Out of boredom

Between Heaven and Hell

Kai sighed and leaned against the wall.

D.O looked over at him and smirked in amusement. "Something wrong?" Kai didn't answer, but stared straight at the ground with a blank expression. D.O sighed and walked over, waving his hand in front of Kai's face. "Hello? Earth to Kai?" he called. Finally snapping out of his thoughts, Kai blinked up at him. "Oh, hey hyung." he smirked.

D.O sighed and crossed his arms. "Something on your mind?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Kai shrugged and pushed himself off of the wall. "No." he said flatly and walked towards the center of the room. He looked around and sighed heavily. D.O laughed and walked after him. "If something isn't wrong, stop sighing." he teased. Kai looked blankly at him, then looked around again. "Where's Chanyeol?" he asked. D.O shrugged. "Probably off somewhere, burning things." he chuckled.

Just then, Chanyeol walked into the room. "I heard that." he hissed. D.O smiled innocently at him. "I didn't say anything." he lied. Chuckling, Chanyeol walked to the center of the room, next to Kai. "You might want to stand back." he warned. Kai looked at him in confusion, but backed away anyways.

As soon as he was a safe distance away, Chanyeol smirked and flung his arms up. When he did so, a giant pheonix made out of fire swarmed around him. Kai and D.O's eyes widened and they stared at Chanyeol in awe. "H-hyung, that's incredible!" Kai exclaimed. Chanyeol smiled cockily and nodded. "I know." he bluntly said. D.O scoffed and slammed his foot down, causing the ground underneath Chanyeol to shoot up, flinging Chanyeol backwards. "What the-!" he yelped. As he landed on the ground, he instantly shot up and stormed towards D.O. "You want to do that again?" he hissed.

Before Chanyeol could get to D.O, Kai teleported in the middle of them. "Calm down, hyungs!" he yelled, pushing them back from each other. Scoffing at the same time, they turned away from each other.

Kai looked at the two of them and sighed. "Do you know what we need?" he asked them. They both turned to him, waiting for him to continue. "What?" they asked in unison. Kai smiled at them, widely. "We need to leave here. We've been here for years. We need...some place fun to go." he explained. D.O looked at Kai as if he was insane. "Exactly where are you suggesting we go?" he warily asked. Kai shrugged and looked up, smirking. D.O's eyes followed his gaze and they widened in realization. "E-Earth?" he stuttered in disbelief. Kai looked back at him and nodded, a evil smile forming on his face. "Why not? It's boring here. Let's go have some fun up there." he suggested.

Chanyeol blinked at Kai, then his mouth twitched into a smile. "I do love terrorizing humans.." he muttered and tapped his chin. D.O looked at the two of them. "If we go up there, we are not harming people." he snapped. Kai looked his hyung in disbelief. "How can you call yourself a devil of hell?" he questioned.

D.O growled at him, slapping him upside the head. "Fine. But don't get carried away." he gave in. Kai and Chanyeol smiled widely, high fiving each other. "Yes!" Kai cheered and pumped his fist in the air. "Is your only reason going up there, because you're bored?" D.O chuckled. Kai pondered for a moment, then nodded. "Yep!"

With that, the three of them walked towards the gates, that led back up to Earth. The three of them stopped and looked up at them in awe. "We've never passed these before." Chanyeol giddily stated. Kai and D.O nodded slighty.

Smiling at each other, they all took deep breathes and walked through the gates.

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I may not start this story until I finish the other, but please look forward to it! ^^


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exooxe #1
Omo soo good! Please please please update soon!
alyssa27 #2
Hello, I'm a new reader and I like this story~! >.< Please update soon
OoOoO what if they know him??
That would be interesting !
Anyways thanks for the update our lovely author (:
DdazzlingZYX #4
love of her life? i wanna know^^ pls update soon^^
brother ? i think so~~ well Update Soon ! hwaiting !
Her mom? Or someone else special to her? Update sooon~
Oh my gosh. These guys.. Update sooN~
DdazzlingZYX #8
lol.. this is the third story i read that the lady of the story have SHINee poster in their room, and all the EXO have problem with the poster..
Kai thinks taemin is okay. Lol. Update sooN~
lol~ Update soon~