
3,652 Days


2766. The Day Suho Returned from the Military

                “Hyung!” Sehun cried, pulling away from the group to jump into Suho’s arms.  He seemed to revert back into a teenager despite being twenty-five, refusing to let go of the leader even when the others reached them.

                Suho met Chanyeol’s eyes, almost shocked by the familiar sparkle he had missed for years.  When they had all settled down in the van, Suho nudged him with his elbow.

                “He took care of you.”

                Chanyeol’s eyes widened.  “What?”

                “Kris-hyung.  He kept his promise.  I haven’t seen you so happy in ages.  He must really take care of you.”

                Taken aback, Chanyeol gave Suho a playful shove.  “Shut up.”

                “You miss him?”

                “Of course, but he’ll be back soon.  For now you should worry about Baekhyun.  That one pouts whenever he’s away from his phone.”

                Suho’s eyebrows furrowed.  “Why?”

                “Because then he won’t be able to send his nudes to Tao.”  Chanyeol snickered as Baekhyun shot a glare from beside him and Suho’s eyes doubled in size.

                “It’s gross but true,” Kai muttered.  “Thank god you’re back, hyung.  I don’t think we can survive without you.”

                Chanyeol nodded in agreement, but as he watched Suho interact with the others, aged two years, he found himself realizing that he too would have to enlist soon, to leave s, to leave Kris.


2789. The Day EXO-M Returned from the Second Set of Yearlong Promotions in China

                “He passed out here last night and hasn’t moved since,” Suho explained.

                “He hasn’t been drinking, has he?” Kris asked, walking closer to the boy on the couch.

                “Not that I know of.”

                “Okay, I’ll take care of it.”

                Suho nodded and left the living room as Kris crouched down to Chanyeol’s eye level.  He tried everything—poked, prodded, shook, sat on—but the man wouldn’t budge.  He took a closer look and saw Junior poking out from beneath Chanyeol’s blanket and took hold of the stuffed animal, tugging at the ears.  Chanyeol groaned and gripped onto the giraffe, nuzzling his face into the fur.  With a chuckle, Kris grasped the giraffe’s body and pulled it out of the other’s hands, causing Chanyeol’s eyelids to flutter open, a protest on the tip of his tongue.  He blinked at the man before him a few times before rubbing his eyes and gawking at Kris.


                “No, it’s Luhan.”

                Chanyeol sat up and stared some more because it looked like Kris, but Luhan did resemble him sometimes and maybe he had hit a growth spurt in China and—

                The leader pressed his lips against the other’s lightly, smiling when he caught sight of Chanyeol’s look of utter confusion.

                “Of course it’s me, dummy.  What are you doing on the couch?”

                “I thought we were picking you guys up at the airport.”

                “So you slept on the couch?”

                Chanyeol shook his head.  “Baekhyun kept saying Tao’s name in his sleep and it was kind of disgusting.”  He took Kris’s hand in his and grinned.  “You’re really home, hyung.”

                “I’m really home.”

                “You stole Junior.”

                “I didn’t steal him.  You just wouldn’t wake up otherwise.”

                “You stole him.”

                “I’m the one that gave him to you in the first place.”

                Chanyeol reached for his beloved giraffe, but Kris pulled back.  “Give him back, hyung.”

                “Nope.”  Kris stuck his tongue out and dashed off, Chanyeol on his heels.

                “What are you, five?” Suho yelled when the two crossed him in the hallway.

                “Sorry, hyung!”  Chanyeol caught hold of Kris’s arm as they entered his bedroom and threw him against the wall.  He knew that teasing look on his face all too well.  “Give him back.”


                “Give him.”

                “What’s so important about Junior anyway?”

                Chanyeol stopped reaching for the stuffed toy.  “What?”

                “What’s so important about him?”

                “You gave him to me.”


                “So that’s what’s so important about him.”

                Kris put Junior into Chanyeol’s hands and murmured, “What about me?”

                “What about you?”

                “What’s important about me?”

                Chanyeol pretended to mull it over, placing Junior on his mattress.  “Nothing.”

                Kris’s jaw fell open and he looped his arm around the shorter man’s neck, putting him in a headlock.  “What?”

                Giggling, Chanyeol pushed Kris’s hands away and s his arms around his waist, snuggling into him for the first time in a year.  He closed his eyes and forgot about their past troubles, forgot about the sleepless nights without his Kris, forgot about his military duties, only clinging on tighter.  “Everything.”




Why is this so fluffy omg.

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So sorry guys, I don't think I'll be able to update until the weekend. :(


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Chapter 19: the only thig crossed my mind once i finished it was: why haven’t i read this before?.
i rly loved it, it made me long for krisyeol a lot.
thank u author-nim.
Chapter 19: Our Dragon and Phoenix ♡
Chapter 19: Damn. Why I just read this? This is so good. Like really really good. It has everything that I need. Angst, fluff and . It feels weird to read it now. Since we know what happen to Kris. But this is really good. Krisyeol should get married and move to Canada.
Chapter 19: This is making me sad T_T
Chapter 19: gawd i miss krisyeol ;w;
chanriskrisyeol #6
Chapter 19: Sweet!!! That's cool!
Chapter 7: Kris just giving the best present ever for Chanyeol hihihihgagagaghahha
Chapter 19: AAAAAAAAahhhhhh !!!!!!! *PANTTS* *WHEEZEES* WELP that was beautiful!!! Soooo fullfilling! Gyah thank u for writing this and sharing this with us XD XD
Chapter 18: AhAasgggdhfdkieuhejkk:eiwdjslalakBBBBBb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aharrshgdjkridjjdksksdjdzhdBBBB!!!b!!0kKRUSYEOLBABIES!!!! MARRYING