chapter 1 putting up with it all

Anti Shawol!

"Yuna! Wake up! You'll be late for school!"

i here my mothers voice and her hand is shaking me. Crap. Time to wake up....wait..did she just say i'm gonna be late?What time is it!? I look at my clock. 7:53 class starts at 8:00! CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP!!!!!!!!!!

I race to get ready. Quicky brushing my teeth, putting on my uniform, and brush and comb my hair until it doesn't look as if i had just woken up. I dash out the door full speed while grabbing a granola bar. I shred the wrapper to pieces toss it to the floor and jam the granola bar in my mouth as i hastily un chain my bike, hop on and dash down the street.

5 minutes later i arrive at the school. 2 minutes till class, i come barreling down the hallway knocking over 3 students, 2 janitors, and 1 teacher resulting in 1 Friday detention. I burst through the classroom door and take my seat, thank god i have made it. All the students around me are chattering and the girls continue to giggle. What are they talking about? Kila sees me sitting at my desk and dashes over slapping a newspaper onto my desk. It read


So what, a bunch of pretty boys are coming to my school today "And i should care why?" i say to Kila " You know i don't care for this kind of stuff so why show this to me." she gives me a look and says "you're no fun sometimes!" then goes back to her desk as the bell rings, everyone else takes there seats as well. The teacher walks in and gives us a warm smile "Good morning class. I trust that you have all heard the news about our new students. Boys come on in" the 5 of them step through the door and introduce themselves. Whatever i couldn't care less. The teacher asks them to take a seat. Great, just great they all sit to the right of me... this . The teacher speaks again "Okay class take out you're text books and  flip to page 35. Now boys since you are new here would any of you like to share with them?" All the other girls scramble around crowding around them saying " pick me ! pick me!" Disgusting...

All of them eventually accept a textbook.. all except for one... and he keeps looking in my direction. Then he points to me and says "I want to use your text book." So what if he wants to use it... what was his name again.. Jonghyun? "So what . i don't know if you have noticed but i kinda want to keep my text book" He gets out of his seat and takes my text book. I snatch it back and yell "WHO THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?" I can see the shock on his face. He sits back down and the other girls swarm around him again. Good! Let them give up there text books, but i for one refuse to give in to a bunch of pretty boys. 

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Teu true *Rubs chin* SEAQUEAL!!! <(^.^<)
o.0 end story?!? End story?!? B!! ^^*
YAY!! MINA <3 *Does happy dance*
>.< pabo pabo pabo~ WHY YOU NO ACCEPT THE FACT MAN >.< TEAMIN~~~~ but taemin is not the point anyway y u such a pabo?
That there made me feel special ^^*
*Pouts* why did it end?!??????????