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"Hey appa~~~ where are you? sungyeol was running in the house looking for his has been years they are grown up and in highschool already...spending in U.S for years makes their lives moved on...

"Yahhhh!!!! stop running you jerk!!! mungsoo yelled out as sungyeol bump unto him....

"Mehrong!!!! sungyeol childishly teased his brother...

"Ahhhh!!!! just wait and see if i catch you, you will be dead.....myungsoo warning him making a pissed off face to him...

"Try to...sungyeol stick his tongue...

"Crazy,,,why is he like childish....myungsoo mumbled annoyingly...

"Apppa~~~~ sungyeol shouted....

"Yaahhhh stop shouting your voice is so irritating....myungsoo complain...

"Shirheo..cover your ears with your headphones so that you wont hear me....sungyeol mocked at him...

"Haissstttt...myungsoo run try to catch sungyeol but sungyeol saw him approaching so he sped up towards their appa's room screaming like a girl...

"Appa~~~ appa~~~ sungyeol hid in between their appas who were on bed....

"Hey what are you two doing? young saeng asked as they jumped up on bed in surprise,,they were resting anyway from work..

"Myungsoo wants to hit me,,,,sungyeol covers his face with the blanket that was wrapped around their appas a while ago....

"Yaahhh im not hitting you liar,,myungsoo grinned...

"Then why are you chasing me? sungyeol asked under the blanket...

"Because you are so annoying you keeps shouting like a kid,,,myungsoo complained...

"non of your business anyway,,just mind your own,,,sungyeol said still under the blanket...

"Ahhh,,,,myungsoo wiggle in frustration knowing he can't win over his annoying brother...

"The couple were just watching how the two converse....

"Appa im not annoying,,,tell him to go...sungyeol shook his appa's arm and said...

"Ok,,stop it's too early it's only 6am and did you know what time did we got home? huh,,we are resting...young saeng told them...

"Ani..the two shook their heads...

"ahhhhh,,why i can't have a peaceful sleep with this two...young saeng murmured...

"Did you just got home late again? myungsoo asked...

"As usual 5am,,,,so can you give us time to sleep? it's vacation you should have spending more time on bed...hyun joong answered and told the two...

"we can't sleep that long...sungyeol spoke removing the blanket...

"Appa,,,we are bored already...can't we go somewhere for vacation? please? myungsoo sitted on the bed..

"But we are busy,,,your abeoji were in korea now...unless we shift our work,,we in korea and they will manage here again like before...hyun joong said,,

"Then why don't you shift...appa,,i want to see korea again,,,we were just 5 when we left korea right? i miss sunggyu hyung...and gyuri noona..myungsoo suggested...

"and eomma....sungyeol added sulking his lower lip.

"the two stunned and glare to sungyeol and myungsoo...

"The two kids laughed,,we're just joking...we just want to go back there,,,and can we just study's really boring here...they said and complained..

"Are you sure?the two questioned...

"They nodded...

"we can't..go back to your room now,,,young saeng answered eyeing them and went back to his sleep...

"Appa~~~ sungyeol shook his appa pestering for it...

"Stop it sungyeol,,,im sleepy don't talk to me now..let's just talk about it later...young saeng hold his son on the waist trapping the both hands...

"appa...myungsoo coldly approach hyunjoong appa...

"Hyunjoong patted him on the head...let's talk about it later...appa is tired,,,we can't think about it...

"sungyeol went out from bed whinning...

"Appa if you are worried about eomma,,,i mean about ajjuma,,,don't worry the reason why we want to go back in korea is not because of them,,we just want to have a comfortable life in there...sungyeol really wants to go back home to korea that much,,,myungsoo said seriously and turn around...

"this is your home now,,,youngsaeng spoke softly not even looking at their son...

"Myungsoo stopped for a while and then left the room...




"myungie...why appa doesn't want to go back there? i really want to see korea again..i don't have friends in here...they are all mean to me...sungyeol wrapped his arms around his knees...

"because you are annoying,,,myungsoo rolled his eyes and switch on the tv and turn to korean tv shows..

"sungyeol was silent,,,,myungsoo was seriously thinkng at how they can persuade their appas about it...

"let's go out...i want to get fresh air..and let's play at the arcade...myungsoo suggested...

"Your treat? sungyeol said..

"How can i treat you...we don't have cash....

"Then let's withdraw first...since credit cards are not used at the arcade...i want to shop for clothes too....sungyeol brighten up his mood..

"They both look at each other and rapidly run their pace towards their room and get prepared....

"After few minutes they all done and left home,, not disturbing their appa from their room...

"they played, enjoy their selves and shop things for themselves,clothes,, perfumes,accesories,,myungsoo bought a new guitar....

"Hey  i think that was your 5th guitar already,,,,frustrated musician...sungyeol teased...

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monica_ss501 #1
Well done my dearest and most fav author ever :)

I really wish that Young Saeng and Hyun Joong read your story atleast once, especially the second one, I am sure, despite their uality, they will fall in love with each other, like the way I fell in love with hyunsaeng... :)..An unrelated note: I always imagined myself to be Young Saeng while reading all your stories, it feels amazing to just imagine being loved by Hyun Joong both physically and emotionally..:)

God should seriously bless you for making me happy during lockdown with your stories. I wish I could meet you once in my life.

Hey, do check out another most fav story which made me happy and sad at the same time.

<a href="">;<;/a>
Chapter 32: I cried a lot when you killed the couple it did break my heart felt like I'm living the story I wish I was a boy I wish this story was real ...
Georgettejolie #3
Hyunseang couple
plstop #4
Chapter 30: hi! i just read this story but i finished the other two, years ago.. I really love your the 3 seres of your story but i love this one more.. i cried and cried then it led me to think when I meet my fated one.. and then i thought of what if one of us died early or if we both die at the same time.. thinking i want our love to continue for decades and decade.. for ever and ever... i really love how you concluded your story at the end... "its always a matter of decision,,,a matter of choice,,yourself will be the one making your fate, right destination and you forever soulmate..." this is what you concluded.. i believe so to... keep up the good work.. hope u get more inspirations to inspire other people as well... :)
Chapter 32: awwww..nice ending unnie!!! i'm tearing up now!
thankyu so much for writing this precious 3 stories!! i could never forget this..wanna read it again and're a great author! <3 hahaa if someone ask who is my favourite author, i'l surely mention your name!!!
one day u'll find your sweet love,so don't worry unnie <3
<3 comsahamnida unnie <3
Chapter 32: Thank you for a wonderful story,dear friend..loved each and every episode of the 3 parts of this story!Hope you write more like this..
Chapter 32: Yeay! chukahae unnie for finishing this sequel..
i'm teary...sobs. but still HyunSaeng fighting...keke..
hope you'll make another daebak story about HyunSaeng again!
Chapter 32: so nice for u to update this one too n read ur little description in the end n i feel that u are some1 who understands love n u will be meeting some1 precious in ur life. i had lots of heart breaking in my life due to one person bt some1 healed it for me n i am thankful to god that he is with me now
oh god m crying so much more than ur previous stories. i like it bt its so much heart breaking i would never gather so much strength to even think a story plot like this since i always read stories with happy endings only because it just makes me so sad after i read stories like this and my mind will be so sad and hung on it for like so many days plz write sweet endings for this