Chapter 6

If I fell for you

Kikwang held his breath as he sat down next to Ji Eun came and sat down next to Dongwoon. He saw Ji Eun, her face brighter as she sat down next to Yoseob. She looked very happy next to Yoseob now, as if opening for Big Bang had made her the happiest person alive. Yoseob put his arm around Ji Eun again. Kikwang just sat in with his face in his hands, leaning over and just focused on the cake in front of him.

"Woah! Kikwang! You seem so focused!" Yoseob joked.

"It's nothing," He shrugged.

He didn't know what Ji Eun meant. Nothing meant sense to him. He sighed deeply. What did Ji Eun mean by acting? Was she going to be in a new drama? She was so cute in Dream High. Why was calling Ji Eun inconvienient? He was becoming even more frustrated with all the questions in his head as he knew nothing. He sat deep in thought for a while as the other members were joking and chatting around.

"Oi Kikwang! You'll clean up, will ya?" Junhyung asked.

Usually Kikwang would protest, but today he did not.

"Alright," Kikwang nodded.

"You're acting so weird hyung," Junhyung nudged playfully.

"Neh..." Kikwang shrugged.

Kikwang was now focused on his goal. His new goal was to find out what Ji Eun was talking about. What if Ji Eun was cheating on Yoseob?! FOR TAEYANG?! Kikwang silently panicked in his head as he cleared the dishes. Now he would treat Ji Eun coldly. He put her under high suspicious for cheating on his hyung! Ji Eun started helping Kikwang clear the plates, but Kikwang just ignored her. She could be cheating on his hyung!

"Let me help you," Ji Eun smiled.

"GO AWAY JI EUN," Kikwang harshly exclaimed.

Ji Eun was taken aback by Kikwang's remark. So she put the plates in the sink and retreated from Kikwang. She was confused. What had she done wrong?

"That pabo Ji Eun.." Kikwang muttered to himself as he washed the dishes.

"Kikwang..uh.." Ji Eun tried to talk as Kikwang ignored her.

"What." He bluntly put it.

"Did I do something wrong?" She tilted her head innocently.

"You want to know what you did?! I know what you did! And you know what you did! So don't even think you don't know what you did Ji Eun! You don't deserve to be loved by Yoseob!"

Now Kikwang made his assumption. His assumption had gone too far, just on one phone call on Taeyang. He decided to warn Yoseob, just in case. He had to make sure Ji Eun was clear of suspicious before he would start treating her nicely again. He glared at her as she tried to help him.

"Ji Eun! You're not helping!" He pouted.

"I'm sorry for what I did!" Ji Eun apologised.

"Be Sorry! And you're not forgiven!" Kikwang pushed her away.

Ji Eun left the kitchen, feeling sorry for herself. She bid all the BEAST members goodnight, even Kikwang who ignored her. She slipped into Yoseob's room to find him listening to his Ipod.

"What did I do wrong?" Ji Eun sunk into a corner.

"What's wrong anyway?" Yoseob asked.

"Nothing..." Ji Eun sighed.

Yoseob still thought something was up. Kikwang spied on the couple, from the slight opening of the door. Ji Eun was sighing in her corner whilst Yoseob was listening to his Ipod. Wasn't something meant to be up? Suddenly, Yoseob saw Kikwang spying on them. Yoseob immediately went into couple action. He slid next to Ji Eun, who's eyes widened as he put his arm over her shoulder.

"Yoseob?" She squirmed under his touch.

"Yeobo..Why are you so nervous?" He huskily breathed into her neck.

Kikwang's mouth dropped. The atmosphere was just getting awkward, and more awkward. Kikwang thought to himself. Weren't they just ignoring each other and now they're going to make out? Is this why Ji Eun looks so scared? Yoseob felt himself lean closer to Ji Eun. He would have to do this till Kikwang left. This was their coverup. Ji Eun, felt a weird feeling in her stomach. Her heart started beating first as Yoseob started to crawl on top of her. What was he doing?

"Yoseob you know we're-"

"Shut up Ji Eun," And he crashed his lips onto hers.

