Anti Shawol!

The next day:







WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why must she say these kinds of things. AND ON LIVE T.V.

As i wait in the lunch line i give her a intence stare.then 2 girls cut infront of me. Okay i can handle this. than another girl skips me. Okay.......

than a group of 5 skips.

WHAT. THE .FOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who the heck do they think they are!? I swiftly cut infront of them and they give me the look and the girls sitting at other tables childishly throw crumpled paper at me. Then Hyo Rin got the nerve to knock my luch tray out of my hand. I lost it.


I didnt realize the situation i had gotten my self into until my hand rose up and slapped her. Hard.

I quickly walked out the cafeteria and went up to the roof for some fresh air. I sat down with my back against the wall and put my head in my hands. Ready to let the tears flow, until shinee came through the door, and i didn't want them to see me cry. Minho struggled to sit down next to me and then propped his crutches up against the wall. Onew stepped towards me "I dont do this for just anyone but... you want my chicken?" he handed me the chicken from his lunch then Taemin handed me a brownie.

Were they actually being nice to me? And Onew...... GAVE UP CHICKEN???!!!!!?!?!?!?

The other shinee members left me alone with Minho as they went to go talk to Hyo Rin about what she did.....

But only a minute or so later Key came bursting through the door and told us to come back to the cafeteria . I could here fear in his voice and he look as though he had saw something horrible.

Well that was because he had seen something horrible, but i didn't know that until i came down.

When i came back to the cafeteria i was shocked to see that Seolie had Hyo Rin in a hedlock   while Rosemell pulled her hair and Kila...... well she looked as though she was about to scratch out Hyo Rin's eyes. The other AVJAE members had gone berserk and were about o kill the wicked little Hyo Rin.

All except for Kaeru who stood there panicking and Shinee was trying to pull them apart.

I dash over to help but Hyo Rin pulls me into the fight to. I'm just about to shove a handful of potato salad up her nose when the principal breaks us apart.

And you know what, we got suspended.

Yep AVJAE, Hyo Rin and Shinee,


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Teu true *Rubs chin* SEAQUEAL!!! <(^.^<)
o.0 end story?!? End story?!? B!! ^^*
YAY!! MINA <3 *Does happy dance*
>.< pabo pabo pabo~ WHY YOU NO ACCEPT THE FACT MAN >.< TEAMIN~~~~ but taemin is not the point anyway y u such a pabo?
That there made me feel special ^^*
*Pouts* why did it end?!??????????