Three more?

Between Heaven and Hell

After you had paid for the groceries, you headed home with the six of them trailing behind you. *What is with them? They follow me like lost puppies...* you thought. You started giggling to yourself, receiving looks of confusion from the others. You sheepishly smiled at them. "So...what're you three's names?" you asked, tilting your head. You couldn't remember if you'd asked them already.

Kai smirked at you and pointed to himself. "I.." he trailed off for dramatic effect. "am Kai." he finished with a charming smile. His smile made the corners of your mouth instantly twitch into one as well. Chanyeol scoffed and looked at you. "Chanyeol." he said bluntly. You slowly nodded and smiled at him as well. "It's nice to meet you, Chanyeol." you nodded. He gave you a look and averted his eyes. "Whatever." he mumbled. D.O chuckled and waved it away. "Don't mind him, he's just angry that he's dead." he laughed. Your eyes widened a little at his words. "D-dead? So...being Devil's..means you're...dead?" you got out with difficulty. Kai laughed and looked at D.O. "She's too cute." he smiled. You had to smile back again.

D.O nodded and looked at you. "Of course. You aren't just born a devil...that's kind of impossible." he laughed. You opened your mouth to say something, but soon closed it, at a loss for words. "Anyways..." D.O started. "I'm Do Kyung-soo. But you can call me, D.O. It's nice to meet you." he smiled and slightly bowed. You smiled back and slightly bowed as well. "Nice to meet you, D.O."

Kai nudged D.O in the rib and smiled at him. "Your face is red, hyung." he whispered teasingly. D.O's eyes widened and he covered his face with one hand. "No it's not." he hissed under his breath. Kai started laughing so hard that he had to hold onto his stomach. "You're so gullible." he laughed. D.O shot him a look and turned away.

You laughed at the two of them. *They're cute.* you thought. As you started laughing, you felt glares burning a hole into the back of your head. You slowly looked behind you and saw Sehun, Baekhyun, and Suho glaring at you. "Something wrong?" you questioned. Suho scoffed at you. "No. Not at all." he hissed. You furrowed your eyebrows and shrugged, not caring what their problem was. "We have to get home. I have school tomorrow." you said. All of them looked at you in confusion. "...School?" Baekhyun and Kai asked in unison, earning a glare to each other.

You nodded. "Mm. It's where...humans?...go and learn..about..the world?" you tried to explain. All of them looked at you and then burst into laughter. "Humans are so stupid!" Chanyeol laughed. "You need to go to 'school' to learn about the world? That's so sad." Suho laughed. You shot him a look and huffed in annoyance. "Well I'm so sorry that we didn't watch over the world from up in Heaven for years!" you shot at him. Suho smirked at you. " finally believe we're Angels?" he asked teasingly.

Your lips parted in surprise as you realized you were tricked into the question. "I..Well...I..Ugh! I don't know!" you snapped. Baekhyun chuckled and put a hand on your shoulder, leaning closer. "It's okay Sunye..just accept reality." he smirked. "No!" you yelped and started running in the direction of your home.

"W-wait!" Sehun yelled and all six of them took off after you.


When you got home, you stormed into the house and instantly walked into the kitchen. "Welcome home, Sunye-ah! How were the boys at the store?" he asked. You didn't answer and started to put the groceries away angrily.

*Stupid Suho and his no-it-all attitude. That dude really needs to lighten up.* you angrily thought as you slammed cans into the cupboards. Your appa walked in and lightly laughed. "Sunye-ah. What happened?" he asked. You looked at him, your eyes soon going towards the door as all six boys came walking in. Your father's eyes widened as he noticed the three new boys. "S-Sunye?" he questioned, turning his attention to you.

You sighed and waved towards them. "Appa, this is D.O, Kai, and Chanyeol. Guys..this is my appa." you introduced. Your father looked at you then them before holding out his hand with a large smile. "It's nice to meet you! Just call me Mr.Jung." he said happily.

D.O and Kai eagerly shook his hand and bowed in respect, but Chanyeol just stood there with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. You rolled your eyes at him and went back to putting the groceries away. *Hm...this boy reminds me of the other. Suho was it?* Mr.Jung thought. Shrugging, he turned to you. "Where did these boys...come from?" he asked. You looked at him then at the six boys behind him. "Those three.." you motioned towards Baekhyun, Suho, and Sehun. "are..friends." you lied. "Those three..." you motioned towards Kai, D.O and Chanyeol. "are friends of their's." you explained, nodding your head back in the Angel's direction.

Mr.Jung nodded slowly in understanding. "'s nice to meet you." he smiled and slightly bowed to them. Chanyeol smirked at him. *I can get used to this human if he enjoys bowing so much.* he thought.

Motioning towards the living room, he smiled again. "Do you three not have anywhere to stay as well?" he questioned. Kai's gaze traveled from D.O and Chanyeol to you. He smirked and looked at the Angel's next. "No, we don't." he answered. Mr. Jung nodded and started walking towards the basement doors. "We use the basement as a guest room when the other guest room is full. You guys can stay there if you'd like." he offered. Your eyes widened as your father led them down the stairs. *Holy crap! How is appa so open to accepting six strange boys?!* you thought, bewildered.

As the three boys followed your father downstairs, you met eyes with Kai. He smirked at you and winked before going down the stairs.

*I look forward to living with you...Sunye-ah.* he thought in amusement.

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I may not start this story until I finish the other, but please look forward to it! ^^


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exooxe #1
Omo soo good! Please please please update soon!
alyssa27 #2
Hello, I'm a new reader and I like this story~! >.< Please update soon
OoOoO what if they know him??
That would be interesting !
Anyways thanks for the update our lovely author (:
DdazzlingZYX #4
love of her life? i wanna know^^ pls update soon^^
brother ? i think so~~ well Update Soon ! hwaiting !
Her mom? Or someone else special to her? Update sooon~
Oh my gosh. These guys.. Update sooN~
DdazzlingZYX #8
lol.. this is the third story i read that the lady of the story have SHINee poster in their room, and all the EXO have problem with the poster..
Kai thinks taemin is okay. Lol. Update sooN~
lol~ Update soon~