on him. Judging by how pissed and miserable he looked, I actually felt sorry for him. So Hong Ki must have a bad childhood after all? Is that why he acts this way, with his personality? I know exactly how he feels, I remember when I found out about Taemin being my brother. That anger I felt, all those unanswered questions, that are still unanswered. If only my dad was still alive, then I could throw him a bunch of questions to answer. Because really, some of those questions only he can answer. I wish he was alive, so I could give him a real big beating. Since dad passed away, he threw all his dirty problems onto me, now I have to deal with it. Great, thanks a lot dad. You just had to go knock up girls didn’t you? You just had to get them pregnant. I wish mum was alive too, so she could also give dad a huge big beating. Mum and I could just team up and create evil plots to get revenge on dad. After all, he deserves it.

I stood up and head for the door, I wonder where Taemin went. I need to go check up on him too. But before I could make my way, someone pulled me back down. My eyes widened as I turned around, surprised. It was Hong Ki, did he just wake up? I stared at him blankly wondering what the matter was. He gave me a stern stare. ‘Your...your my sister?’ He asked me. Wait, how does he know about that? Don’t tell me, he’s been awake this whole time!? I opened my mouth, trying to say something, but closed it again. I’m am speechless, what am I meant to say in this situation. Do I just nod, or laugh randomly on the spot? I blankly look at Hong Ki— it was like that for awhile. All he did was just stare at me, waiting for an answer. I scratched the back of my neck and smile sheeply, looking pathetic. Maybe I should tell him, I mean he is going to find out sooner or later.

Suddenly, the door swung open, ‘Hyung! Are you okay now?’ Taemin said worriedly, touching Hong Ki’s forehead, since the damp cloth fell onto the bed as Hong Ki sat up. Phew, saved by Taemin again. No, this is serious Ji Yeon! Get your act together, you have to tell Hong Ki...or maybe I should get Taemin to do it. I smirked at Taemin and he started at me bewilderedly. No Ji Yeon! Don’t give your dirty work over to Taemin, not to poor innocent Taemin. I shake my head and try to gather up my courage. I stared Hong Ki straight in the eye and placed my hand on his shoulder, okay I can do this! I open my mouth for a few seconds, waiting to say those three words. Judging by Hong Ki’s expression, I must’ve looked pretty stupid. Okay, I can’t do this just yet! I let go of Hong Ki’s shoulder and dash out the room. I leaned on the wall and started breathing heavily. Okay Ji Yeon, you have to tell him that you’re his sister. He already suspects it anyway, urgh what the hell! I’m just going to blurt it out!

I run back in the room, only to find Hong Ki left in the room. ‘Eh? Where did Taemin go?’ I asked bewildered.

‘He left just a second ago to drink milk...didn’t you see him go out?’

‘Ha, guess not.’ I sighed, sitting aside the bed. Hong Ki leaned on the bed frame with his legs crossed. There wasn’t much to talk about, until I finally remembered what I had to do. I clenched my fist and stared towards the ground, because looking straight into his eyes will put me off guard. ‘Hong Ki, I think you should know that I’m your—‘

‘Hey, you know how you’re meant to do anything for me since you’re the reason why I lost my job?’ He interrupted, giving me a glare while crossing his arms. I gulped, trying to hide my nervousness. I can’t believe he still remembers that, just great. I nodded slightly and he continued. ‘Well, I’ve finally come up with one.’ I closed my eyes and blocked my ears, not wanting to hear the next sentence that comes out of his mouth, because as soon as he says it, my life will be a living hell. Who knows what his mind can come up with, but all I know that it’s going to change my life for good, like it hasn’t changed enough already!? My heart was beating rapidly, waiting for him to say it. Until finally,

‘Would it be alright if I stay here?’

Okay, Ji Yeon. Hong Ki just asked if he could stay here, that’s not as life threatening as what I thought he would give at me. I sighed, relieved that my life wouldn’t be a living hell. Hong Ki is going to stay with us...wait a minute, did I just hear right? I unblock my ears and opened my eyes widely. I shake my head, I probably heard wrong. ‘C-could you repeat that?’ I stuttered, being all ears on his next reply.

‘Can I stay here?’ He repeated again, really emphasising on the word ‘stay’

Okay, this time I definitely did hear every single word that came out of his mouth. ‘Eh?’ I said unconsciously.

‘Are you like really deaf?’ He sighed, and called out across the room ‘Hey Taemin! Can I stay here?’ As soon as Taemin heard that, he straight away ran over to the room with a big grin on his face.

‘Eh? Hong Ki is going to live here?!’ He said happily and started prancing up and down. Wait just a moment, I didn’t even agree to this! Well, I do have to do ‘anything’ he says, actually...this won’t be so bad. I mean, he and his mum aren’t really on good terms and he is my brother after all...he’s not going to live here forever...right?

‘Wait, how come you’re asking Taemin?’ I shot Hong Ki a glare.

‘Well, he’s your boyfriend. I needed to get permission from him y’know?’

‘Wait a moment!? B-boyfriend!?’ I shrieked, as Taemin and I gave Hong Ki a confusing look. He just starred at us blankly.

‘Didn’t you guys say you were going out?’ He asked, pointing to the both of us. Taemin and I looked at each other, before finally breaking into laughter. My stomach hurts so much that I had to wrap my arms around it, tears were nearly forming in my eyes. I can’t believe Hong Ki fell for it this hard. Finally coming back to my senses I replied back,

‘We were just joking!’ I finally came back to my senses, man that was a good laugh. Haven’t laughed like that in ages. ‘Taemin is actually my brother.’ Hong Ki came in closer to my ear and whispered

‘What? Brother? Just like me then?’ He smirked, he was awake after all. I gulped and he chuckled, then started arm locking Taemin’s head, who was desperately crying for help as he reached his arms towards me, but I completely ignored him and walked towards the kitchen. I sighed heavily, three boys in one apartment...just what is going to happen?



Sorry for the wait guys! I finally present you chapter nineteen! I hope you guys like my fan fiction ^_____^! Chapter twenty will soon be on the way :D please please comment and subscribe! COMMENTS ARE LOOVE <3! Komawo n______n

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dimskie #1
soon!!! ill love it
KrysStarzz #2
This is interesting, I can't wait to read what's coming next. Update please!
awesommmmmeeee !!!
your story looks good.. but.. i prefer if you used the real pic. of park Jiyeon, its hard to imagine its her when shinhye's picture is there... anyway, since its still Jiyeon's name... i gonna read it!!!
Taemin is a genius.
finally! ive been waiting for this!! keke! i really love it.. :D pls update soon! :)
JuzzMee #7
hehe taemin to the rescue...<br />
well plan taemin<br />
update soon<br />
JuzzMee #8
i'm a new reader..<br />
i love your story<br />
keep update!!!!!!
smilingeyes #9