
Anti Shawol!

The next day at karaoke....

SHINee was singing there hearts out. It felt good to see Minho be able to dance around again. They were singing Replay and i i noticed something strange..




he had been staring at Kila the entire time..... maybe he..... no, never mind.


Me and the other female members of AVJAE sang Oh by SNSD, then we sang Roly Poly by T-ara, but it was a little embarrassing having to do the dances.


I noticed a few more weird thing when we were singing to. Taemin (once again) had his eyes only on Kila, while Key looked only at Seolie (which is to be expected since they're dating). But oddly enough Minho seemed to look at me a lot. Whatever... i'm sure its just my imagination.


Once we left we went to a midnight carnival.


I join Rosemell and Onew for a ride on the merry go round. I look around and see Minho take a picture of me on the merry go round. I was instantly concerned by what i saw. I wasn't surprised by Minho, but by what i saw behind him in the distance. Kila, heading in the direction of the bathrooms, and trailing behind her were 2 suspicious (and might i add, large) men. And i didnt like those creepy grins on there faces.


The merry go round stops and i grab Rosemell and dash of in Kila's direction. 

"Where are you going!" Minho calls out. Then he begins running after me. On my way towards Kila i bring Kaeru and Seolie. 


We get to the women's bathroom and i barge in. I search every where but Kila is no where in sight. I come out and AVJAE asks me why we are here.

"I saw two guys following Kila. She was going to the bathroom but she's not in there."

After hearing this no one looked okay we all searched furiously. We finally found her in a alley close by the carnival..... but she was being cornered by the two guys from earlier.


Enraged , AVJAE attacked furiously. How dare the guys try to harm our Kila!


In a matter of seconds the two were flat on there backs. while we checked on Kila we didn't notice that Taemin had gone into a fit of rage, repeatedly puching one of the dudes. Once we noticed we had to help pull Taemin off. Once he had calmed down he looked up at Kila, he checked if she was okay then pulled her into a tight hug. At that moment we all heard him. He had whispered in Kila's ear three special little words


"Kila.. i love you."

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Teu true *Rubs chin* SEAQUEAL!!! <(^.^<)
o.0 end story?!? End story?!? B!! ^^*
YAY!! MINA <3 *Does happy dance*
>.< pabo pabo pabo~ WHY YOU NO ACCEPT THE FACT MAN >.< TEAMIN~~~~ but taemin is not the point anyway y u such a pabo?
That there made me feel special ^^*
*Pouts* why did it end?!??????????