chapter 3 the girl who called me an anti shawol

Anti Shawol!

The following day:

I silently take my seat in class feeling overly guilty everyone stays quite and stares at me....

There's no way the news could have possibly gotten around so fast.... could it?

I whisper to Kila and ask why it's so quiet. "Because they know what you did" she replies......

one word:


To make things worse Shinee comes in with Minho at the front using his crutches to make it to his seat. Minho waves at me and gives me a smile. Is he a saint? Being so nice to the person who has crippled him? Well at least he made me feel better. Or at least until the others came by and Taemin shot me a dirty look. The rest of class was a dreadful. No one would talk to me except for Kila and when i asked to borrow notes they all scoffed and turned away to talk to others. In the hall all i could here were people whispering. Idiots. Why whisper, i already know they are talking about me. At lunch i sit with my fellow AVJAE members considering they are the only ones that will talk to me. They try to comfort me but honestly i think Seolie is just glad that it wasn't Key i ran over.

I go to throw away my leftovers when Minho calls me over. What the heck could he possibly want he tells me that instead of paying the hospital bill i will have to carry his lunch every day and due a few other things....... a few other things? What does he mean by a few other things?whatever....

A few days later:

"Yuna dear could you go pick up the food order i placed" every time we eat fast food i always have to go get it "fine" Seeing as it is my only mode of transportation i grab my bike and head out.

Inside the restaurant a i wait for my order. Hey look they have a T.V . The news reporter comes into focus and as i realize what they are talking about my stomach drops and i feel like throwing up. The news reporter continues "And as we have recently found out that the cause of Choi Minho's ankle injury was young student Jang Yuna who is stating that she "accidently" ran over Minho's ankle causing him to need a cast and crutches. Now let's go to the streets to see how others feel about this" I see the face of one of my classmates flash onto the screen, Hyo Rin "What do i think of this? honestly i am not to happy about this. In fact i find it quite suspicious about this i mean im her classmate and all and when shinee first came to our class she didnt seem to like it in fact she even shouted at Jonghyun. And then she just "accidently" runs over Minho's ankle. If you ask me i think she's is might be a .....


An anti shawol?! first of all its not like i meant to run over him and second how can Hyo Rin say something like that about me?! Now the every Shinee fan will  be calling me an anti shawol all because of Hyo Rin...

The girl who called me an anti shawol. 

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Teu true *Rubs chin* SEAQUEAL!!! <(^.^<)
o.0 end story?!? End story?!? B!! ^^*
YAY!! MINA <3 *Does happy dance*
>.< pabo pabo pabo~ WHY YOU NO ACCEPT THE FACT MAN >.< TEAMIN~~~~ but taemin is not the point anyway y u such a pabo?
That there made me feel special ^^*
*Pouts* why did it end?!??????????