The Witches Return

Anti Shawol!

I slowly open my eyes.



A hospital room?


The door opens. Shinee and AVJAE step through.


Rosemell and Taemin have ballons and in Minho's arms is a big fluffy white teddy bear.


"Hello we are the shining Shinee!" Shinee says as they step through the door 


"A teddy bear and balloons for Yuna!"


They tie the balloons to my bed and Minho hands me the bear. I run my fingers through the bears curly white fur.


Kila speaks "Your parents told us what happened. You fell down the stairs but it's okay, the doctor said there were no broken bones or hairline fractures."


"They said you'll be able to leave tomorrow. When you get out we'll go for ice-cream!"


"AND CHICKEN!!!!!" Onew chimes in.


"No chicken Onew." Key says. 


"Awwww... fine... Let me tell you a story Yuna!" He sits next to me on the hospital bed and begins to tell me about the dream he had last night. He was prancing through a field of chicken and singing..


at least he had sweet dreams. They all leave dragging Onew behind, he insists that he finishes his story first but i tell him he can finish tomorrow when we have ice-cream.


My head is throbbing but he made me feel a bit better. I tightly hug the teddy bear Minho got me and take in its sent.... mmmmmm... smells just like Minho... sweet...

The following day.....

They came to pick me up and we went for ice-cream. They introduced me to the last 5 steps in there operation.


Maybe this K-pop stuff isn't that bad after all....


As we talk and eat our ice-cream i notice something doesn't feel right....


i feel like someone is behind me and my body wont move as i hear a familiar and voice.


"Are you enjoying your self? Trying to do damage control by acting like they're your friends?" I turn around and see Hyo Rin.


I look up to the sky and say "Dear lord please save me. It seems that this ugly little demon is stalking me...." I look at her shocked face which quickly turns into a scrunched up what did you call me angry face.


"well thats not a pretty face, Hyo Rin" I chuckle and so does Kaeru.


She grabs the bottom of my ice-cream cone and she smashes it into my face. COLD!


"YAH!!!!!" AVJAE once again lunges at Hyo Rin with death in there eyes. She screams and is instantly knocked against the floor. I try and pull them off of her and this time i succeed. I hold them back as Hyo Rin gives me dirty looks. Then Minho intercepts.


" I don't think you realize this but Yuna IS our friend and as her friends it's our job to help protect her from people like you." The rest of Shinee stands in-between us to. Hyo Rin throws a little fit right there in the middle of the ice-cream shop then stomps out. Right before heading out the door she shoots me a look that tells me this is not over.


I may have won this battle but i am un-sure about the next.....

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Teu true *Rubs chin* SEAQUEAL!!! <(^.^<)
o.0 end story?!? End story?!? B!! ^^*
YAY!! MINA <3 *Does happy dance*
>.< pabo pabo pabo~ WHY YOU NO ACCEPT THE FACT MAN >.< TEAMIN~~~~ but taemin is not the point anyway y u such a pabo?
That there made me feel special ^^*
*Pouts* why did it end?!??????????