Ji Eun didn't know what he was doing, but she reacted to his kiss and enjoyed it. Yoseob didn't know what he was doing. He didn't want to go this far, but she left him with an urge for more. Ji Eun shut his eyes, when Yoseob quickly glanced over at Kikwang to see if he was still there. Yoseob let go, knowing this was wrong. And at that moment, he looked Ji Eun right in the eye.

"I love you Ji Eun," He murmured.

"Bwoh?" Ji Eun exclaimed.

Kikwang then knocked on the door. Yoseob immediately let go of Ji Eun and casually sat with her, with his arm around her.

"Hyung..uh..Was I interrupting something?" Kikwang nervously asked.

"NOPE," Ji Eun and Yoseob chimed in unison.

"I need to use your shampoo..Can I use it?" He asked.

"Sure!" Yoseob chuckled.

The second Kikwang left, Ji Eun freed herself from Yoseob.

"You did that because Kikwang was looking. I see," Ji Eun unconsciously touched her pink lips.

"Did you like it?" Yoseob joked.

"Yah Yoseob!" She grimaced.

Yoseob gave a face. He left the room and decided to go for a walk in the night. He pulled his hood over his head and slowly walked out of the dorm into the darkness. Cars ocassionally passed by and the street lights were on.

"I think I like Ji Eun," He murmured to himself.

He couldn't believe that he had said that.

"Ji Eun's so cute. Just like Suzy. I'm sorry Suzy," He apologised, looking up at the sky.

"Ji Eun likes Taeyang though...! I guess I'll just stick with Suzy. But I can make her fall for me. I can make Ji Eun fall for me. I can make her jealous that she doesn't like me. She will beomce jealous," Yoseob thought to himself, whilst he was mentally arguing to himself.

Suddenly, Suzy had slipped from his mind. It was all Ji Eun. He was mentally trying to think about Suzy, but with the situation at hand, all he could think about was what he did when Kikwang was watching.

"Maybe I'll invite Ji Eun to go on a double date with Suzy and I. She can come with Kikwang or someone from BEAST," He thought.

Yoseob's plan was all set. He didn't believe why he was thinking like this. Maybe because he had fallen for that cute girl, Ji Eun.

"Suzy? Let's go out. Ji Eun and Kikwang can come together," He quickly called Suzy who sounded overexcited to see him.

"Yay Oppa~!" She squealed.

He turned back to the dorm to find Ji Eun softly asleep. He found Kikwang in the kitchen. He slid up to Kikwang, giving his best smile. Kikwang gave him an awkward stare.

"Heyyyyyyyy hyung! I was just wondering! Me and Ji Eun want to catch up with Suzy but it's kind of weird if she's there alone because she's the third do you wanna go with her?" Yoseob quickly asked.

"Uh ok hyung!" Kikwang eyed suspiciously, but he didn't really think about it.

"She'll see me with Suzy and she'll go jelly," Yoseob rubbed his hands together and whispered to himself.

Casey's Corner

hello there~ 22 subbers! :) yayyyy~!

How is everyone? :) My exams are coming up >< nawwwwwww....IU has a new album I think~! :D or maybe not~ i was reading somewhere but i forgot >< clumsy me >< SUZY'S GOING TO BE IN A NEWWW DRAMAAA!! YAYY~~! I really liked her in DREAH HIGH~can't wait for teentop to release their minialbum >A<

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[iuseob If I Fell For You] 35 subscribers /throws confetti :) thank you !


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I really love IUseob and this fanfic!!! *3*)
Chapter 19: aww~ they're just so adorable!
I hope you make more IUSeob stories ^^
Chapter 19: Wonderful end to a wonderful story. Thanks for the great fanfic.
Chapter 19: Beautiful ending :)))
rozsatamang #6
Chapter 18: Cute <3 iusoeb
Chapter 18: Oh it's gonna end NOOO!!! They are so sweet :))
Chapter 18: Ahhh!! Wasn't that a roller coaster of drama?? I love this Fanfiction so cute!! Kek kek!! Love u Yoseob!! And IU!!!