
Anti Shawol!

I wave goodbye to AVJAE and Shinee and go up to my room to relax for a bit. I hang my new hoodie up in my closet and took my new headphones out too.

I blushed when i remembered his words "They look nice on you"

I set them gently on my nightstand and went to shower.


I came back to see my phone was ringing.. its Seolie


"Hey! You did good with the k-pop lessons today!" We had gone through 5 steps. 5 more to go.

"Were going out with shinee again tomorrow. Meet us at the park closest to your house, kay?"

"Okay. See you tomorrow" i hang up.

You know , for people who are suspended from school we sure are having lots of fun.


I'm sitting on a bench with AVJAE, they wave goodbye and leave. Then Minho comes along.. but he has no cast or crutches.. is this a dream?

He sits next to me and the two of us share 1 pair of headphone.....

we sit there peacefully listening to music together.

Then the music stops. We take off the headphones and look at each other..

he leans in closer to me and i close my eyes. MY GOD! IS HE GOING TO-

the bench disappears and so does Minho. Everything disappears and all i can see is darkness, darkness and my friends are nowhere in sight. I scream and turn around to see Hyo Rin cackling like a mad women.

Then i start to fall... falling into a bottomless pit of black nothing-ness, and no one comes to help me.

I just fall and fall until i turn around to see a sea of sharp jagged rocks waiting for me. And just before i hit them-

I wake up.

I sit up and immediately cover my mouth with my hand before i scream. My heart is racing. How could such a sweet dream turn into such a bitter night mare. I go downstairs to get a glass of water. I can barely stand and i feel dizzy. 

My foot misses a step and i fall forward and tumble down the stairs.

The last thing i see is my mothers scared face.

Then i black out.

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Teu true *Rubs chin* SEAQUEAL!!! <(^.^<)
o.0 end story?!? End story?!? B!! ^^*
YAY!! MINA <3 *Does happy dance*
>.< pabo pabo pabo~ WHY YOU NO ACCEPT THE FACT MAN >.< TEAMIN~~~~ but taemin is not the point anyway y u such a pabo?
That there made me feel special ^^*
*Pouts* why did it end?!??????????